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NWO being setup for the "left behinds"?

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 08:53 PM
The theory is, the current efforts to gain more control for a central power is so that when "2012" hits and the majority of people on earth ascend into the next "level, vibration, dimension" and the one's that haven't will be left to serve under that power.

Why? Well lets look at the flow of information from both sides where people may end up after "2012". As time has gone by the information has been kept a secret and has been slowly released. One side the "elites" knew and the other side the "indigenous" people. The elites were power hungry and have been trying to get everyone they can under their system of control and manipulation all they while killing off anyone who speaks of peace aka the "indigenous" people. It basically comes down to materialist vs those who live in harmony with their environment. The elites have been always obsessed with the body and making it feel good while the indigenous have been all about the earth/universe and being one with it. Totally opposite religions. Ying/Yang. Good/Evil.

This has been a thought of mine for only a few days now so I'm keeping this post short but I'd like to invite all of you to test the theory.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:33 PM
Actually i remember reading the first book of the "left behind"series and watching the movie they made....if you think about it...the book is kinda of coming to the book if im correct the NWO was set up after people disappeared and during the whole Israel and(i cant remember the other country)conflict right, as it starts...i read it like in middle school

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by MAB19

Sounds interesting. I'm looking into it now.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

actaully yea i didnt read it.I read like 13 pages and decided to watched the movie instead haha

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by MAB19

I'm downloading the 3 movies now

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

when "2012" hits and the majority of people on earth ascend
into the next "level, vibration, dimension" and the one's
that haven't will be left to serve under that power.

It doesn't seem like such a stretch to think that some of those who ascend may choose to keep an eye on what happens for those who don't.

Totally opposite religions. Ying/Yang. Good/Evil.

You might want to read about what yin yang is before you make a statement like that.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

they made 2 more ???lol i think i might download them to...i jus saw the first 1

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by DarkStar86

oh yea,the movies is based on the rapture,like they will show ppl with bibles disappearing,its not based on the new age type stuff... even thou they kind of intertwine

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 11:18 PM
There isn't going to be any kind of ascension unless the person dies. They wont just magically disappear. Their BODIES will die and their SOUL will ascend. However you look at it its all connected with the soul.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by creaton91
There isn't going to be any kind of ascension unless the person dies. They wont just magically disappear. Their BODIES will die and their SOUL will ascend. However you look at it its all connected with the soul.

When did I state the connection between body and soul at anytime?

I agree only the "soul" will ascend.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:13 AM
Left behinds?The last thing you want to be is a left behind,because there will be no "behind"only a forward.

God is easily able to seperate those with vision from the rest of his herd,the best will be chosen according to what some greater power in that moment will deem the qualities that are best.We dont know what qualities are desirable , and I personally believe that it is nothing personal and has little to do with your genetic history,you just need to be a human in need who chooses to leave here,and yes its for the rest of your life.

Did you ever think it would be as simple as just choosing?

Somehow we think that nothing could be that easy.This is a symptom of how sick we are as a species,we think that everything has a price BUT THAT WE OURSELVES ARE OF SUCH LITTLE VALUE THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A NEED TO PAY FOR OUR OWN SALVATION.

I would be concerned about people who dont seem to grasp the idea that there could be an Earth change coming and there are technologically advanced humans trying to save or preserve as many of us as possible.

I mean if you cant grasp the idea that we were geneticlly altered primates that were created for a specific and non-divine purpose then you will not walk onto a ship to be saved,period.

Only about 15% are even able to grasp these ideas anyways and some of us will choose to stat here with our families so there should be a last minute seat sale.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:22 AM
I have a few questions so that we can be on the same page.

The theory is, the current efforts to gain more control for a central power is so that when "2012" hits and the majority of people on earth ascend into the next "level, vibration, dimension"

What do you mean by "level", "vibration", and "dimension"?

As time has gone by the information has been kept a secret and has been slowly released.

Who is releasing this information?

One side the "elites" knew and the other side the "indigenous" people.

The "indigenous" people what?

