Okay, the former Prime Minister of Denmark was also told that the first Tower was going to collapse. 10 minutes before it happened.
Now I believe when we put all this together we have some evidence that is not really "debunkable," and will only be debunked by people who believe
in fantasies.
#1. WE know Giuliani, knew of the Towers collapse before it happened.
#2. New NEWS - BBC Video - WTC 7 - Prior Knowledge (The BBC had prior knowledge that was fed to them)
#3. These guys certainly know its about (WTC-7) come down!
Keep your eye on that building, it'll be coming down soon
Its one thing to make excuses for all these Skyscrapers to have fallen after 2 jets slammed into 2 buildings.
Its one thing to excuse the collapse of the Third building.
But in such a rare and unlikely event, whats up with all these people knowing about it just before it happens???
What's up with people knowing in advance about *ALL* the collapses before the collapses, including the building that was not even hit by a Jet???
Didn't know so many prophets were hanging around New York.
Thanks for the Denmark video, hadn't seen that one yet. I'm so convinced that we are being lied to about 9-11, that I dont even watch the new videos
coming out, its just so obvious now. On the bright side talking to friends/family about the 9-11 truth is getting easier, more people are questioning
the official story. Keep up the good work.
Krikey. I had a good notion the towers and possibly other buildings in the immediate area would collapse. Big deal. It wasn't a huge stretch of the
imagination. I even guessed both towers would be hit once I knew about the first. I guess I'm a NWO shill with inside secret knowledge, or more
likely, just properly intuitive.
Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Krikey. I had a good notion the towers and possibly other buildings in the immediate area would collapse. Big deal. It wasn't a huge stretch of the
imagination. I even guessed both towers would be hit once I knew about the first. I guess I'm a NWO shill with inside secret knowledge, or more
likely, just properly intuitive.
There are a number of reasons why this is a poor excuse.
#1. People, thought the Tower in Madrid was going to collapse. Yet it didn't.
#2. The close proximity of "knowing" about the collapses. If you bothered to watch one of the video's, the man in the video says..."keep your eye
on that building it will be coming down soon."
How would someone know it would be "soon?"
#3. WTC-7, looked very much like a controlled demolition.
#4. Steel Structures of this kind have never collapsed from FIRE.
#5. There were many other buildings that day that looked like they would or should've collapsed, yet didn't.
#6. Lastly, this WAS NOT A NOTION THAT THE COLLAPSES were going to happen, but advanced foreknowledge.
Its one thing to make an excuse for such an unlikely event, but to add to that, people knowing in advance and in close proximity of the event, makes
this story only believable to those who engage in fantasies.