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can humans create a better world just by VISUALIZING it?

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posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:07 AM
the basis of chi energy healing is that you can create a positive outcome ; or heal someone; just by focusing all your energy on this outcome and visualising the person as healed. the more people that take part and direct their chi energy at someone; the faster the healing process. i saw a demonstration of this at a chinese medicine place.

perhaps the same idea can be applied to the whole world. we need to identify outcomes we want - UNselfish outcomes and POSITIVE outcomes for the planet - and then focus on and VISUALIZE these outcomes coming true. BELIEVE that these things will happen; and they will happen - according to chi energy principles. they mean that people can be very powerful. and the more people who combine their positive energy to a good effect; the faster it will work and themore likely to succeed and counter any negative energy.

for example; we might want:
-people to live in peace all over the world and an end to wars
- an end to violence against and abuse of women and children
-we might want caged chickens (and caged bears in china - who are kept in cages to drain their bile for medicinal use) to be set free
-animals to be treated more humanely (live exports to cease)
-people - including men and women - and animals to live in harmony with each othe rand the natural environment
- the preservation of the environment
- clean/green energy
- everyone to live simply and sustainably in harmony with the natural enviornment
- etc...

so we could every night or day; take some time just to focus on these things; and believe that they will happen: say this WILL happen; and believe it. then if everyone focuses together on these things happening; i really believe that they will happen. i think people HAVE the power; we just need to realize it and use it - all TOGETHER. (faith that can move mountains, the religions call it, dont they)

think about it. you're going for a job interview. or you're training to pass a music or ballet or martial arts exam. you need to BELIEVE you can do it - dont you? believe in yourself first? everyone knows this. if you dont believe it can happen; it probably wont; no matter how hard you prepare.

also; you need to ACT as well of course; but actions tend to flow naturally from focused thoughts and beliefs. if you BELIEVE and FOCUS on something; your actions will follow as well; and things will just start to happen; i think...

I would say: dont ever feel defeated, no matter what the odds. i think thats a good thing to follow.
[edit on 15-10-2009 by rapunzel222]

[edit on 15-10-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:43 AM
Hmm...what would happen if enough people believe that in December 2012 mankind will wipe itself from the face of the earth? Their combined energy will doom us all

I don't think it works this way. Channeling positive energy sounds good, but it's a nicer way of saying 'I'm not going to act, but I wish you the best' to a drowning man.

Be the change you want to see in the world. If you want positive action, then take positive action.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:45 AM
read the dao of healing (spelled tao)

daoists believe that all thoughts can be manifest.

also an easier introductory book to chi and daoist philosphy

the power of chi

the thing about chi and daosim is the ideal way to do things is to do nothing and allow nature to takeits course.

through inaction you achieve balance. by your action to promote change you slow the balancing of chi. all things will be in time, according to balance and the natural order

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:51 AM
If this was true.... don't you think the masses would have achieved it by now?

Look around you. We're screwed, and no amount of 'happy thoughts' is gonna change it. Now- if people actually DID something about it....

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:53 AM
Humans can only create a better world by doing it. Visualizing it is meaningless without physically practicing it. Everyday there are thousands of people who pray/meditate for world peace... yet nothing ever changes... if anything, the state of the world continues to decline. We must move beyond though into action or it's just a 'nice idea'.


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:59 AM
i believe like the OP that it is very possible to visualize a better future.
If enough people can visualize a better future, or a worse one, it could happen.
Now that statement does not mean that if a man is drowning (like someone posted) you do nothing and wish him the best. Also means you cannot just sit back and be holistic with yourself only and not really do anything about anything.

I think that there is a nice middle ground that nobody wants to see. I see comments for people claiming both are the way to be. I would like to think that combining positive energy thoughts, and constructive positive doings will help build a better future.

My 2 cents, (which is almost par these days)

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

On a very small, personal scale, I have done exactly what you propose in your thread title. From my perspective, I believe that it only takes a minute portion of the population to enact change. Change which reverberates through the invisible energetic, thought-field of life.

