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Who is the enemy

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:35 PM
I hear a lot of talk here on ATS about a coming revolution and the urgency to prepare against an enemy who I am expected to encounter any day now. Many here tell what they plan to do and how they will act when the situation comes. Some list all the essentials needed to “bug out”, their escape routes from the city to their hideaways and so forth.

I think all this is great and more power to you. Your way ahead of me I don’t even know who the enemy is yet, or how to recognize him if I were face to face. All I see is the cannon fodder minions placed before me who I assume, were placed their by the real enemy but the real enemy remains elusive.

To me the first step if I am to be effective is to know who the enemy is. I am with you, I feel something is coming at me yet I don’t know how to identify it

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by useless eaters
To me the first step if I am to be effective is to know who the enemy is. I am with you, I feel something is coming at me yet I don’t know how to identify it

I too have been reading these sort of posts and wondering who is the enemy. I am hypothesizing it is the government that is the enemy and the attack will come in the form of martial law but maybe I am wrong. Please elaborate on this "enemy" we are preparing to for? I definitely have been preparing with city escape routes, hard copy maps, food/water, and a place to ride it out but I, like useless eaters wish to know the enemy. After all a good defense is a strong offense but who exactly are we defending against?


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

Good question.

My opinion, it's all in who you ask.

there are those on ATS that would say I am

Ask others, and they'll say indigo's, aliens, reptiles, liberals, neo-cons, canadians, nazi's, commies, europeans, Israelies, Irani's, Iraqi's, Bush, Chenney, Obama, Oprah, Elvis, or Spongebob Squarepants.

My guess? You won't know until they start firing. The enemies are going to be the ones who smile, and stab you in the back. The ones that promise so MUCH if you only would give up just a teensy bit more freedom.

Those are mine at least.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:01 PM
So what you say is - please guys i have never really met with and whose credibility/integrity/hidden agenda i do not know for sure, tell me who is the real enemy.
Yeah. Good luck with that. It's not like you will get dozens(maybe even hundreds) of different and contradicted opinions involving anything you want - from bilderbergs to israel=anti-christ
. And all you will be able to do is to choose one opinion that you agreed the most with in the beginning.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
reply to post by useless eaters

Ask others, and they'll say indigo's, aliens, reptiles, liberals, neo-cons, canadians, nazi's, commies, europeans, Israelies, Irani's, Iraqi's, Bush, Chenney, Obama, Oprah, Elvis, or Spongebob Squarepants.

Of all these it has got to be those darn CANADIANS!!! I knew they were plotting against us all those years of sending their cold air at us...grrrrr
sorry I couldn't help but have a laugh at that hehehe


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:19 PM
Firstly I would say we ( humans ) are our own worst enemy but go with your gut instinct, if that means bugging out or whatever, then do it.

I feel we are on on the brink of something big, I have felt like this for about a year or so now although I have no idea what or when.

Trust your instinct and learn as much as you can about survival, on all levels.

Dont let it consume your everyday life though

Just my thoughts


[edit on 16-10-2009 by Beauty_HairyBeast]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:26 PM
Pick your boogeyman. Evil government, NWO, TPTB, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. When I read these posts I always picture a James Bondian villian in his fortified hideout plotting to take over the world. Worth a chuckle. The government can barely be trusted to mail a letter let alone run World Domination Enterprises. Been to the DMV lately. If someone wants to live in a cave and eat squirrels more power to them. There is a difference between surviving and living. I prefer the latter.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by useless eaters
All I see is the cannon fodder minions placed before me who I assume, were placed their by the real enemy but the real enemy remains elusive.

The fodder you see before you are everyday people who will be pulling at strings just to stay alive. It will be those all around you who become the enemy!
As its been a battle for our souls from the very start! And those in charge, the theys, and thems. Are always one to two feet ahead of you at all times. You see we outnumber those who are the real enemy. They will use us to tear eachother apart, and kill ourselves. As the real enemies ranks are so very slim its almost insane that they can control and manipulate so many of us..

