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Czech Republic: Last EU Nation Standing

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Czech Republic: Last EU Nation Standing

Czech President Vaclav Klaus is the only EU national leader who has not yet signed the Lisbon Treaty. Polish President Lech Kaczynski signed the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty on October 10, making Poland the 26th EU nation to have ratified the treaty. With the Irish “yes” vote on the second referendum, this leaves the tiny Czech Republic as the last man standing in the inevitable surge toward greater EU federalism.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:48 PM
The Czech president is trying to win a battle which many others gave up on, and he, alongside the Czech Republic are the only ones standing against a treaty that would consolidate power of all European nations, and give that power to a new president, foreign minister and therefore having its own foreign policy.

This is the reason for the Lisbon Treaty, which is the renamed new Constitution consolidating such power and taking away the sovereignty of most nations except one, Germany.

The following is part of what this treaty will do to the 27 European nations.

EU bureaucrats will ensure that. There is already talk of adding extra “legal guarantees” along the lines of those the Irish, Polish and British received. The Irish, for example, received a guarantee that they will always hold a seat on the European Commission, and Poland and the UK received an “opt-out” from the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Klaus seeks this same opt-out for the Czech Republic.

These legal exemptions do not amount to much though. As Duff wrote, it “does not allow Poland and the UK to evade their legal duty to treat the charter as binding. Nor does it prevent the European Court of Justice, wielding the charter, from reaching judgments that affect directly the British or Polish state or citizen

These kinds of guarantees will sweeten the deal for President Klaus if they are extended to him, but the treaty, no matter how it is passed, will be binding, and member nations will not be able to escape it in the courts.

That is, except for one nation—the true power in Europe, Germany. It essentially saved its national sovereignty due to a legal ruling in its constitutional court.

Only one nation, Germany, will save it's own sovereignty, meanwhile the rest, 26 nations, will lose their sovereignty once this treaty is ratified.

IMO this is only bad news for the European people, but I know many of them think this will bring them closer together and make them all brothers and sisters, but they don't seem to realize that all this will do is consolidate power and take away the rights granted to them by their own Constitutions.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Absolute Power by treaty.
But this is an outcome of WWII.
If you followed what happened.
The technology has already been signed away.
The great science is all in the hands of the wealthy.
Thus the financial falls in line.
The great science was developed during WWII in Germany and
remains the guiding power in the world.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:24 PM

actually both houses of the czech congress and the czech people want to sign the lisbon treaty, its vaclav klaus and his few supporters who refuse and without klaus's signing it, the lisbon treaty wont go into effect. therefore it is vaclav klaus who stands in the way, not the czech nation

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
...the czech people want to sign the lisbon treaty...

not really, 65% people support the president on this.

[edit on 16/10/2009 by ranswer]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:40 PM
Good for him.

Take it from America: centralizing power into a single federal government is a BAD IDEA.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Hungary will be the second country in this resistance up from the 2010 elections when the Zionists will be banished from the government and the patriots are going to replace them. Maybe Hungary will also get out from the E.U. as the Hungarians has enough about it, as their citizens are opposed this treaty, but the Zionist government is simply signed it without the approval of the citizens. So, keep up the resistance Czech Republic. Hungary may join to you soon.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by Sharrow]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Sharrow
Hungary will be the second country in this resistance up from the 2010 elections when the Zionists will be banished from the government and the patriots are going to replace them. Maybe Hungary will also get out from the E.U. as the Hungarians has enough about it, as their citizens are opposed this treaty, but the Zionist government is simply signed it without the approval of the citizens. So, keep up the resistance Czech Republic. Hungary may join to you soon.

What does zionism have to do with this?...

Israel has nothing to do with this. For what reason are most European countries, and their people against Israel?....

If zionists were in power, the European nations would be pro-Israel, and they are not...

Please do not derail the thread with these claims.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Anyway, I wanted to post the following as a remainder.

Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship
From the desk of Paul Belien on Mon, 2006-02-27 22:13

Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky called the EU a “monster” that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state.
An interview with Vladimir Bukovsky about the impending EUSSR

In his speech Mr Bukovsky referred to confidential documents from secret Soviet files which he was allowed to read in 1992. These documents confirm the existence of a conspiracy to turn the European Union into a socialist organization.
I attended the meeting and taped the speech. A transcript, as well as the audio fragment (approx. 15 minutes) can be found below. I also had a brief interview with Mr Bukovsky (4 minutes), a transcript and audio fragment of which can also be found below. The interview about the European Union had to be cut short because Mr Bukovsky had other engagements, but it brought back some memories to me, as I had interviewed Vladimir Bukovsky twenty years ago, in 1986, when the Soviet Union, the first monster that he so valiantly fought, was still alive and thriving.

Audio with interview of Vladimir Bukovksy

[edit on 16-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:16 PM
He's going to sign it

Now there are reports that he will not demand a new treaty ratification and that he may settle for political rather than legal guarantees. European leaders will be awaiting the outcome with bated breath.

Of course we all know they'll get what they want

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman

actually both houses of the czech congress and the czech people want to sign the lisbon treaty, its vaclav klaus and his few supporters who refuse and without klaus's signing it, the lisbon treaty wont go into effect. therefore it is vaclav klaus who stands in the way, not the czech nation

The house and Congress yes, they want to sign it, but as the other member posted most Czechs do not want this, and they back their president.

The EU has been using pressure, and even black mail to get many countries to sign this treaty, and they are doing the same to the Czech Republic.

EU adds pressure on Czech president
European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso increased pressure on the Czech president on Tuesday to sign the European Union's Lisbon reform treaty so it can come into force before the year-end.

Speaking after meeting with Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer, Barroso warned that the 27-country EU would be blocked if the Czech Republic sunk the treaty, which is meant to streamline decision-making and boost the bloc's global role.

"It is not in the interest of the Czech Republic to have the treaty delayed and the EU blocked," Barroso told a news conference. "I certainly hope the Czech Republic will fulfil its obligation."
While Klaus would probably like an exemption to be part of the treaty, some EU governments are reluctant to grant him even a political declaration. The treaty gives the EU a long-term president and a powerful foreign policy chief.

"We should not create precedents. One should not be subject to blackmail at the last minute," one EU diplomat said.

Barroso warned that the Czech Republic might lose its representation in the executive European Commission if the country fails to ratify the treaty.

[edit on 16-10-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

So what do you, and other members think of this? More so, what does it say about this treaty when the EU has been using lots of pressure, and blackmail in order for countries like the Czech Republic, Ireland, and others to sign the treaty?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Of course the european bureaucrats are searching for ways to imitate China step by step through the backdoor with treatys like this, thus hoping to emerge as a new economic world power following China in their ways and productivity.
But they simply underestimate the complexity of all the European cultures and differences. No one in the history of man was able to conquer Europe as a whole, or even uniting it (no romans, no mongols, no napoleon, no pope, no hitler and no soviet union).
But those diplomats from brussels think they can accomplish this by their papers and a little patience ! Even if this lisbon-paper goes trough now, eventually the EU will split up again and that will be a real moment of european freedom again !


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