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UN: Record 1 billion go hungry

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posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:41 PM

UN: Record 1 billion go hungry

The world's most populous region, Asia and the Pacific, has the largest number of hungry people — 642 million — followed by Sub-Saharan Africa with 265 million
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 14/10/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:41 PM
North America and Europe today consume about 60% of the world's available energy and 40% of the world's food, representing 19% of the world's population. In Europe, about 30% of available food is thrown away. It is a travesty of humanity that our leaders use food as a weapon to control the regions of the world not yet under thier influence. The trend continues despite a recent treaty to reduce world hunger in half by 2015.. instead, more and more people go hungry...
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 14/10/2009 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Wow.. That's just utterly ludicrous. 19% of the worlds pop consumes 40% of the worlds food supply, and in one continent, 30% of that goes to waste... No wonder people are so obese...

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:54 PM
We need to fix this world. Imagine 3x the population of the US starving, thats not right, no matter the country.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:37 PM
The earth will provide only enough food to sustain a certain population size, other than that people starve. Just as in the animal kingdom. Yes western countries are wasteful. That is a bad thing, but if we force everyone to starve because we give all our food away to countries with massive populations, what good will that serve?

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Well that's what happens when countries priorities, especially the United States, are messed up and run by idiotic morons.

Too much money is spent on scams, ponzi schemes, and the military, and all three need to be stopped, which is what the New World Order will do.

Thanks to the establishment of the NWO all civilizations who don't have their priorities straight will be destroyed economically, and be happy that it's going to happen this way.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:13 PM
This is humanities problem. They think government will solve their problems with some New World Order.

The problem is Government. Governments are the cause of war, destruction and chaos throughout the world.

They start wars, horde resources, they make technology classified in order to find ways to use technology in war and more.

When have you ever seen a poor government? People are living in huts and eating mud pies and the people in government are living like kings.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:13 PM
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to this subject. The United Nations, the World Trade Organization, Ex-President Clinton and the past and present sec of Ag should all be on trial for mass murder in my opinion.

"We need the World Bank, we need the International Monetary Fund, we need all the big foundations, we need all the governments to admit that for 30 years we all blew it, including me, when I was President. We blew it. We were wrong to believe that food is like some other product in international trade. And we all have to go back to a more environmentally responsible, sustainable form of agriculture." Former US President Bill Clinton, in a keynote address for World Food Day on 23 October 2008

With hindsight, it was the late 1990's and the first decade of the 21st Century when farming went into irreversible decline as it lurched and staggered like a perpetual drunkard from crisis to disaster..

Yet the present Congress is continuing the Planned Starvation. See Food Safety Con Job

THE SILENT WAR: Farms and Consumers vs Corporate driven Government policies

"Food is a weapon," said Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs


1944 to 2009
World Bank and IMF use the loans they provide countries to prescribe policies and major changes in the economies of these countries.

IMF Structural Adjustment Programs: The globalization of poverty

History of Structural Adjustment Policies by country:

Former employee Breaks Code of Silence on IMF crimes:

1957 the Poultry Products Inspection Acts These acts mandate sensory or organoleptic (sight, smell, and touch) inspection of all carcasses.

1961 PVP is the Plant Variety Protection: The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants: Gave seed companies a monopoly on only the commercial multiplication and the marketing of seeds. Farmers remained free to save seed from their own harvest to plant in the following year, and other breeders could freely use any variety, protected or not, to develop a new one.

