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Moslems now demand full Sharia Law (UK)

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Chovy
I don't think british people care about the uk. They are letting the Muslims take over like good little sheeple.

Care to shed some ideas as to how we stop letting the muslims take over?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:30 PM
maybe you could change the title to spell muslims correctly. it is not moslems

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by MR BOB
maybe you could change the title to spell muslims correctly. it is not moslems

Actually Moslem is an older way of spelling Muslim. I think it's Persian.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:08 PM

Calm down

I am English and not a Muslim, lets consider the following

1. The UK is meant to be a free country, which allows people to practice their own religion
2. I believe they have the right for a peaceful demonstration
3. England does have the state tied to religion, the Church of England
3a Scotland has the Church of Scotland (Apologies to bigyin)
4. There are about 2-3 million Muslims in the UK
5. We already have sharia courts, the same as we have Jewish courts

Revealed: UK’s first official sharia courts

Q&A: Sharia law explained

6. Sadly this thread seems to demonstrate the hate in the USA as described in other threads

[edit on 17/10/2009 by lightchild]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

I understand what your saying, but you should understand that I am Scottish and for many many years I have been actively campaigning for the Scottish National Party which is trying to gain independence for Scotland from England.

For 300 years we have been owned by England and had no say in what goes on in the UK. So all the problems that are happening mainly in England with regard to immigrants was not caused by Scotland and has nothing to do with Scotland, but we are not able to do anything about it.

What makes my laugh out loud is listening to English people bleating and squealing because they are losing soverienty to Europe and in this case Islam, and yet they pay no attention to the Scots who have been seeking a say in running their own country.

The English are such hypocrits it hurts.

Note the thread above this one. An Englishman talking about 'UK' being tied to Church of England. It's just typical. Scotland is part of the UK and is NOT tied to Church of England
They just don't get it.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by bigyin]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 01:38 PM
The source of the story:

The Daily Express

and a couple of quotes regarding the same newspaper:

“I love the Daily Express. It's soft, strong and thoroughly absorbent.”
~ Oscar Wilde on his toilet roll of choice

“Although I imagine you'd end up wiping more sh*t on than off.”
~ Winston Churchill on Oscar Wilde's comment

“I love the Daily Express. The Daily Mail is far too left wing these days, plus it doesn't run enough Diana Stories.”
~ Express reader on being a fascist nonce

It seems that too many people believe that the right to demonstrate translates to the right to make law....

And as for those that would advocate these individuals being refused free speech or the right to demonstarte, shame on you for being so ignorant and insecure.

God for forbid you are given the right to make law.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by Koka]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 02:07 PM

1. The UK is meant to be a free country, which allows people to practice their own religion
2. I believe they have the right for a peaceful demonstration
3. England does have the state tied to religion, the Church of England
3a Scotland has the Church of Scotland (Apologies to bigyin)
4. There are about 2-3 million Muslims in the UK
5. We already have sharia courts, the same as we have Jewish courts

1. Muslims have never been stopped from practicing their religion, Sure back in the old days they may have gotten a lot of crap but that was just how it was - So did Irish (not for religious purpose's obv)
2. If it will be done peacefully, no problem. But this is obviously extreme islam and its sphere of influence if expanding rapidly. So much so, i dare say, even muslims deemed moderate may get swept up in the hype in worst case scenario.
3. Exactly. The laws we currently have uphold Christian value with a very modern humane outlook. By moving/being born into this country you are required to follow the laws. You do however, have the right to say what you think of certain laws.
4. 2-3 million? Whatever the figure the population is growing. The push for sharia law WILL be passed down from generation to generation and they will not stop until they get their way. Simply as. Muslims put their religion above everything else and so long as their is hype to live under sharia law, the Christian law is under threat.
5. Does that not prove that the UK is being a generous host? Give em an inch, they'll run a mile. Many of them are laughing in our faces.

I can only imagine that only the complete brainwashed would want to live under such cruel conditions. I personally believe that any advanced society lives by elected laws and not those of a man-made ancient text.

As ive said before, plenty of room in the east for people who want to live under sharia. Why don’t we just advise them of that.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by useless eaters

The fanatical group Islam4UK has ­announced plans to hold a potentially ­incendiary rally in London later this month.

