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Israel's Government shows its True Colours

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by kcfusion

Did you also notice that the motion put forward by the UNHRC missed out all of the bits about Hamas from the Goldstone Report, restricted the scope entirely to Israel, and added in a load of extra stuff which Fatah put in? Including complaints about the way the government deals with holy sites in East Jerusalem - very interesting story there.

Did you know that the Israeli government are now threatening to release tapes of Mahmoud Abbas giving the Israeli defence department details of Hamas operatives whereabouts and encouraging them to "finish the job" during Op. Cast Lead? The same Mahmoud Abbas who is now goading the UNHRC into prosecuting Israel for war crimes? Can you spot the hypocrisy?

If this goes to the security council then how do you think the vote will go? I think the US will veto, China, Russia will vote in favour and the EU will abstain.

As far as I can tell this isn't, and never has been about human rights - what do countries like China, Pakistan, Russia care about human rights? - it's about the world's dictatorships attacking America and America's allies. Could this spell the beginning of the end of the UN?

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by bigyin

I heard about the 2million leaflets on an Israeli news broadcast on T.V.
about 2 days ago.No one, on this thread, wants to give any credence to it
though.That's why I suggested consulting a magic8ball.
If anyone has possible solutions,I'm game!

Matt...I know that I have tunnel vision when it comes to Israel.
The U.S. is slowly dying and China and Russia will have a lot to do with
our demise.
Russia is our old adversary and China owns us.The borrower is servant
to the lender.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by bigyin

I know what Zionism is

I just wanted you to tell me what you think Zionism is, and more specifically who the Zionists are and how they influence Israeli policy WRT the Middle East.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Yes, Israel did drop millions of leaflets and make phone calls and send text messages to people asking them to vacate their premises. They also held off attacking targets on many occasions because of fears of hurting civilians.

The IDF operate to roughly the same engagement rules as the UK army does, and the US army. Don't shoot unless you're being shot at, treat prisoners humanely, and show respect for the civilian population. It's in the manual. Do they have some bad apples? Undoubtedly, but who doesn't?

How do we think the US and British armies perform on those fronts? Are we perfect?

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM
If the Islamic nations recieve the backing of Russia and China Israel is doomed.

I genuinely fear for them, although the zionists I have no regard for and they will reap what they have sowen.

If the Muslim nations, along with Russia and China,try to invade Israel,
God will destroy them!
I support Israel because of my Bible and my faith.Not all christians support
Israel,but,I do!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

Don't really share your views on this being a religious conflict - Israel is a secular and multi-faith country. But the conflict has several dimensions that need to be considered:

- Palestinian / Jewish sectarian conflict (mostly small scale)
- Israel / Hamas conflict
- Israel / Hezbollah conflict
- Israel / Arab conflict
- Iran / West conflict
- Russia-China / US conflict

And of course there's the simmering resentment of Muslims that live in Western countries to consider as well which could be a potential powder keg. As far as they're concerned Israel-Palestine is just one war of several between the West and Islam, and Israel is just one belligerent along with the UK and the US.

I don't suppose it will come to an invasion of Israel, not because of this, worst case scenario for Israel is that Barak and IDF end up in the Hague and every minute detail of the war will come out. That may not be a bad thing for those of us that don't believe the IDF behaved in the way they've been accused of.

But I do resent paying for the trials / investigations with my tax money - let Israel's accusers pay for it I say.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by bigyin

I know what Zionism is

I just wanted you to tell me what you think Zionism is, and more specifically who the Zionists are and how they influence Israeli policy WRT the Middle East.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by mattpryor]

I don't have time to list all the examples of zionism, but here's one I was just reading about. Hope it helps explain things for you

zionism at work

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by MysterE

Originally posted by Sharrow

Originally posted by bigyin
I would say Israel will destroy itself before long ... the amount of hate it is generating against itself will come back.

What goes around comes around.

Amen preacher. I hope you're right.

Second line.

You just exposed yourself... Interpretation

All Isrealies will die
to which you reply... "Amen preacher. I hope you're right."

You disgust me


That has to be the LAMEST argument i have ever seen on this board, no... the internet what he ment was what israel does to others others will do to israel and that is a bloody fact my fallacy fanatic.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by mamabeth

Don't really share your views on this being a religious conflict - Israel is a secular and multi-faith country. But the conflict has several dimensions that need to be considered:

- Palestinian / Jewish sectarian conflict (mostly small scale)
- Israel / Hamas conflict
- Israel / Hezbollah conflict
- Israel / Arab conflict
- Iran / West conflict
- Russia-China / US conflict

And of course there's the simmering resentment of Muslims that live in Western countries to consider as well which could be a potential powder keg. As far as they're concerned Israel-Palestine is just one war of several between the West and Islam, and Israel is just one belligerent along with the UK and the US.

I don't suppose it will come to an invasion of Israel, not because of this, worst case scenario for Israel is that Barak and IDF end up in the Hague and every minute detail of the war will come out. That may not be a bad thing for those of us that don't believe the IDF behaved in the way they've been accused of.

But I do resent paying for the trials / investigations with my tax money - let Israel's accusers pay for it I say.

Your tax dollers pay for black ops and black water in iraq (they are being replaced by the russians who will do a better job and won't blow up sheep for #s and gigles)so i don't think the us government gives 2 blinks of an eye what an individual you are it's like shouting a damn to stop the flow of water.... A COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by bigyin

You've quoted the Iranian government's official news outlet - I'm sorry but I don't think Ahamdi's opinion on Zionism is worth much. Come on, you can do better than that?