1980 the Supreme Court decision in Diamond v. Chakrabarthy, 447 U.S. 303 enabled living organisms to be patented

1986 Global commodity prices slumped in the mid eighties, triggering a five fold increase in farm subsidies in the USA and the EU subsidy to double. Pressure from commodity exporters inspired a decision to pursue Agricultural Policy reform at Uruguay round of GATT. It was lead by Under Secretary of Agriculture Dan Amstutz.,+1986&source=bl&ots=g_NvagIp9r&sig=iNU3 jWVgC7LkAjkzuSQt6LyINfI&hl=en&ei=XF-gSavhGY-EtgeXjZz_DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=2&ct=result#PPA68,M1

Launched in 1986, the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) Uruguay Round of international trade talks has been dominated by a confrontation between the US and the EC over farm policy reform. Both sides proclaim their commitment to devising a GATT regime which will bring an end to the anarchy in world agricultural markets, yet neither is willing to address the underlying cause of the present malaise: structural over-production in their own farm sectors and the resulting accumulation of surpluses. The use of export subsidies to put these surpluses on to world markets caused developing countries severe trade and food security problems in the 1980s; and a Uruguay Round deal is unlikely to bring any relief. What it will do, however, is introduce new regulations which, enshrined in international trade law, will restrict the right of developing countries to manage their own food systems. Most importantly, the use of trade measures to control food imports and price support measures to promote staple food production could be severely constrained, or banned, by a 'farm superpower' GATT agreement.

The U.S. comprehensive proposal for agricultural trade reform in October 1989 covered
* market access: convert all nontariff barriers to bound tariffs;
make substantial cuts in these and existing tariffs over 10 years;
use tariff rate quotas and safeguard measures to facilitate transition;
- export competition: phase out export subsidies over five years;
prohibit export restrictions on foodstuffs imposed
because of short domestic supplies;
* internal support: phase out most trade-distorting measures;
discipline those that interfere less; permit those with small
trade effect that meet specific criteria;
* sanitary and phytosanitary measures: place these under an international process for dispute settlement and harmonization.

1991 PVP monopoly has applied to seed multiplication and also to the harvest and sometimes the final product as well. Previously unlimited right of farmers to save seed for the following year's planting has been changed into an optional exception. Only if national government allows, can farm-saved seed still be used, and a royalty has to be paid to the seed company even for seeds grown on-farm.

1993 opening cattle port of entry at Santa Teresa NM built, owned, operated by Chihuahuan cattle producers, who operate both sides of the cattle port-of-entry Accounts for 25% of Mexican cattle imports.

1993 FAO prepares “the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources”

1993 Published: International HACCP guidelines developed by the Codex Alimentarius, a joint Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)and the World Health Organization (WHO). revised in 1997.

1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

1995 World Trade Organization (WTO) formed. Former Cargill Vice-President, Dan Amstutz, drafts the original text of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.
"Measures to trace provide assurances ..have been incorporated into international standards... The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures...Aims to ensure that governments DO NOT USE QUARANTINE AND FOOD SAFETY REQUIREMENTS as Unjustified trade barriers... It provides Member countries with a right to implement traceability [NAIS] as an SPS measure."

“Development of risk-based systems has been heavily influenced by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ” OIE report Oct 2008

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) introduction of intellectual property rules on plants, animals and seeds under WTO’s Agreement “could damage the livelihoods of these 1.4 billion farmers worldwide and undermine food sovereignty and food security ” Joint Communication from the African Group to the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (2003)

September 1995,Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, stated "Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize." UN's 4th World Conference on Women: Beijing, China.

September, 1995, USDA's Food Safety & Inspection Service presented a 600-page document Farm-To-Table - control of every step in the food chain from production to home preparation.

July 1996 Major re-structuring of USDA food policies:

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system.
Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems rule, on July 25, 1996 Under the HACCP rule, industry is responsible for assessing potential food safety hazards and systematically preventing and controlling those hazards. FSIS is responsible for verifying that establishments’ HACCP systems are working

Efforts of Food inspectors to bring problems with HACCP ignored by USDA management
Apr 17, 2008 Testimony:Mr. Stan Painter, Chairman, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals:

"Freedom to Farm" legislation of 1996. Cargill played a significant role in pressurising the US government to move away from its farmer support programmes and eventually adopt the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
Well that's what happens when countries priorities, especially the United States, are messed up and run by idiotic morons.

