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Plate Tectonics theory busted; Earth Expansion Theory shakes out better.

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 09:16 PM
The recent quaking activity going on in Yellowstone and down in Indonesia has gotten the attention of us at ATS. One of the Yellowstone threads is the biggest thread in ATS' history, so the movements of our Earth certainly do get our attention, but our understandings of why/ how those movements happen are outdated, for the most part.

It is widely accepted that the long-held Global Plate Tectonics Theory is what causes the plates to move, causes the earthquakes and shapes our continents as we know them. This theory is now debunked with the new and not-so-new scientific evidence that now shows that are beloved planet has nearly doubled in size in only about 250 million years, which is only, what, 5.5% of the history of our Earth.

Do you realize the implications of this? For 4.25 billion years (assuming the age of our Earth to be exactly 4.5 billion years old, for sake of this argument), Earth was a much-smaller planet with no huge oceans; then, suddenly, in just a short span of 250 million years, Earth expanded suddenly, adding in enormous oceans. That's like being a little 4-ft-tall kid until the age of 19.5 years old, then, suddenly, spurting up to about 5' 10" in just a half-year, in the time period from 19.5 years of age to 20 years of age.

As a primer, read up on the basics of the Global Tectonics Theory (note that this is a 20th-Century theory and, oftentimes, such old theories eventually are discarded in light of new, superior scientific evidence):

Plate tectonics (from the Vulgar Latin tectonicus, meaning "building") is a theory which describes the large scale motions of Earth's lithosphere. The theory builds on the older concepts of continental drift, developed during the first decades of the 20th century by Alfred Wegener, and seafloor spreading, developed in the 1960s.

In this article, beautifully written by James Maxlow, summarizes very nicely the challenge of the old Global Tectonic Plate theory and the promise of the new Earth Expansion Tectonics that is far more in line with the new scientific facts that have emerged from scientific inquiry.

Global tectonics was introduced a number of decades ago as an all embracing science that seeks to quantify and explain the Earth as a dynamic, interactive entity. As an outcome of this new philosophy we, in all our walks of life, have become accustomed to viewing the Earth globally, be it geology, ecology, climate, population, politics, and so on. Global tectonics however, in its strictest sense, must go beyond the present, or near present, i.e. human scale, and include the geological past, dating back to the formation of the Earth during the Archaean some 4,500,000,000 years ago, and all the Eons in between. In presenting Global Expansion Tectonics it must be realized that the global geological and geophysical database has only now reached the stage where any global tectonic hypotheses can be confidently quantified, challenged, and/or discarded.

Here's a wonderful website that I was pleased to find; it's pages are easy-to-read written in layman's terms and the graphics show a lot of how our beautiful Earth has expanded significantly, (I must say that I disagree with their thesis that the expansion of Earth has "grave implications for the future of mankind"), to wit:

The evidence is empirical and the conclusions are obvious—the Earth ~200-250 million years ago was a single planetary landmass ~40% smaller than it is today, and at that moment in geologic time there were NO OCEANS!

David Wilcock also has some Earth-shaking -- so to speak -- information about this topic and pay particular attention to his "Aetheric earthquake model", to quote:

An elongated hollow tube is discovered in the crust at the site of the explosion. Even more interestingly, and profitably, the inside of the tube is completely lined with diamonds! Normally it is believed that diamonds and other such crystals take untold thousands of years to be created, yet in these cases they appear to have formed instantaneously.

Later on, Wilcock delves into the Earth Expansion Theory, supported by the evidence presented earlier in this post, to wit:

With the new data in hand, the “plate tectonics ” model can now be discarded.

However, according to Maxlow and other sources, there are two main reasons for why the mainstream scientific and geological community does not accept an Earth Expansion Theory:

1. Matter is not “supposed to ” be able to expand in our current understandings of quantum physics.
2. The evidence needed to create a mathematical model that can accurately reproduce an Earth expansion process over time does not appear to exist.

The first point is effectively eliminated by the quantum models that we have discussed in this book, and Maxlow has provided the supportive evidence required for the second point.

As more and more information about the geophysics of the Earth is acquired, the Earth Expansion theory is only further enhanced in its credibility.

So, in the efforts to find out who we are and how we are connected to our Earth, it is vitally important for each of us to discard old theories that no longer are true and to supplant them with much-better, more accurate theories that are fully supported by the alternative science that has yet to be accepted by mainstream science.

As it often happens, new-theory-busting information moves many of us to be shaken AND stirred to find out the real truths that shake our realities as we know them.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Please go to for beautifully done video's explaining the REAL reasons for dinosaur extinction, earth creation/expansion etc. It will blow your mind! Also, will assist in de-programming yourself from the life-long indoctrination/brain-washing system used on us to destroy our ability to think/reason/live a useful life as we have been trained to act/believe/think/respond to televised perversion/consuming in mass quantities/drug-addiction lifestyle. Also, go to, helpful!