Give me real-life examples of "Elite", and "Indigenous".

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Left behinds?The last thing you want to be is a left behind,because there will be no "behind"only a forward.

God is easily able to seperate those with vision from the rest of his herd,the best will be chosen according to what some greater power in that moment will deem the qualities that are best.We dont know what qualities are desirable , and I personally believe that it is nothing personal and has little to do with your genetic history,you just need to be a human in need who chooses to leave here,and yes its for the rest of your life.

Did you ever think it would be as simple as just choosing?

Somehow we think that nothing could be that easy.This is a symptom of how sick we are as a species,we think that everything has a price BUT THAT WE OURSELVES ARE OF SUCH LITTLE VALUE THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A NEED TO PAY FOR OUR OWN SALVATION.

I would be concerned about people who dont seem to grasp the idea that there could be an Earth change coming and there are technologically advanced humans trying to save or preserve as many of us as possible.

I mean if you cant grasp the idea that we were geneticlly altered primates that were created for a specific and non-divine purpose then you will not walk onto a ship to be saved,period.

Only about 15% are even able to grasp these ideas anyways and some of us will choose to stat here with our families so there should be a last minute seat sale.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Unregistered

What do you mean by "level", "vibration", and "dimension"?

Who is releasing this information?

The "indigenous" people what?

Give me real-life examples of "Elite", and "Indigenous".

When I say level, vibration, and dimension I'm referring to the theory about ascension that will take place around 2012. There is plenty of information out there on it.

Who is releasing this information? Many such as whistle-blowers, eye witnesses, researchers. Again, plenty of information out there you can search for.

The "indigenous" are the people who were the original culture of a geographical area. Mayans, Hopi, Aborigines. The "elites" are the Bilderberg group attendees, the heads of the banking systems, religious systems, government.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by one4all
Left behinds?The last thing you want to be is a left behind,because there will be no "behind"only a forward.

God is easily able to seperate those with vision from the rest of his herd,the best will be chosen according to what some greater power in that moment will deem the qualities that are best.We dont know what qualities are desirable , and I personally believe that it is nothing personal and has little to do with your genetic history,you just need to be a human in need who chooses to leave here,and yes its for the rest of your life.

Did you ever think it would be as simple as just choosing?

Somehow we think that nothing could be that easy.This is a symptom of how sick we are as a species,we think that everything has a price BUT THAT WE OURSELVES ARE OF SUCH LITTLE VALUE THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A NEED TO PAY FOR OUR OWN SALVATION.

I would be concerned about people who dont seem to grasp the idea that there could be an Earth change coming and there are technologically advanced humans trying to save or preserve as many of us as possible.

I mean if you cant grasp the idea that we were geneticlly altered primates that were created for a specific and non-divine purpose then you will not walk onto a ship to be saved,period.

Only about 15% are even able to grasp these ideas anyways and some of us will choose to stat here with our families so there should be a last minute seat sale.

You are entitled to you're own opinion about god(s). I personally dislike the concept due to lack of evidence or logic. ET's would fit in more likely.

Yes I have thought about how it is as simple as a choice. I believe that you don't need to worship, sacrifice, anything to ascend. You simply need to be a positive entity and choose a path of doing good for all, not just self.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Im not sure what you are talking about,but the only"ascension"will be off planet while earth changes happen then settle down,thats it thats all,there is no science fiction involved,and if we have to stay off-world long enough,then some of us who are alive right now will live out the rest of our lives off-planet and our children will return home as 40yr olds.

Disclosure happened the day the internet was made available to the public.

We will all discover that the technologically advanced humans that are helping us are still searching for their own god or creator just like we have been,the only difference being that they accept that the physical body can be in many forms and hold a soul and still be a creation of god,they seek the origin of the essence or the soul in their quest for their creator,they accept the logic of science and can create or reproduce physical bodies or clones like we can.

Governments are working on their own agendas and yes people will survive here on the planet,with or without government underground bases to hide in,it will be safer above ground anyway.