Too much money is spent on scams, ponzi schemes, and the military, and all three need to be stopped, which is what the New World Order will do.

Thanks to the establishment of the NWO all civilizations who don't have their priorities straight will be destroyed economically, and be happy that it's going to happen this way.

Wait a minute, you're saying you support the rise of the NWO? All civilizations who don't have their priorities straight? Name one that does please. Your sig says None of us are free until we are all free, if the NWO has its way not ONE of us will be free.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:33 PM

April 16, 1999 A veritable who's who of corporate agribusiness writes a letter to Clinton about WTO meeting in Seattle: They want to establishment a three year goal, and a more effective set of trade rules for the agricultural sector

1999 UK traceback( traceability) program in place, millions of animals are killed in the 2000 outbreak of Foot & Mouth. “depopulation” is used instead of Vaccine due to OIE requirement for returning to Disease free status

2001 Issues for the Agricultural Talks and WTO Trade Round:. ...the so-called precautionary principle - in reality a concept rather than a scientific principle - should not be used as a tool to stop innovation, even under the guise of a moratorium, which is what has happened in the EU today. There will always be scientific uncertainty in any scientific field and reasonable approaches to risk management must be adopted to manage this uncertainty. Prohibition must only be used as an extreme risk management tool. ...
The internationalization of the food chain demands that identification, registration, tracking and tracing systems also become internationalized.
After 31 years with Monsanto, Mr. Auxenfans, retired. He is a member of the Board of Directors at both the IPC and the IAMA. (WTO)

2001 FAO Manual of procedures for disease eradication by stamping out

2001 History of UK 2001 foot & mouth disease

Senate - March 28, 2000 "Freedom to Farm" becomes “freedom to fail” The bill has made sweeping changes in agriculture--it has produced one of the worst economic crises that rural American has ever experienced. tens of thousands of farm families are in jeopardy of losing their livelihoods and life savings.

July 2000, USDA officials claimed in court hearing that, “The farmers have no rights. No right to be heard before the court, no right to independent testing, and no right to question the USDA.”/Linda Faillace: Mad sheep

2001 Polish entry into the European Union:EU Chair states intent to remove 1 million Poles from their land The Battle to Save the Polish Countryside:

July 26, 2002: Report Finds Fundamental Flaws in WTO's Agreement on Agriculture: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy report argues that the Agreement on Agriculture fails to account for agri-business' monopoly over global agricultural trade.

2002, the National Institute of Animal Agriculture (NIAA) began a major push for NAIS (traceability).

2002 Effect of policies on farmers in USA and Mexico: ... since NAFTA went into effect 33,000 small farmers in the US have gone out of business— more than six times the pre-NAFTA rate. In Mexico, .... 900,000 people leave Mexico's land every year, a U.N. program says. According to a study by Jose Romero and Alicia Puyana carried out for the federal government of Mexico, between 1992 and 2002, the number of agricultural households fell an astounding 75% - from 2.3 million to 575, 000

May, 2003, the European Patent Office in Munich granted a patent to Monsanto with the number EP 445929, with the simple title "plants", even though plants are not patentable in European Law.

March 6, 2004 “It is important to note that no animal identification program will prevent an introduction of animal disease, ensure safe food or prevent a recall.” - SCOTT CHARBO, Chief Information Officer at USDA “Tracking of Cattle Becomes Key Goal,” Houston Chronicle, March 6, 2004, p.1.

"According to APHIS-USDA (2004a), the increasing number of animal disease outbreaks that have been reported around the globe over the past decade, and the single US cow that tested positive for BSE, have greatly intensified public interest in developing a national identification program for the purpose of protecting animal health. Marshall (2004a) reported that USDA Secretary Ann Veneman

January 30, 2004, Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive-9, "to defend the agriculture and food system against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies." USDA's Jeremy Stump, says, "It's from farm to fork." The order covers animals and crops - the entire food supply chain - and includes shared operations with the CIA.

