posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 02:33 PM
Hello again ATS, i would like to recount a story that happened to me today.
I was in the local park, i am usually pretty ill but whenever i feel well enough i like to take advantage and get out of the house. I walked to one of
the benches around the large lake, my favorite spot that is usually pretty quiet. I greeted the bench with thanks as i was feeling very tired and sat
down, the pain i suffer in my back stabbing at me as i did so. I cracked open my book and sat for around 10 minutes reading.
At this point a young guy, mid twenties sat down next to me. After a couple of minutes he tried striking up a conversation and being the knid of
person i am i was happy to engage. We spoke for around 10 minutes, some interesting stuff. Once we got past the weather and the parks lack of railings
around the lake, i found we had much in common, espeicially when it came to politics. We developed a good rapport, talking about the mistakes labour
had made but also the weakness of the conservative party. I only bring this up to point out that this guy seemed pretty smart, he was able to debate
the issues, recall correct information and his use of the English language was really very good. Oh but that all changed.
As we sat talking a couple walked by with their child. The couple was of asian decent (for the non English people here, asian is often used to mean
people from india, pakistan and a few other countries of that region). As they walked by i caught a snippet of their conversation, the man was talking
about how business wasn't as good lately and he would have to downsize, but that is all i caught.
As this couple walked by my new friend gave them the dirtiest of looks and from here i will relate the conversation that followed. My memory of his
words is absolutely clear, my replies might be slightly wrong but i think they're accurate. I will star out all of the profanity he used but i will
leave the first letter so that you can fill it in because it is actually important to know the words he used. From this point on i will refer to him
as "idiot".
It should be emphasised, this guy was smart, articulate and had a good knowledge base regarding the issues we were discussing. He had the same
regional accent as myself and this maybe might make us sound a little stupid sometimes. People in this area often clip the "g" off of words ending
with it and the sound "en" often sounds like "in" instead. Words like library often skip the second "r" and instead sound like lie-berry. This
is an easily forgivable thing as it is simply regional and even the most intelligent people here often speak like this.
So here is the conversation.
Idiot - See them wo** there?
Me - Errr excuse me?
Idiot - Them F****** wo** wiv the pram.
Me - Err you mean that couple over there? (i point)
Idiot - Yeah that's them, f****** asylum seeking, benefit scrounging scum.
Me - Err the guy has a job or a business, i heard him saying.
Idiot - Yeah but they shouldn't be here, taking our money. And they shoot out babies to outbreed us.
Ok now at this point i was in utter shock but my anger level was rapidly rising. I am not easy to anger but racism happens to be a hot button of mine.
Still i stayed calm.
Me - Well what about all the white people who have 4 kids by different fathers, they're just as bad (note i wasn't saying the asian couple were
Idiot - Nah cause they deserve to be here.
Me - So having ancestors from this country means that they can take our tax money, do nothing all day, raise idiotic children with no good, sensible
moral values and add nothing to society?
Idiot - Are you some f****** n****** lover or sumfin?
Ok now look, i'm a calm person, i have never struck out at someone ever unless it was self defense, but at this moment i wanted to beat this guy to a
pulp. I may be very ill but my rather extensive training means i could easily take this guy. The only reason i didn't would be the whole getting
arrested hassle. I remained calm though, well i faked calm.
Me - They aren't n****** they're asian and that word is disgusting.
Idiot - Whatever, people like you are the f****** problem with this country. We'll all be f****** n****** soon as they'll breed us out.
Me - Yeah well just promise you won't pass on your genes you t*****.
I get up and leave.
So why am i recounting this story? Well the UK is a really tolerant country, racism like this is rare. I know some people will see this post and think
that isn't true but seriously, how many times do you walk down the street and get insulted? It isn't that much. I as a white person have been
insulted but it's just not that common. I can't believe people like this exist and i just get utterly sad about it.
The strange part to me though was a guy, who seemed pretty smart, was able to discuss politics and argue his corner, not just by repeating what he has
heard off of tv but actually making good points that required him to think, could suddenly turn into a barely coherent fool. His entire language
structure changed! Instead of well formed sentences, his speech became fragmented and his vocabulary drastically reduced.
It makes me think that racism is itself a block to higher thought. Is it possible that the emotional response that racists feel can block higher brain
I don't know but in the end i was just deeply saddened by the whole experience and i just thought i would share it with ATS.