posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:58 PM
OK, I rarely post on here and when I do it's normally to have a rant and hope to use my rant to some constructive extent to inspire people. Maybe I
do, maybe I don't but I get to have my rant and you get to read it, all win!
I'll keep this short as nobody likes to read anymore - apologies for the generalisation, if you're not one of those then it won't offend you as
you'll be mature enough to understand it's my opinion and doesn't represent actual fact. Basically my rant is about life as an average person in a
world that is heading towards uncomprehension. People are getting pissed off with one another and I'm getting pissed off with them. Today I got
pulled over by the police, for no apparent reason until they said I was speeding. I was doing 34 in a 30 zone - fair enough 4mph over the limit. I
needed a poo, no excuse but I wasn't prepared to sacrifice my dignity so I took the risk and pushed my foot down that 0.124cm and thus increased my
speed. Bad boy obviously, £60 fine and 3 points and absolutely no way to disagree with the public servants my tax pays and who in turn work for me.
OK it's not that simple I understand, but as he was writing the ticket down I had a small epiphany. Not a revolutionary one, but one that made me
think none the less. I also view this website daily to get a general feel of what is happening in the world, it went something like this.
Government (that is you who represent them in anyway), I'm getting sick of you. You push and you push and you push. I am a violent person when the
need arises, but never to anyone who doesn't deserve it - it is merely me not being afraid of another skeleton wrapped in meat conditioned by
subjectivity. You seem to be going out of your way to make this land inhospitable, whether it's on purpose or not. I, and probably a lot of other
people (at least more of us than there are of you) are getting sick of you. I'm a "model citizen" despite hating such a label as I'm a person
with feelings. I pay my taxes, national insurance (despite it being 40% of my income and my highest expense every month) unquestioningly. I don't
like the fact I have no say in the matter as I never asked to be born into this society - but then again I never had the choice of whether I wanted to
be part of it or not - it just... IS.
When I got home I found a tax bill on my floor - apparently my return from last year didn't arrive but I was never informed. Fair enough these
things happen. But no, you decided to serve me with a notice of determination which is a guesstimate of the tax I owe. I am no longer self employed
and work under PAYE so my employer covers that - but despite the letter I send with my return (which you obviously didn't get) saying I am no longer
self employed, I still am according to you. What I dont get is how has my tax arrears increased from £384.32 to £8542.42 in 1 month? Why am I
being charged £300.11 daily (it is now frozen as I handed my tax return into the office personally). Anyway, I'm not going to question it any
longer. I strongly believe the government has lost the ability, intellect and motivation to continue organising our society while we see to the other
aspects of it. Enough. You pathetic, money grabbing, insecure, paranoid bunch of seratonin depleted retards. You DO NOT tell us what to do, WE tell
YOU what to do... and we pay you to do it. That is what democracy is - no one person or small group of people CAN NOT be in charge - fairness
doesn't work like that due to our (and that is ALL of us) inherent greed.
Blah blah blah - I could go on for ever but this is text and it doesn't do much and I'm getting tired so I'll end on a short as possible note.