The rally woulnd't be incindary if people simply respected democracy and the right to protest. That cuts both ways with the police beating the hell out of liberal protestors.

Originally posted by useless eaters
And it is calling for a complete upheaval of the British legal system, its officials and ­legislation.

As a free democracy that is their right. I don't agree with their view but it's their right to state it.

Originally posted by useless eaters
Members have urged Muslims from all over Britain to converge on the capital on October 31 for a procession to demand the full implementation of sharia law.

It won't happen, the majority is against them but they have an absolute right to request it.

Originally posted by useless eaters
On a website to promote their cause they deride British institutions, showing a mock-up picture of Nelson’s Column surmounted by a minaret.

Since when did political comedy become wrong?

Originally posted by useless eaters
Plans for the demonstration have been ­delivered to the Metropolitan Police and could see up to 5,000 extremists marching to demand the controversial system.

So they followed the rules and reported this proposed rally to the police? Your problem is?

Originally posted by useless eaters
The procession – dubbed March 4 Shari’ah – will start at the House of Commons, which the group’s website describes as the “very place where the lives of millions of people in the UK are changed and it is from here where unjust wars are launched”.

I must admit i agree with the unjust wars aprt of their statement but Sharia law is terrible and the British public will not let it pass. There is no fear to be felt on this issue. They have their right to ptoest and if you start to censor them then you're undermining the very base upon which your freedoms were created.

Why are people so ready to silence others because they hate their viewpoint and yet they want their own views protected at all costs under the banner of free speech? I will never understand that mental cut off.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:24 PM
Because i want to live in some peace where the laws i respect are not under-threat because a "minority" wishes them to be below humane. As much as i want to respect peoples right to challenge the law, i cannot because of what they want to replace it with. Am i being a tyrant or just protecting what i know and (most of the time) trust.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

So a bunch of nuts want something.

So what?

What does it mean? Well it means a bunch of nuts want something.

What are their chances of getting it?

None whatsoever.

Maybe this will help, from the article.

A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial ­tensions.”

Its sad to see people in the US go off the deep end and not understand that the article quoted is scare mongering, for the sake of it.

All this "bye bye UK" crap.... its just that.

Please, don't wallow in ignorance.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Oh please. You bang on about the English whining when your doing it yourself from a historically inaccurate starting point.

Lets not forget it was a Scottish King on the English throne in 1707.

Lets not forget it was the Scottish who requested a Union with England, after bankrupting the country trying to start a colonial Empire.

Lets not forget that since devolution, the Scottish get their Parliament back, but the English parliament is now the "UK" parliament (Before the Union, it was the English parliament.) leaving the English disenfranchised and having others vote on their Laws which do not affect them (see Tup-up fees for University, for example).

Lets not forget Scotland attacked England more than England did them, usually with the backing of a foreign power such as Spain or France.

There have been 8 Scottish Prime ministers since the Union and some of the biggest proponents of Empire in British history were Scottish.

Government spending per head is over 30% higher in Scotland than England.

I could go on and on, but lets not derail the thread..... Point being, your whining is unfounded.

As for the topic, I suppose the UAF won't be showing up to protest these guys, hey? They seem to be willing to come and cause a near riot and attack police when English people demostrate against encroaching Islamic fascism, but they won't be seen whatsoever with this demo, I guarantee it.

These idiots should be rounded up and got rid of. They have no place in our society. The Government goes to court to ban that Dutch MP, but will allow these idiots to parade around the streets!

As for the "outbreeding", I doubt that will happen. Plenty of "British" babies are being born and white people still make up 90% of the population of this country.

EDIT TO ADD: Edinburgh and the surrounding land was originally English and part of the Kingdom of Northumbria. After the Danish invasions were defeated, the Scots attacked Edinburgh and captured it. It is actually one of the route cause of angst between the two nations that has lasted for a thousand years.

How ironic that your capital city is in fact English in origin.

[edit on 17/10/09 by stumason]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by stumason

Its sad really, such ignorance, but typical as I said b4. Not worth even rising to.