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:05 PM
what a load of baloney. I have read that website well the 1st page of it and stopped. Nothing but half truths and pseudo science. I am not going to into the details as to what is what from that particular website as it would take too long and dosent really warrant my efforts. I find nothing wrong with the current understanding of the earths workings but if u like to give me specific examples instead of posting other peoples musings that would be more constructive as it can uncover misconceptions alot of people seem to have....

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Keymaster1
Please go to for beautifully done video's explaining the REAL reasons for dinosaur extinction, earth creation/expansion etc.


Also, go to, helpful!

Awesome url, Keymaster! I had forgotten about Neal Adam's site, but now it's bookmarked.

Get on his homepage; then click on "science" and then click on "Videos and Discussion", then click on "Press clip #0" and you'll get your first video tutorial.

I don't know if there is any narration or music, as I'm nearly deaf, so I don't bother with any sounds of any kind.

And this site... an awesome one, also. New one for me, so I've bookmarked that one and I'm going right back to it to read up on it.

A big SHOUT-OUT to those who explored, discovered and shared the Earth Expansion Theory -- we have a debt of gratitude to all of you!

The truth of how our Earth grew is far better than the mainstream-accepted fiction, for sure!

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:45 PM
That continent drift theory has always been weird if you ask me.I never could understand how seemly intelligent people believe that.

Even now with this posting there will be believers in subduction who will debate you and still believe the Grand Canyon was carved by water.

If the Universe is expanding then why wouldn't planets, solar systems and galaxies.

I believe the planet is in an expansion phase right now.

The rift valley in Africa is proof of that.

So is the large number of active volcanoes both on land and on the ocean floor.

Neal Adams has a number of animations that show this theory.

Don't take to much stock in much David Wilcock says on his website.

He also believes that dinosaurs are time travelers.

I subscribe to the USGS earthquake e-mail notification.

I have received numerous notifications of quakes and then later on an email that it was deleted after review by a seismologist.

When are earthquakes not true quakes? When it is magma movement.

The Japanese are very aware of this and of course our USGS is too.

They also know that the Yellowstone and Long Valley caldera magma chambers are connected.

Hot springs in the 2 areas register temp changes at the same time.

Many of the deleted quakes are in Nevada directly in line between Long Valley and Yellowstone.

The strange sounds heard in the northwest is indicative of strain on the crust and possibly magma movement.

The whole Puget Sound area is slowly pulling apart. So is the Columbia river area.

The water main breaks in the L.A. basin is also an indicator.

It is happening all over the U.S. and old pipes are being blamed.

But it is actually stress being applied deep underground.

In the mid west the strain extends from Missouri up the Mississippi/Ohio river valley through Illinois,Indiana, Ohio and extends up to and through the St. Lawrence seaway.

Look at historical quake history for proof.

Follow this link to this program,Seismic Eruptions.

Download it and install it. You can update it to recent quakes.

Play around with it and increase how fast the quakes happen.

There are drop down buttons that allow you to do this.

There is a pattern to earthquakes they are just so far apart in human time that they seem random.

But I believe they are not. The energy released in each quake travels around the globe creating another somewhere else.

There are points in the earth that some times it is accumulated until it has enough stored and then releases the energy.

Look at the Aleutian chain and mainland Alaska. That area is constantly shaking.

Puerto Rico and Virgin Island too.

The earth is expanding.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:57 PM
If the earth is only expanding why would the plates of the earths crust EVER impact eachother? Your entire theory sounds incredibly ignorant.

Why do we have mountain ranges and subduction zones?

[edit on 17-10-2009 by Wertdagf]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by loner007
what a load of baloney. I have read that website well the 1st page of it and stopped. Nothing but half truths and pseudo science. I am not going to into the details as to what is what from that particular website as it would take too long and dosent really warrant my efforts. I find nothing wrong with the current understanding of the earths workings but if u like to give me specific examples instead of posting other peoples musings that would be more constructive as it can uncover misconceptions alot of people seem to have....

1) Which site are you referring to?

2) And what did you object to? Specifics, please. You found the time to post what you said, so, feel free to give brief summaries of why you think that the current Global Plate Tects are "valid" and why you think that the Earth Expansion Theory is "baloney".

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
If the earth is only expanding why would the plates of the earths crust EVER impact eachother? Your entire theory sounds incredibly ignorant.

Why do we have mountain ranges and subduction zones?

[edit on 17-10-2009 by Wertdagf]

As a person with no attachment to either theory - It needn't be that one is right and the other is wrong.

