reply to post by remymartin
What doesn't help is the Nasa switching, swapping, changing, converting, they had lots of time to select what they wanted people to see, the promise
of live footage turned into almost live animation.
The OP footage, call me nuts, I have watched it many times since the thread went up, the center of the crater seems to move? like it well opened or
shifted, pixels are a B**ch.
If it is real, it deff moves with intent, what is the source of the pictures? I know that there are people who can pick up the images without going
through Nasa, have to say the actual event was a huge disappointment, and I don't really go for the, we didn't see the impact but got a lot of data
The Infra-red images I saw said the impact was showing up green, but I was under the impression that heat was shown as red?
Something was certainly missing when impact took place, the only real logical explanation for seeing nothing, would have to be the impact area was a
huge crevasse or a very deep canyon, at an angle to make the impact out of sight, but I cant see it if they surveyed the area before hand, they would
have known.
It didn't make much sense when it happened, and still doesn't, I don't accept their explanations, even Nasa had to lift their dropped jaw.
Perhaps this is what we have all been waiting for, lets hope.