posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:53 AM
Many thanks to the OP for this advert, i have been following the RFID chipping plans for awhile now, and have seen a couple of the other commercials
out for them (like the shop lifting type one) but this new one is by far the scariest!! But thats exactly how they do this, control by fear like usual
for the elites conditioning of the of the early adverts for the chip was a women saying after 9/11 she was very worried for her loved ones
and thats why she was going to get them all chipped.. and i am sure there are many similar stories out there.. people will accept this atrocity of
enslavement and utter control out of concern of 'terrorism', and worry about their loved ones, because they think its the 'cool' thing to do,
thinking its awesome and sci fi cool to become a scanable item.. and out of will make certain life aspects greatly easier, but that sure
as hell isnt always a good thing! especially so when it takes away innumerable freedoms (those we have left at any rate) for that easier life..
Some of the posts here on the topic have me really quite concerned though, a few especially make me wonder why they are even here on ATS to begin
with.. they obviously arent learning much! Personally, i am not a fan of technology in general sure its great when it works, and it can be an
excellent tool..but we all know i am sure, how often and how problematic computers from PCs, laptops, Ipods, Blackberries, ATM cash machines and so
on, are when they break down or mess it really such a good idea to place more dependency on technology? But the real problem is the control
elements to this population chipping gives governmental officials and the higher ups a great deal more of control over the people, more
personally than ever before..
Then again, with all this said.. i have heard a few times from various places that the chip is now old technoloy and that they no longer need them to
control people, they can easily do so with frequencies alone now..anyone have any info about this theory?? its disturbing to say the least..