posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Although I am fairly new on ATS, I share the old timers' lamentations of the sheer volume of far too many posts of poor quality that now flood the
ATS forums. There still are many gems of posts, but they are being buried in a flood of posts of poor quality, like how gold gets covered up by tons
of gravel overburden. Too much fugly gravel, too little gold.
So, as a transcript team editor for two websites ( and, I will like to share some of my tools of trade
that I use every day and have used them for assisting my posting here on ATS. I use them ALL the time, so feel free to use them frequently. If a
professional writer/editor uses these tools all the time, shouldn't you?
The first one... ...
... is a must-have tool that I use ALL the time. It's great for typing in words -- wrong spellings and all -- and it'll correct you very quickly, as
well as come up with suggestions and alternate words. If you find words that have those red, dotted lines below them as you type out your post, that
means that the word is misspelled -- copy that word and put it into your entry. Open up a new tab and use that one for the url.
If you are stumped for a word, then use this one... ... a very useful tool for you to find the word that you need. Just type in the closest word that you can think of and look up the list of synonyms;
pick the next-closest word that you can find in the list of synonyms and try to find the list of synonym words that are associated with that new one,
if you want.
For help with grammar/structure of your sentences, this one... ... very helpful. It's easy-to-read and you can get help quickly for any help that you may need for composing your posts.
And, of course, this one... always a useful tool -- or a different search engine that you may prefer (I like for snoop-free searching) -- with which you can
check on certain words or topics while you compose. I use search engines all the time. Also be sure to use the ATS "Google Custom Search" box
that is always up at the far right corner box... BUT use that in a separate browser, so that you would not lose your work that you may have composed
so far.
I find it useful to frequently copy/paste the composition that I'm writing into an open e-mail window -- that way I can have my work saved as I go
along, just in case I screw up and accidentally erase a post that I'm composing. Sometimes I save my posts 4 or 5 times as it grows in length.
I want to repeat this, as it is important: USE the ATS Google Custom Search box frequently -- especially when you are about to compose a new
thread. Use it.
Common Topics
Please refer to this thread... ...
...about any topics that you may be about to compose in a new thread. Follow those guidelines and use the ATS Google Custom Search box up at
the far-right corner of the ATS page. Before posting a new thread, always check with the ATS Google Custom Search box before posting a new
thread -- most frequently, the topic that you are about to discuss will have been discussed before and do check out the above-mentioned thread for
guidelines for posting about common topics.
FAR TOO MANY posts have huge blocks of paragraphs, even an entire page that is one freak'n-A paragraph. This one BUGS me, man! Please, for the ease
of reading, DO break up your paragraphs and try to keep your paragraphs to six sentences or less. Try to have NO more than seven sentences in any
paragraph, please.
Separate Tab
I find it very useful to have the tab in which I am posting a new post in ATS in its OWN tab -- all by itself; that way, this minimizes the chance of
your accidentally clicking on something that would open a new window in your tab, thus erasing the post that you may have spent some time composing.
This has happened to me several times and, believe me, I get pissed when 15, 20 minutes of my work disappears in an instant. So, when you are
composing an ATS post, have it in its own tab all by itself; for the other ones, like the dictionary ones, just open them up in a new browser.
(Techies: correct me if the term "browser" is not correct, please.)
Attacking/Flaming The Poster
This happens far too many times. Far too many flaming, name-calling and negative criticisms are going on in the ATS forums. DO NOT attack the poster;
if you must attack, attack the ideas, not the messenger. If you are calling people the following:
"Idiot" -- you are being the idiot calling someone else an idiot.
"Ignorant" -- you are being ignorant in your calling someone else ignorant.
"Stupid" -- you are being stupid calling someone else stupid.
"Fool" -- you are being a fool in calling someone else a fool.
So do you get the point? You are being the very thing that you call others. Point out the flaws in someone's reasoning -- dumb as they may appear,
"dumb" as in the ideas, NOT the messenger -- but DO NOT attack the messenger/poster. Period!
If you find ANY post that flames, that attacks the poster/messenger, DO NOT respond to that post -- simply hit the "Alert" button that is at
the bottom of every single post and send it to the staff. Let them take care of the flamer. The staff are loaded with very good fire extinguishers and
they are good at wielding them. They've seen it all in these forums, believe me. So use the alert button!
I repeat: hit the "Alert" button for any post that flames, calls names and belittles others.
The Golden Rule
~~Treat other posters as you would want them to treat you.
~~Call others names as you would want to be called.
~~Flame others as you would want them to flame you.
~~Shoot others as you would want to be shot.
~~Be as nice to other posters as you want to be treated nice.
~~Give respect to others as you would want to be respected.
~~Star and flag others as you want to be starred and flagged.
[edit on 18-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]