I will repeat though cos I think you missed it when I first said it, I LOL when I hear the English crying about Europe telling them what to do ... what hypocrits....

What goes around comes around.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Is that the best response you have? If I am so ignorant, enlighten me, dispute what I said. Bottom line is, you cannot, as it is the truth.

Go on, enjoy your impending independance, we'll be glad to finally see the back of you. we'll see how the Scottish economy survives without the English backing you up. Had RBS been in an independant Scotland when it faced collapse, the entire GDP of Scotland wouldn't be enough to rescue it, it had to be bailed out by English tax money.

I have as much resentment for whiny Scots who bang on about how hard they've had it as I do these idiotic Muslim's wanting to protest.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by stumason

I find it sad that so many scots ahte the English and yet it is the English taxpayers paying for Scotland. Without us Scotland would be in dire straits, the major industries that support the Scottish economy are in decline and yet you have fre university education for everyone and your NHs gives the most up to date drugs out whenever possible. that is made possible by taxes from the English.

Eiter you separate from us and become soverign with all that entails or you stay a part of the union and abide by equal laws. It will never happen i'm sure but i'm disgusted by the way the Scottish still spit upon the English.

Why can't we put all of this nonsense behind us? I mean seriously this stretches back to events that happened hundreds of years ago! How utterly pathetic to still hold a grudge.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Indeed. But I would much rather a strong Union that was fair, not the unequal relationship we have now, coupled with the fact the Scots still spit on us despite all that we do.

We have far more in common with Scottish folk than we do with these mongrels that want to parade round our streets calling for Sharia Law. Lets work together, not let "them" divide us.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I have no intention of derailing this thread. If you want to start an anti scottish thread go ahead and I'll join in.

Regarding scottish funding ... just one word... oil

Scotland has kept UK inc afloat since the 80's end of.

ps I don't hate english. My wife is english and she votes snp as well, as do a lot of english people here.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
Regarding scottish funding ... just one word... oil

Scottish oil has been a small part of the countries income. It does not cover the funding of free university education, the Scottish getting every NHS drug they want, the subsidization of the fishing and tourism industries..............oh i could go on but you're obviously biased. I look at things via figures and logic and what i see at the moment, worst of all is that Scottish people get free university education whilst English and Welsh people don't.

That is wrong no matter how you slice it.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984

Originally posted by bigyin
Regarding scottish funding ... just one word... oil

Scottish oil has been a small part of the countries income. It does not cover the funding of free university education, the Scottish getting every NHS drug they want, the subsidization of the fishing and tourism industries..............oh i could go on but you're obviously biased. I look at things via figures and logic and what i see at the moment, worst of all is that Scottish people get free university education whilst English and Welsh people don't.

That is wrong no matter how you slice it.

Move here if you like. Its great

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Apparently we all inhabit the same island....and as much as I would love to see us all independant, happy, and wealthy, there is a very strong argument that says we are much stronger and safer as a united island community, despite being different countries. Let's not get all bent out of shape on this one.....history is wonderful stuff, but it causes problems if we let it.

This thread is about Sharia law, and what we believe is best for the UK. I have Muslim friends, babysit for my mother's Muslim friends, all have to say that they are all totally upstanding completely decent people I would trust with just about anything. What MIGHT turn out to be a problem here is this renegade group of extremists with very big voices, and a lot of committment to their cause. We have to understand them, and take them seriously even although their chances of success are decidedly limited. They do have a right to say what they want, but we also have a duty to take them seriously. Sometimes a small group of dedicated people who refuse to give up is all that's needed to get the result they want.

Cait (born in a Roman city well well south of the Tyne, but definitely absolutely Scottish, and Celtic...not Anglo Saxon....

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Always about the Oil with you guys...

Even at PEAK production (and I can provide figures if your too lazy to check them yourself) the amount of money put into treasury coffers was far outweighed by the amount of money being spent in Scotland by the Government.

Besides, Oil has only been in production from the North Sea for a couple of decades, what about the times before that and what about now? And not all North Sea oil revenue came from "Scottish" rigs. There are a great many such platforms in "English" waters too.

But, if you want to be independant now, you're gonna have to be more inventive with your revenue than ever before, as the Oil is almost gone.

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