posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 03:19 PM
50/100......Because I believe that about half of what we are told or see is true, we just like to exaggerate and blow things out of proportion to
propagate conspiracies and take our anger out on the government, so we assume they are hiding something or being malevolent when in reality about half
of what they say and do is factual and without any form of "insidious plans", it is not easy to run a country like ours, they make mistakes too you
BUT....The other 50% is the TRUE unknowns, the black projects, political corruption, self service, and ideological conspiracies (NWO, etc). So yea, I
would say the 50% that is true is probably the government we see all the time, the "public government", while the other is the "shadow
government", of course probably 40% or more of any real conspiracies and lies within the "public government" is due to their "strings being
pulled" (regardless if they are aware of it or not) by the shadow.
I have noticed that a lot of members who have replied are just stating ridiculously low trust levels, I mean really, think about that, you are pretty
much saying that EVERYTHING we see and hear is a lie, that is just not possible and is borderline ridiculous and paranoid to assume that. I am not
defending some actions of the government by any means, I am just saying that in my opinion, in reality it is about 50/50, truth vs bs.