But its been the same plan from a very long time ago.. History doesn't repeat, but it sertinly has the same rythm.

The real enemy is an unseen force just outside our scoope of vision. And all those in place to pull the strings think they are safe.. They are the victums aswell.. The Black Allience is a cruel and they are the ones playing the game.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:38 PM
There are good responses to this thread.

You can identify the enemy as "THEM", who are the Supranational Sovereignty of an Intellectual Elites and World Bankers and these are the guys who are responsible for the WTO, CFR, IMF, the Fed and everything that has to do with the police state.

But they are but a shadow reflection of our own inner ignorance, which we have ignored for far TOO long. So, to deny ignorance and to wake up in time to stop our shadows from killing too many of us is an imperative for all of us to do, and not only on ATS, but elsewhere as well.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

I think the right wing survivalist, neorevolutionaries see's people of color as the enemy. Of course they deny this and parrot the cliched "I have lots of black, hispanic etc. friends"
but in reality they see people of color as useless eaters, the welfare receipents that steal their tax dollars, the criminal class to be afraid of.

If there is a revolution it will be a race war. Another "Final Solution" so to speak.

God help us!!

[edit on 16-10-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
The fodder you see before you are everyday people who will be pulling at strings just to stay alive. It will be those all around you who become the enemy!

This I agree with as well.

Who is the *enemy*?

Well - IF...and its a big IF in my own opinion...the world goes to hell in a handbasket in a big hurry and society starts crashing down arouund our ears...your *enemy* will be the desparate person simply trying to stay alive, trying to get food, trying to get water. Trying to feed themselves or their loved ones.

Your enemy will be the friendly guy you passed on the street and nodded pleasantries to for years, the old lady who waves as she walks past, the store owner up the street...your enemy will be your neighbour.

There will be no need for black uniformed jack-boot clad storm-troopers to flood the streets...your own community will do that in desparation...your own will turn on eachother and do the dirty work for no other motivating reason than mere survival.

My enemy will be you. Your enemy will be me.
If/when I run out of food and water for my wife and child, then forgive me for I'll do whatever I need to in order to ensure their wellbeing - and if that eventuates to kicking down the neighbours door with a shotgun then so be it.


[edit on 16-10-2009 by alien]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

A Good question that has me doubting myself too so you are not alone in that.

I try to keep it simple and it might be wise for you to do the same to avoid confusion and indecision.

Your enemy will be the person who stands between you and your objective.

Your objective is to stay alive, stay cognisant and to stay out of the reach of the elite’s short term plan with an aim to recognise their longer term plans after the lights start to go out in a sense. its going to be tough with family but if you do not try you lose anyway, might as well go down swinging.

The true enemy you will never see but you will definitely see their influence in the soldiers in your street, at your door. They will be the police officer or the trooper and it will be anyone looking to carry out the elitists orders to enforce martial laws, forcing you to do things you do not wish to do like take a vaccine, step into the cell, bend over and touch your toes, hand over your identification documents or sit down for now and shut up. Those are candidates for the label of enemy.

Later on it will be hungry or less prepared people but if you are still around and under your own steam then you will have worked that out by then and be hardened to that reality.

In actuality the low level dangers will manifest as those who follow the orders from higher up in the chain of command. Just look at how Hitler came to become so powerful in Germany for a methodology of how things could go down. Times have changed and tactics evolve but the overall methods of tyrants follow a set pattern.

You can see a similar pattern today, you just have to look beyond the wire.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:55 PM
I really never gave it much thought until 1986, and I thought then, I was nutz, 5 years pass and then 911. "changed everything".. and I at first bought it hook line and sinker, call me a gullible American, but you must realize, the people running the show took the same oath you and I did, so I'm not sure why this has gone on for as long as it has, but we have to just trust them until we start dying because of that trust. so until blood is shed, we are sort of in limbo, after all they have to draw first blood. and 911 is still under investigation. with the perf's out on a get out of jail free card. we have to remind them this is the real world and get out of jail free cards are only for Monopoly games.