I would imagine that expansion wouldn't necessarily preclude the forces of plate movement and that subduction is still viable either way.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

What about all the nuclear tests conducted in the pacific over the years by the United States and France.What kind of unknown damage did thoses exsplosions have on the Tectonic plates.There is very little infomation on this subject as its a hard to determin if any damage was done or not.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 02:04 AM
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences.

Explanation: 1stly No Star or Flag!

1stly I noticed the OP's myopia in regards to accurately assessing temporal states! For example, they imply that the theory in question is "outdated" and yet its less than 150yrs old and then they imply that 250million yrs is just a "short span" of time!

Do you realize the implications of this?

2ndly I noticed that the main evidence that the OP presents to suppport their argument is the website and they post a quote directly from there to wit: " The evidence is empirical and the conclusions are obvious—the Earth ~200-250 million years ago was a single planetary landmass ~40% smaller than it is today, and at that moment in geologic time there were NO OCEANS!"

This is totally promoting ignorance! HERE'S WHY!.....

Did Corals exist 500million yrs ago?


Do you realize the implications of this?

Personal Disclosure: Thanks for the opportunity to laugh myself silly at the poor quality of [psuedo]science attempted AND used as evidence for this alternate theory. for the

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
Explanation: 1stly No Star or Flag!

Well I am very surprised that, at this point, there not yet any stars or flags on this thread...yet. Why? Epic fail? Hardly! There is a LOT of accurate science to back up my positions that I have made in my post.

1stly I noticed the OP's myopia in regards to accurately assessing temporal states! For example, they imply that the theory in question is "outdated" and yet its less than 150yrs old and then they imply that 250million yrs is just a "short span" of time!

"Short" in terms of geological time, not human time!

2ndly I noticed that the main evidence that the OP presents to suppport their argument is the website and they post a quote directly from there to wit: " The evidence is empirical and the conclusions are obvious—the Earth ~200-250 million years ago was a single planetary landmass ~40% smaller than it is today, and at that moment in geologic time there were NO OCEANS!"

I agree that the term "NO OCEANS!" was a very poor use of words on their part. Take a close look at what I said: Earth was a much-smaller planet with no huge oceans;

I said the underlined above because I disagreed with the quoted part from the Expanding-Earth site, as I knew for certain that there WERE oceans, but that they were SHALLOW oceans... in which coral was able to form.

Take a look at this that I just now found...

...and see how CLOSELY the existence of the corals match up with the shallow seas that existed when the Earth was far smaller. Take a close look -- it's a perfect matchup! Watch those Expanding-Earth vids and see how the shallow seas line up with the presently-existing coral reefs.

Far from busting the Expanding Earth Theory, you have helped me support it, so I thank you, OmegaLogos, for helping my cause here.

As to the S&F, beats me why there has been a dearth of them so far in the start, but, as people realize the accuracy of the science behind the Expanding Earth Theory, the S&F will come in, I'm sure.

I dare anyone to match up the old Global Plate Tectonics theory against the Expanding Earth Theory any day. Trust me, the old Global Tectonics Theorists will be shaken badly, very badly, due to the lack of accurate science to back up their theory and to the sheer abundance of accurate science to back up the Expanding Earth Theory.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart
Disclaimer: As above!

Explanation: From the website you provided as evidence I noticed this speculation "This whole area, like other areas of the United States, was once covered by water, forming a shallow epicontinental sea, so one can assume the cataclysm that caused the breakup of Pangaea and formation of the Pacific Ocean basin ~200 Ma offered a lower elevation into which this shallow sea could run off—thus eroding and creating the Grand Canyon." [Note: Bold is my edited emphansis!

And just to clear up any speculation I provide this as evidence.....

Grand Canyon [wiki]

Specifically "The canyon was created by the Colorado River over a 5.4 million year period. The canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long, ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km) and attains a depth of over a mile (1.83 km) (6000 feet).[1] Nearly two billion years of the Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock while the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. The "canyon began in the west, followed by another that formed in the east. Eventually, the two broke through and met as a single majestic rent in the earth, more commonly referred to as the "Grand Canyon Event" approximately 5.4 million years ago. [...] The merger apparently occurred where the river today bends to the west, in the area known as the Kaibab Arch."[2] The major form of the canyon was created by this event. The Colorado River continued to erode and form the canyon to the point we see it as today.[3]"

Personal Disclosure: :shk:
Are you starting to get the picture that the website your thread relies on has no scientific merit due to its claimed evidence not standing up to any kind of real scrutiny! How are you feeling about that dare you dared?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:53 AM
This is just stupid. I can't even use words to describe this... It is impossible for the earth to expand.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by paranoiaFTW

It is also impossible for a bumble bee to fly, what is your point?

[edit on 17-10-2009 by quackers]

[edit on 17-10-2009 by quackers]

[edit on 17-10-2009 by quackers]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by paranoiaFTW
Disclaimer: As elsewhere!