Most world governments are angry that they have been ignored and have not been given the power to select who leaves and who stays when the time is right,mostly because they all know very well what is going to happen and they dont know if they will be saved,they feel powerless and they really are.

Anyone who wants to go will be saved,anyone who wants to stay can stay,anyone who tries to interfere with the free will of the ones who want to leave,will be dealt with using force.BUT NO ONE WILL BE FORCED TO DO ANYTHING THEY DONT WANT TO EXCEPT GOVERNMENTS ,RELIGONS,AND OTHER MANIPULATIVE ENTITIES.

These groups will all realise they are powerless at the same moment,or at least the entire world will know at the same moment.

This will be the first time in humanities history that everyone on earth will be truly FREE TO EXCERCISE FREE WILL AND CHOOSE THEIR OWN DESTINY.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:51 PM
This service to self and service to others in the hope to "ascend"or whatever is being misinterpreted.

Service to others means--when the time comes to abandon everything material and all religous beliefs that prevent survival of the many,you will step onto a ship without hesitation because your action of doing so will be in the service of all of humanity not just yourself.

Service to self means--when the above happens you will not be able to comprehend the absolute abandonment of all of the things that build your reality things which are mostly material or power based which are in essence services to your self,you will demand that the government shoot down the ships unless you get your own chance to say who gets on and where they go ect.You need appeal to the masses for fairnees of some form in order to manipulate so you can control your own destiny as an individual irregardless of the impact on the whole group.

Vibration is probably the same thing that little children feel when they meet adults,THEY KNOW THE GOOD FROM THE BAD,if you are truly a bad person then you will emanate a specific vibration and you will not be able to transport onto the ship,we will judge ourselves,god wont judge us,people who were bad but truly repented with or without god will be able to board,ther just wont be time to change then,so we all have to change now.If you were bad enough it could take years to change your vibration or just days,only you yourself can decide,the ultimate judgement.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:21 AM
I have a wonderful prophecy Bible. There is a estimated time line of the "rapture" ... looks like around 2013. No one knows but the Father.

Interesting theory ...

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Try looking at religions not from the perspective of how different they are, but rather try to see what bits they all teach. What are the common qualities, the common skills, that all the religions teach?

I believe that all the religions teach that service to others is preferable to service to self, and that service to others carried out properly has everyone involved, and with everyone reaching out to everyone else, we create a strong net. If everyone is only out for themselves, they're not reaching out and not a part of the net, and therefore stand alone.

I believe each of the major religions has their own definition of karma, reaping as you sow.

I believe each religion advocates self control over emotions, finding a calm place for meditation and prayer when times are tough. I believe this skill is essential, and in fact when the excrement collides with the windmill, having the self awareness and self control necessary to remain calm and measured will be the difference between life and death. I believe that when the time comes, it will become all important that we remember that however rough it gets, it's all birth pains, and what comes afterwards will be well worth any suffering or terror. Even if everything I've said is nonsense, at the very least you get to go out with a bit of dignity, rather than running around the streets screaming and looting.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:59 AM
TheIrvy,I expect that you will have no problem accepting new perspectives and new realities,it is refreshing to hear someone mention dignity for once and to hear the confidence you hold, to know that some people will stand and fight with an open mind for their and their families survival no matter what circumstances may come up.

And most of all to hear you say that no matter what these are growing pains,this implies what I believe will happen in our future WE WILL KEEP ON LEARNING,growing is learning and learning is progress AND PROGRESS MEANS A FUTURE FOR OUR CHILDREN AND HUMANITY.

All the cavemen didnt run away from the fire,although I will say that it may have been a deaf sucker who wasnt afraid because he couldnt hear the crash of the thunder that scared everyone else into the cave that found it SOMEONE WASNT AFRAID OF WHAT THE EARTH THREW AT HIM OR HER.And thus we began our battle with our only true enemy,our own mother earth,it almost seems like she is ready to kick us out of the house doesnt it.

I think it is time for us to get out of the house and grow up and if we dont do it on time WE WILL BE KICKED OUT.


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