posted on May, 18 2004 @ 12:17 AM
The Morning Sedition is good, entertaining even, with Chuck D.
The O'Franken Factor is wonderful, Al is a very witty guy and he knows his stuff, just as he does in his books!!
My fave though is Randi Rhodes, this lady rocks!!! She's gotta bigger set than most guys and the way she told Nader to GTFOut on her first show was
pure GOLD!!!
I use to listen to Ms.Rhodes on the old and she was awesome then.
I really wish they could pull Thom Hartmann over from too but he's gotta good gig going!!
As for the issues, from what I've heard from relatives in Chicago & LA, the boot was politically motivated. The very right wing owners of
HispanicRadio (the owner of both the Chi-town & LA stations) was coerced by their local GOPers to toss the AAR folks out. No checks bounced, as the
owner had tried to blame the closure on AAR was actually about stopping the alternate voice from being heard.
You like rush-the-druggie and weenie-boy-hannity for allowing opposite voices? WTF are you talking about? They might invite somebody in, as they did
Mike Malloy (formerly of only to yell over him for 10 minutes until he finally said FU and got up and walked out!!! The only time I
ever enjoyed that nazibastard hannity's show... EVER!!!
As for the AAR execs leaving, that was the plan, both were only onboard for the startup until others were in place to take over. As for the cashflow
issue the zillionaire Soros has stepped into offer assistance, capital & executive direction which is wonderful news. A press conf is to be called to
announce the new teaming next week.
Don't be so quick to put the AAR folks to bed just yet. The infant needs to crawl before it walks, and must walk before it runs!!
By November the AAR team will be there to send off the shrub family back to crawford, to crawl back under the bush-crime-family rock!!!
Vote for freedom from the tyranical shrub regime!!!
VOTE JOHN KERRY in 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Ra]