January 2005: Guide to good farming practices: This draft guide to good farming practices for animal production food safety was taken from the Report of the Meeting of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Paris, 17-28 January 2005)

2005 Bill: Safe and Secure Food Act (Good Farming Practices)

AUG 2005 Monsanto Pig Patent

June 2006 Global Diversity Treaty: Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) a standardized contract that will enable much easier access to crop diversity. [ germplasm for patenting] royalty payment (1.1% of sales) is paid only if product is unavailable for further breeding and research. funds will be devoted to conservation efforts. Translation: Bio-techs Corporations steal seed from third world farmers, patents it and pay money to Bioversity International

December 2006 “In the EU, there is now a list of 'official' vegetable varieties. Seed that is not on the list cannot be 'sold' to the 'public' To keep something on the list costs thousands of pounds each year...Hundreds of thousands of old heirloom varieties (the results of about eleven thousand years of plant breeding by our ancestors) are being lost forever . & &"

Feb 2007 GRAIN press release USA: Seed companies want to ban farm-saved seeds
A new report from GRAIN reveals the new lobbying offensive from the global seed industry to make it a crime for farmers to save seeds for the next year's planting. See History at

Feb 2007: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s “risk-based” inspection plan: Food Safety and Inspection Service will focus more on plants (factories) judged to have a higher risk of contamination. (if there are no complaints or non Compliance reports no inspections made)

In terms of energy output compared with energy input for ethanol production, the study found that:
corn requires 29 percent more fossil energy than the fuel produced;
switch grass requires 45 percent more fossil energy than the fuel produced; and
wood biomass requires 57 percent more fossil energy than the fuel produced.

Feb 2007 Clones declared save: FDA decides based on “risk assessment” that meat and milk from adult clones and their offspring are as safe to consume as those from standard animals.

2007 “In 1981, there were 181 FSIS employees per billion pounds of meat and poultry inspected and passed; in FY 2007, FSIS employed fewer than 88 workers per billion pounds “

April 2007 Monsanto, Cargill and Maseca-ADM sign agreements to establish regional seed banks in the center and south of Mexico.

January 8 2008 ~In the UK Defra has dropped the word 'farming' from its title. "Defra and the Treasury's joint vision document of 2006 presented to the EU argued that supports for farming should be completely abandoned.."

May 2008 Bio-tech companies lobby to lift ban against terminator gene

Documents USDA cuts in inspection until 2002

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:40 PM
To put it very bluntly less than ten corporations, most privately owned by a few families will soon control the ENTIRE WORLD's Food Supply! and the United Nations backs them one hundred percent. Who's who in Corporate take over of food.

FAO is supporting harmonization of seed rules and regulations in Africa and Central Asia in order to stimulate the development of a vibrant seed industry

...An effective seed regulation harmonization process involves dialogue amongst all relevant stakeholders from both private and public sectors. Seed quality assurance, variety release, plant variety protection, biosafety, plant quarantine and phytosanitary issues are among the major technical areas of a regional harmonized seed system. The key to a successful seed regulation harmonization is a strong political will of the governments involved

Farmer suicides in India:

Now the full toll—surely among the largest sustained waves of suicides in human history—is becoming apparent. And as Sainath emphasizes, these numbers still underestimate the disaster, since women farmers are excluded from the official statistics... It is important that the figure of 150,000 farm suicides is a bottom line estimate.... As Professor Nagaraj puts it: "There is likely to be a serious underestimation of suicides...what has driven the huge increase in farm suicides, particularly in the Big Four or ’Suicide SEZ’ States? "Overall," says Professor Nagaraj, "there exists since the mid-90s, an acute agrarian crisis. That’s across the country. In the Big Four and some other states, specific factors compound the problem.... Cultivation costs have shot up in these high input zones, with some inputs seeing cost hikes of several hundred per cent... Meanwhile, prices have crashed, as in the case of cotton, due to massive U.S.-EU subsidies to their growers. All due to price rigging with the tightening grip of large corporations over the trade in agricultural commodities."

