Bush Says: �We're dealing with first-time responders to make sure they've got what's needed to be able to respond.� � Bush, 3/27/2002
Bush Does: Bush had been saying that he was proposing $3.5 billion in �new� money for first responders. However, his budget tried to cut more than $1
billion out of existing grants to local police/fire departments to fund this. Then, in August of 2002, Bush rejected $150 million for grants to state
and local first responders. Bush�s decision prompted the President of the Firefighters Union to say, �President Bush, don't lionize our fallen
brothers in one breath, and then stab us in the back by eliminating funding for our members to fight terrorism and stay safe.� The President of the
Virginia firefighters association said, �The president has merely been using firefighters and their families for one big photo opportunity.�
Bush Says: �We're working hard to make sure your job is easier, that the port is safer. The Customs Service is working with overseas ports and
shippers to improve its knowledge of container shipments, assessing risk so that we have a better feel of who we ought to look at, what we ought to
worry about.� � Bush, 6/24/02
Bush Does: The President�s 2003 and 2004 budget provides zero for port security grants. The GOP Congress has provided only $250 million for port
security grants (35% less than authorized). Additionally, in August, the President vetoed all $39 million for the Container Security Initiative which
he specifically touted.
Bush Says: �A secure and efficient border is key to our economic security.� � Bush, 9/9/02
Bush Does: While Bush did hold a photo-op to sign legislation promising more INS/Border Patrol staff and facilities, his budget provided no additional
money for this. Additionally, in August, Bush vetoed $6.25M for promised pay upgrades for Border Patrol agents. Additionally, he vetoed all $39
million for the Container Security Initiative. His 2004 Budget slashes total total �Border and Transportation Security� by $284 million.
Bush Says: �This is a hospital, but it's also - it's a place full of love. And I was most touched by meeting the parents and the kids and the nurses
and the docs, all of whom are working hard to save lives. I want to thank the moms who are here. Thank you very much for you hospitality�There's a
lot of talk about budgets right now, and I'm here to talk about the budget. My job as the President is to submit a budget to the Congress and to set
priorities, and one of the priorities that we've talked about is making sure the health care systems are funded.� � Bush, Egleston Children's
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia 3/1/01
Bush Does: Bush�s first budget proposed cutting grants to children�s hospitals like the one he visited by 15% ($34 million). His 2004 budget
additionally proposes to cut 30% ($86 million) out of grants to children�s hospitals.
Bush Says: "Part of being a secure America is to encourage home ownership" He also went on to talk about his experience meeting the residents
saying, "You know, today I went to the -- to some of the homes -- met some of the homeowners in [their] newly built homes and all you've got to do
is shake their hand and listen to their stories and watch the pride that they exhibit when they show you the kitchen and the stairs...They showed me
their home. They didn't show me somebody else's home, they showed me their home. And they are so proud to own their home and I want to thank them
for their hospitality, because it helps the American people really understand what it means." � Bush at the Carver Homes in Atlanta, which is
supported by a HUD Hope VI grant [6/17/02]
Bush Does: According to AP, �President Bush's proposed 2004 budget for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, announced Monday, phases
out HOPE VI� the program Bush visited and touted in Atlanta. �Renee Glover, executive director of the Atlanta Housing Authority said. �We didn't
anticipate that HOPE VI would be eliminated.�� [AP, 2/5/2003]
I was expecting the 'sources' to be left of center; but all numbers highlighting his double speak come from the Associated Press, Washington
Post, the House Appropriations Comittee and his own budget!!
When some of you heralded Bush as bringing 'dignity' back to the White House, was that usage of the word code for bold face lies!?!