Explanation: Nope! EPIC FAIL!

The earth does expand..just not 40% in 1/4 billion years under the influence of quantum forces that the OP is promoting!

There is accretion occuring! It works out to about 50 metric tons of space originating influx of debris/mass to the planet daily!

Also the continental plates both rise and sink under the pressure [or via the lack] of massive ice sheets during the various ice ages and thaws!

Finally there are places at the boundaries of some plates that actually are expanding away from each other [mid atlantic ridge for example] but of course this expansion is coped with by subduction elsewhere!

Personal Disclosure: :shk: Ever heard of a volcano creating MORE land!

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

So you put blind faith in science just because the majority believes in an unproven theory (a theory which itself was scoffed at by the likes of yourself for many many years before it was finaly accepted)? Not only that but your penchant for dogma automatically makes you exclude any other theory, even though said theories are also unproven. Is the Grand Canyon 5.4 million years old? Or is it as some now thing 17 million years old. If the scientific community started to believe it was 50 million years old would you stick to your wiki article or would your opinion change as soon as someone updated it?

Don't question, accept everything your told, promote ignorance.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by quackers
Disclaimer: As elsewhere!

Explanation: Blind faith? In science? NOPE! I have tested the Kuhnian paradigm with a view to Poppers methods of falsifying it, that is, the theory of plate tectonics ,and I have found out emprically for myself that the evidence provided for it is quite robust!

Conversely the evidence that the OP relies on is coming from a website that is presenting assumtions as fact and it hasn't stood up too well against my Occams razor!

Personal Disclosure: You post ad hominens me several times and I ask that you kindly retract them, especially the statement implying that I support "Don't question, accept everything your told, promote ignorance." which is not what I posted at all! Seems your posts rabid pathos has had a go at my ethos! Lets keep this in the realm of logos OK!

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:51 AM
i ran across the theory that the Earth is Decompressing
and is lately in a suddenly rapid decompression and outgassing stage.

the decompression (expansion) of the core & mantle is transferring too much heat to the upper mantle & crust... causing the tectonic plates to move rapidly on a now hyper lubricated bed of molten material...

it would not surprise me that several hot-spot plumes could break through the earth's crust at the same time...
we may well be experiencing a 'Siberian Traps' type event... World-Wide
this time around.

yes, the Earth is expanding because it has been slowly decompressing over the eons.

as for the Oceans becoming larger ( some 325,ooo,ooo cubic miles of liquid)...much of the H20 which was once contained in the compressed asteriod & comet material (except the vapors released in the atmosphere) has been unlocked from the rocky material over the ages.

for those not sure of the decompression & outgassing planet theory...
explain how the abiotic oil reserves are refilling the older/ depleated oil fields as we speak? ~the process is a byproduct of an outgassing & decompressing (enlarging) Earth ! !~ thank you

[edit on 17-10-2009 by St Udio]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:01 AM
I retract nothing. You came into this thread armed with verbal assault on the OP, simply because they raised a counter to your scientific belief. Rather than refute the scientific evidence offered by the site and like authors who promote the theory by explaining the processes which you feel utterly disprove the claim, you have done nothing but attack the character of the OP, as well as the site in question. Talk about shooting the messenger. Perhaps if you did not want the same you should have been more careful in your approach rather than come in guns blazing with your know it all attitude of "what I believe is correct and you are a fool to question the status quo", which is exactly what you have done. Surely denying ignorance is about educating, not mocking.

Of course you could just put the whole theory to pasture by proving the rate of subduction, wait, that's still just a theory too.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 07:16 AM
How many strong Scientific theories that were believed 'fact' at the time for decades, have been found to be incorrect over the years?

Just because a group of esteemed Scientists says something is' true' doesn't mean it is. That is why they call it a theory. It has never been proven. Remember that.

The expanding planet theory is feasible. It sounds intriguing to me...

The PROBLEM in the field of Science today is that anyone with a new, radical idea is fearful of releasing a paper--even if the data looks perfect, because his or her peers will discredit them or ruin their career JUST because its different. This holds back innovative thinking, and isn't just in the field of science...

At one time, anyone saying the Earth isn't the center of the solar system was labeled a Heretic or pagan, and could be executed!

Hell, at the time, the Plate Tectonics theory was considered a joke... It was proposed in 1912, but wasn't generally excepted until 1956!!!

Time will tell which theory is correct. Watching Neil Adams videos is striking, and eye-opening. Deep down, I feel it's right. You can't argue with what he is showing you on the video! For those that don't believe this theory, take the time to go watch each video. It's truly amazing.

Many long held scientific beliefs are being shattered more and more with new and more advanced technology and mathematical formulas.

Just keep an open mind. I know most of the stuff on ATS is BS, but a few gems can be found.. This, IMO, is one of them.

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