I would like to thank the men and women of We Are Change for covering important event and keeping these crooks under the camera. and in front of me.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Let me explain a little about what I mean when I say we are our own worst enemy

At the end of the day if the c**p really does hit the fan then who is it down to, to make the decisions? Us, yes you and me, its down to ourselves.

If we lack in life/survival skills, mental judgement, good physical health and much more then we are flawed to begin with and will probably fail.

On a lighter note we have inbuilt skills like instinct and trust ( well hopefuly ) you know your sixth sense. These are valuable tools ( I believe ) in desperate times.

Seriously though, enjoy life today, tomorrow for who knows what the future will bring in this very unstable climate!

[edit on 16-10-2009 by Beauty_HairyBeast]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by alien

Holy crap! what a bundle of Joy you are.
Your glass is half empty eh.
I am guessing a young person here.
Yes there are some bad apples in every crate. But that is the exception to the rule. Evil tyrants spend every waking hour figuring just how to take your lunch . This is true.
In every war , revolt or police action, the good people take control and turn the ship around. When your neighbor comes for your cow invite him in to your home and share the cow with him.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:46 PM
who ever does not obey the UNTITED STATES. is the enemy come on he all knew this jees.

Look at IRAQ AFGANASTAN IRAN oh and can't forget about North Korea thier next after we finish in Afganastan or probaly before that looks like we have a lot of cleanup on all 4 of these countries wonder who is next.

Probally any country that has oil we must control all oil fields and we will save all our countrys oil for reserve when its all gone from the other countries then we will start drilling more on the Homeland.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Is it, would it, be possible to have a thread or an anything with people
that think?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 10:07 PM
One definition of the enemy is:

the Enemy, the Devil; Satan.

It appears that they have a problem.

Mark 3:23
And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?

24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by alien

Alien, I think you are spot on.

Hungry, desperate people will be the most dangerous. They will be most ruthless to meet their needs.

It wouldn't even take much of an event. In the US, our major highway lines go to and through major cities. Where are located producers, processors, warehouses, fuel depots, banking centers, communication centers, power trunks, on and on.

A few disruptions, and grocery stores won't be getting any more trucks. Banks won't be open. Electricity will be out. Communications will be out.

After a few days, when the unprepared have eaten everything in their non-working refrigerators, their empty pantries, and have looted the grocery stores, by the time another week goes by, they'll be desperate, miserable, and deadly.

No refrigerated medicines, for example insulin. Millions dead within a month. And then it worsens. For the next year, predators and groups of predators will prey on the weak.

Millions more dead, but fortunately, a lot of the predators have been cut down as well.

The question who is the enemy?


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

The enemy is fear first and foremost.

I dont know where you come from or what you believe but if I said there was an afterlife would you fear for your life right now if I fed you images and threats of the most horrifying deaths imaginable?

It would then be about other peoples lives unless you doubt that. Ie, will they be ok etc.

If everyone did not fear for their lives then these people would not be enemies, they would be nothing because they would not serve a purpose, they would not exist.

They are a guide for everyone albeit a nasty one.

The best way I can put it is to term it, a wake up call.

I often wonder about the saying first they came for the .... and then the ...... and when they came for me there was nobody left.

It should be first they spoke and I laughed and then they said ..... my neighbour laughed and we shared some food.

If only people could see what these fools are, they are their own demise for their disrespect of whats truly dangerous to mess with.

The true enemy however is the one in the mirror and by that I mean the people who operate at the heels of a society that feeds the ills of the world. Once the society is no longer needed then that answers itself because its still the same enemy that will tear each other apart, you and your neighbours.

Once you start seeing whats going on you might understand what love is all about outside relationships. Hence love your enemies and love your neighbour, judge yourself before others and so on.

Everyone thinks that the military or police is going to round everyone up straight away, they want you to rip each other apart first then take in the scraps that are left over. Its all topsy turvey as usual and nobody smells the coffee in the morning.

If you are lucky you might get a kiss though like someone else.

Et tu brute?

Judas anyone?

Its all about choice and right now people choose to believe the liars.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by XXXN3O]

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