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:01 AM
This is disgusting.
I am ashamed to be a human being living in this "advanced" century. I dont see why any good soul should have to starve while another, a few miles away, eats when they feel peckish.

But how easy is it for me to rant over my computer?

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

I cant remember the comics name, however he did make a good point. sub Saharan africa is mostly desert. We have deserts in the US also, BUT WE DONT LIVE THERE! OR TRY TO GROW FOOD THERE! IF the land your living in doesnt support the amount of people trying to live there, then either move or reduce the population. Nature will be glad to do the latter for you. as for the west and europe consuming the majority of the world resources, that is a straw man arguement. The US and Europe can feed itself or we have the infrastructure to import food we wish to have. The genocide in Africa is a result of too many people trying to live off of too little arable land.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Today's agriculture is total bull# (if you allow me this term, but as 1 billion people are starving, I assume this term is to be allowed).
A couple of days ago, on french TV, they showed a farmer who managed to raise his production by like 10% by... adopting culture rotation ! And they were talking about it like it was a huge discovery...
Come on, everybody knows that you must never plant the same crop on the same land twice in a row ! But no, they prefered to keep on planting allways the same stuff, and just add tons of fertilizer...
And they send it for a misery, but it goes through stock exchange for people to make loads of money on it, and then ends up in the supermarket at exhorbitant prices while the farmers are having hard times sustaining themselves.
And don't forget that a great part of the production is just thrown away or burnt so that prices don't decrease, while other people are starving. Why can't they just give away this food to those in need ?
Oh, and if we can't manage to get everyone fed as we are 6 billions, what will happen when we'll be like 10 billions and that over used soils turn to dust ? And that allways more and more crops will be turned into "bioethanol" for us big occidentals to still be able to drive our big cars.
What will we do ? Certainly let them starve, and cut down their woods for our consommation. Let's just do that like Malthus said : "let the poor people die, there will be no poverty left".

Sory if I made mistakes, but anger seems to have reduced my grammatical abilities.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:22 PM
As disgusting as this is, it really is just economics. We can't simply give them food b/c we would ruin their shaky economies. I tell this to my class sometimes, if we flood their markets with food, prices will decrease and approach 0, and then how can the farmers in these nations make a living? They would be forced to stop farming b/c they cannot sell their food cheaper than free, and thus they become dependent on us.

We cannot give money to the governments b/c of corruption, the money doesn't make it to the workers.

We cannot give money to the commoners b/c there is no organized way to do that.

The only real thing we can do is help them organize markets themselves and introduce high yielding crops to those nations and teach them to get out of this horrific poverty on their own. Otherwise the armchair economists around the world will just make things worse than they already are.

Do you realize, 1 billion is like the entire country of China starving, or 1 in every 6 around the world. Or even better, like the above post states, 3 times the number of Americans in the United States.

It's bad, but it's complex and we cannot simply feed them. Sad, but true and terrible, as the truth usually is.

Unless of course you would like to propose socialism and give everyone everything they could ever want? Nope, this isn't Star Trek, this is the real world.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 12:49 AM
People can't just blame a market that doesn't really work.
You speak of prices that might decrease too much, but see how us developped countries give subventions to our farmers so that they can sell their crops at prices that are actually lower than anything developping countries farmers can dream about. See what it is causing now in France for exemple : when they want to stop giving these subventions, all farmers go mad (they're planning to spread turmoil in my city today), because they sell their production at actually lower prices than the production costs ! And that only to allow speculators and supermarkets to make tons of money on their back.
I'm not blamming the farmers, they're only victims in all that system, like the consummers are. Speculators and intermediates are the ones causing all the trouble.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:39 AM
that makes me so angry but it's fault of all people on earth seeing and allowing this

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