posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:35 PM
here is the thread about the upcoming game "The Secret World"
i was sent an email telling about a test you take at their website to see which secret society you are best fit for, also to sign up for a chance to
become a beta tester for the new game when its launched!!
i thought that everyone here at ATS would love to try this game out before it hits the public so i am threading it here!!
i was told that i was best fit to be in the Templars, but i chose to be in the Dragons after reading the descriptions.
after you take the test and pick which society you would like to join, you are given a starter kit for that society.
well i hope everyone signs up and enjoys the game!!
please post what society they told you that you were best fit for along with which one you choose.
oh also i did post this link in the previous thread, but it wasn't getting any other posts, so i thought that i should start a new one with beta test
in the title.
hope you guys get accepted and enjoy the game!!