The hardest part is convincing yourself that you Do believe you can effect world outcomes. For most people, that is biting off more than one can safely swallow. So, I decided to start small. I decided that I could change one belief I have held for the longest time. It is much harder to change your beliefs than you'd think! First, you have to figure out how that belief started, what evidence you've accumulated to solidify that belief and then, actively work to change it. It is very difficult and time-consuming.

If you happen to already hold the belief that your thoughts and focus result in material change, you're way ahead of the rest of us. If you are like most of us, forcing yourself to believe something because you Want to, is entirely different than actually believing you personally have the power, energy, focus and will that will result in the changes you believe in.

But, as I tried to say earlier and got lost on a tangent (
), all it takes is a very small portion of the total population to effect change. Those capable of understanding what it takes to change your beliefs through willpower will understand this reply.

You, individually, can and do change the world around you on the basis of your beliefs combined with your ability to focus and direct internal energy (force) toward your beliefs. Changes are automatic at this level of "knowing". Often ignorantly referred to as "magic", this process takes concentration, focus, determination and self-control.

I don't see the majority of the world's population achieving that high a level of self-control, determination, focus and will-power directed toward a benevolent outcome for all. However, we don't need a majority. We only need a dedicated few (whom are probably here for the purpose we are discussing intentionally) to achieve a direct impact on the hearts, minds and beliefs of the majority who will then become akin to billions of tiny batteries fueling the energy necessary for human ascention (to higher realms of thought) which will result in a better world for everyone and everything.

Thank you for posting a positive thread.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Dorfl

no no, if you read my post to the end you'll see i believe in action. i think you need to visualise first, then your actions will follow naturally. will be inevitable even.

re: the 2012 thing: believing is not the whole thing; i mean VISUALIZING; WILLING something to happen. yeah if everyone VISUALIZES and WILLS it to happen maybe it wud; but just thinking it might happen; or being prepared just incase; i dunno if that wud be enough; thats why i said to stay positive always; always expect the BEST outcome; and visualise the BEST scenario. you can still be prepared for any possibility so long as you dont FOCUS on it maybe.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:03 AM
Nothing can be created without visualizing it first and then looking at the logistics of how and by what set of structures this visualization can be created. Now trying to get the entire human race to agree on the visualization of the "Better World" and then agree on the paths needed to achieve this Visualization and then implement the chosen path is different story altogether.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
If this was true.... don't you think the masses would have achieved it by now?

Look around you. We're screwed, and no amount of 'happy thoughts' is gonna change it. Now- if people actually DID something about it....

i think thats the sort of attitude that will ensure that we ARE screwed.
if you dont think something's even possible, how can you ever make it happen. everyone thinks like that on their more negataive days; but i think its good to try even if you're not sure if you'll succeed - cuz what else is there? there's only hope; so we have to try, dont we? the alternative is just to give up.

i disagree with you totally as well. if EVERYONE visualised a different way of living and then ACTED upon it, everything WOULD change for the better. (what would there be to stop it?) therefore the ONLY barrier to positive change, is getting enough people to BELIEVE in it and ACT on it. this is the ONLY way it can ever happen. so if you're not on board, you are contributing to the failure of the situation. only by being on board can you hope for anything better to happen. in my opinion..

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by kcfusion

yeah. well you gotta start somewhere, dont you?

i really dont know that its that impossible. people look after their own self interest at a basic level often and act out of self interest. the worst of us and even the best of us do this.

now if people became convinced that positive change was in their best self interest - they would DEMAND it. and it would HAPPEN.

i think positive change IS in everyone's self interest; but i just dont think people realise this or WHY this is. i think that's a barrier to be overcome; but it can be done.

again, im an optimist

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

It is important to have the Positive Intent, but that must be followed with Action to bring anything into reality.

Even if 70 percent of the population focused on positive change with their thoughts, not much would really happen until those people got up and modelled the changes sought for others to see and perhaps do likewise.