Why don't you tell us what you think Zionism is all about? You must have opinions on it, you use the word often enough.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by bigyin

You've quoted the Iranian government's official news outlet - I'm sorry but I don't think Ahamdi's opinion on Zionism is worth much. Come on, you can do better than that?

Why don't you tell us what you think Zionism is all about? You must have opinions on it, you use the word often enough.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by mattpryor]

Gosh after 2 days thinking about it is that all you can say. I suppose it must be difficult defending the indefensible. But I notice you didn't try defending it, you just ignore it when it's staring you in the face.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by bigyin

I don't use ATS over the weekend. Don't really use the internet much over weekends. Not sure what I've done to p*ss you off so much, but you seem very confrontational in your posts.

I'm not interested in what Press TV or AN says, I'm interested in what you say. Why's that so hard? You obviously have lots of opinions about Israel / Jews / Zionists, I'm asking you to post them in your own words so we can debate them.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by bigyin

I don't use ATS over the weekend. Don't really use the internet much over weekends. Not sure what I've done to p*ss you off so much, but you seem very confrontational in your posts.

I'm not interested in what Press TV or AN says, I'm interested in what you say. Why's that so hard? You obviously have lots of opinions about Israel / Jews / Zionists, I'm asking you to post them in your own words so we can debate them.

Where did I say you piss me off ?

Where have I been confrontational ?

You've had a look through my previous posts so you already know what I think, I don't need to repeat myself.

Perhaps you can give us a list of news outlets you are interested in, then when I see anything of interest on those I will link to them. Something tells me it might be hard to find material though.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by bigyin

You accused Colonel Kemp of being in the pay of "the Zionists", just as anyone who stands up and defends Israelis is accused. Myself included, on several occasions on this very website.

I want to know who these Zionists are, what they stand for, what their policies are, how they control Israeli policy. You said, the Israeli people aren't to blame - just the Zionists. But the Israeli people elected, and approve of, their government. So the government aren't the Zionists either? So another organisation behind the scenes pulls the strings of the Israeli government?

Who are they?

What do they want?

Freemasons? NWO? Illuminati?

Come on! I want well thought out and well argued opinions, I want proper intellectual debate and mutual understanding, I'm sick and tired of half-baked propaganda and slogans!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by mattpryor
reply to post by bigyin

You accused Colonel Kemp of being in the pay of "the Zionists", just as anyone who stands up and defends Israelis is accused. Myself included, on several occasions on this very website.

I want to know who these Zionists are, what they stand for, what their policies are, how they control Israeli policy. You said, the Israeli people aren't to blame - just the Zionists. But the Israeli people elected, and approve of, their government. So the government aren't the Zionists either? So another organisation behind the scenes pulls the strings of the Israeli government?

Who are they?

What do they want?

Freemasons? NWO? Illuminati?

Come on! I want well thought out and well argued opinions, I want proper intellectual debate and mutual understanding, I'm sick and tired of half-baked propaganda and slogans!

Ic. Problem is that to have intellectual debate you require to have intellectuals.

Since I did not say Col Kemp was paid by zionists and I have not accused you of that either, then clearly you have a problem understanding in general.

It is therefore impossible to have such a debate with yourself.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by bigyin

You're right and I apologise, you actually said he was in the pay of the IDF then said about Zionist policies being rammed down Israelis' throats. That was what I wanted you to clarify.

It doesn't matter, we're just going round in circles anyway.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:35 PM

But lets be honest, it doesnt matter what you or I think about it. It's not going to change anything.

I just watched this from another thread which got me thinking.


I don't know how true it is but from what I know about muslim people who I know it could be right.

If so it doesn't bode well for Israel. Perhaps they should start treating Muslims a little bit better.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by bigyin

That was a great video you added to your post.Star for you!
Have you ever heard of the video,Obsession,Islams war
against the west?If you can find it,it is worth watching!

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I'm glad you liked it. The point is though that if it is to be believed then muslims are gonna take over the world quite soon. Great if your a muslim or not an enemy of islam. If on the other hand you are an enemy of islam then things are going to hot up.

Here in the UK there is a move to allow sharia law. Now if I'm being honest, where I live there are not that many muslims and it's hard for me to appreciate whats happening, but one only has to travel down to places like Birmingham and London and for me it's like a foreign country and I suppose these are the places where sharia law is being demanded.

So perhaps there comes a tipping point when muslims outnumber everyone else. I don't know what will happen then.

But if a white, Scottish, non religous person like me can become infuriated by Israels treatment of Palestinians then I don't know how muslims worldwide must feel towards Israel and Jews. All I can say is when the tipping point comes I wouldn't want to be in Israel.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by bigyin

That was a great video you added to your post.Star for you!
Have you ever heard of the video,Obsession,Islams war
against the west?If you can find it,it is worth watching!

I have now had a chance to watch this film. Some interesting points but overall a sensationalist distortion of reality and I notice a film made entirely by jews.

Its a shame that some jews have such a ridiculous view of the world.

In my view this type of propaganda simply enforces what I've been saying that zionist policies are the problem and ultimately will bring israel down.

What other films have you got ?

[edit on 31-10-2009 by bigyin]

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