All the positive thinking in the world is nothing without positive action to back it up.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
reply to post by rapunzel222

The hardest part is convincing yourself that you Do believe you can effect world outcomes. For most people, that is biting off more than one can safely swallow.

Oh, that part's easy for me
luckily im quite narcissistic .. .

Thank you for posting a positive thread.

No worries

ps; this is not preaching cuz im not saying i can do it - but my thoughts on this are: i do see how people can have trouble 'believing'. if you feel like you are believing something that's 'impossible'. if you can convince yourself it's possible then i think you can believe it.

(reminds me of star wars where luke skywalker has to believe he can lift the ship out of the water with his mind, before he can actually do it. there's a tricky one to master i wud think. or heal someone spontaneously is also along those lines i wud think. maybe if you've seen it done you can develop the belief that its possible. ) or on spaceballs, where he's lifting the yoghurt statue... use the force, lonestar... use the force!!!! (the force is chi energy btw)

maybe its like in alice in wonderland ' why i used to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast'

i agree; it can be hard sometimes but i really think there's a truth to this that science will catch up with and explain... i read about some science experiment with light particles and the particle changed course or something depending on the observer watching it. (physics people feel free to correct me if im wrong). thats how i understood it. in this case, thought maybe can influence matter/energy?

from what you've said it seems like you already know about this stuff and you're already practicing this sort of thing. ive only recently started looking into this stuff too.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:32 AM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:33 AM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

There is something in this for sure however I don't believe the masses can change conditions for the masses. On the other hand I believe an individual can change things for the individual.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

About 5 years ago I was walking from the parking garage to my office building downtown. Everyone around me on the crowded sidewalks had a frown on their faces, shuffling along with downcast attitudes. Just another day, repeating what they've done everyday of the work week.

That day, I felt wonderful. I was happy, healthy, fit and loving life for no particular reason. I just felt good. The way I felt showed in my demeanor, on my face and in my attitude.

I smiled. Just because I felt like smiling. I wanted to project this wonderful feeling outward, to share it with strangers, hoping it would "rub off". LOL

By the time I had walked my 5 city blocks to my office building, I noticed that everyone (I mean everyone) was smiling at each other, nodding their heads in greeting to others, holding doors for each other, motorists were patiently allowing pedestrians to cross the street (extraordinary!!!) and I was happy to think that I had a hand in that. It never occurred before or since, but that day, it worked. It worked so well that I never forgot it.

Even after I arrived at my desk and began the workday, the feeling continued. Co-workers who were usually surly and unpleasant were behaving nicely to each other. It was amazing.

Maybe I had nothing to do with this amazing development, but I like to think my willingness to project my own pure joy at being alive helped others to rediscover that feeling in themselves. I like to think so and because I do, I practice as often as I can when a natural powerful feeling like that happens to me. I try to share it. Most often, it does rub off. Who is to say what element is working in this situations? I think its is a matter of energy. Thoughts are energy. Emotions are energy. I was experimenting with focusing my thoughts and emotions onto the busy, bustling citydwellers. The effect was amazing.

Ever since then, I've been convinced that we influence each other whether intentional or not. I choose to believe that when I'm in a good mood, I can project that outward and positively affect everyone around me. Whether they realize it or not is inconsequential. I do. Because without a doubt, when I am in a bad mood, everyone is affected. There is no escaping that fact either. I remember this incident because it was so profound. Life-changing actually.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

can humans create a better world just by VISUALIZING it?

......i do this every day, don't you??

Only problem is the things i visualize effect only my reality, my own little world. Just like the schizophrenic who will tell you the voices are really there but you can't hear them....

To bad though!! You should see my world, it's way better than what you guys got stuck with


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:58 AM
Visualizing will create a better world even though it's just inside your head.

All kidding aside. Visualizing is good but it is nothing unless it's backed up by action. Everyone can visualize. It's the action part that is lacking.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 09:01 AM

This is a funny ozzy comedy skit on the secret .... hope you like it

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