This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to this subject. The United Nations, the World Trade Organization, Ex-President Clinton and
the past and present sec of Ag should all be on trial for mass murder in my opinion.
"We need the World Bank, we need the International Monetary Fund, we need all the big foundations, we need all the governments to admit that for
30 years we all blew it, including me, when I was President. We blew it. We were wrong to believe that food is like some other product in
international trade. And we all have to go back to a more environmentally responsible, sustainable form of agriculture." Former US President Bill
Clinton, in a keynote address for World Food Day on 23 October 2008
With hindsight, it was the late 1990's and the first decade of the 21st Century when farming went into irreversible decline as it lurched and
staggered like a perpetual drunkard from crisis to disaster..
Yet the present Congress is continuing the Planned Starvation. See
Food Safety Con Job
THE SILENT WAR: Farms and Consumers vs Corporate driven Government policies
"Food is a weapon," said Maxim Litvinov, Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs
1944 to 2009
World Bank and IMF use the loans they provide countries to prescribe policies and major changes in the economies of these countries.
IMF Structural Adjustment Programs: The globalization of poverty
History of Structural Adjustment Policies by country:
Former employee Breaks Code of Silence on IMF crimes:
1957 the Poultry Products Inspection Acts These acts mandate sensory or organoleptic (sight, smell, and touch) inspection of all carcasses.
1961 PVP is the Plant Variety Protection: The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants: Gave seed companies a monopoly on
only the commercial multiplication and the marketing of seeds. Farmers remained free to save seed from their own harvest to plant in the following
year, and other breeders could freely use any variety, protected or not, to develop a new one.
1980 the Supreme Court decision in Diamond v. Chakrabarthy, 447 U.S. 303 enabled living organisms to be patented
1986 Global commodity prices slumped in the mid eighties, triggering a five fold increase in farm subsidies in the USA and the EU subsidy to double.
Pressure from commodity exporters inspired a decision to pursue Agricultural Policy reform at Uruguay round of GATT. It was lead by Under Secretary
of Agriculture Dan Amstutz.,+1986&source=bl&ots=g_NvagIp9r&sig=iNU3
Launched in 1986, the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) Uruguay Round of international trade talks has been dominated by a confrontation
between the US and the EC over farm policy reform. Both sides proclaim their commitment to devising a GATT regime which will bring an end to the
anarchy in world agricultural markets, yet neither is willing to address the underlying cause of the present malaise: structural over-production in
their own farm sectors and the resulting accumulation of surpluses. The use of export subsidies to put these surpluses on to world markets caused
developing countries severe trade and food security problems in the 1980s; and a Uruguay Round deal is unlikely to bring any relief. What it will do,
however, is introduce new regulations which, enshrined in international trade law, will restrict the right of developing countries to manage their own
food systems. Most importantly, the use of trade measures to control food imports and price support measures to promote staple food production could
be severely constrained, or banned, by a 'farm superpower' GATT agreement.
The U.S. comprehensive proposal for agricultural trade reform in October 1989 covered
* market access: convert all nontariff barriers to bound tariffs;
make substantial cuts in these and existing tariffs over 10 years;
use tariff rate quotas and safeguard measures to facilitate transition;
- export competition: phase out export subsidies over five years;
prohibit export restrictions on foodstuffs imposed
because of short domestic supplies;
* internal support: phase out most trade-distorting measures;
discipline those that interfere less; permit those with small
trade effect that meet specific criteria;
* sanitary and phytosanitary measures: place these under an international process for dispute settlement and harmonization.
1991 PVP monopoly has applied to seed multiplication and also to the harvest and sometimes the final product as well. Previously unlimited right of
farmers to save seed for the following year's planting has been changed into an optional exception. Only if national government allows, can
farm-saved seed still be used, and a royalty has to be paid to the seed company even for seeds grown on-farm.
1993 opening cattle port of entry at Santa Teresa NM built, owned, operated by Chihuahuan cattle producers, who operate both sides of the cattle
port-of-entry Accounts for 25% of Mexican cattle imports.
1993 FAO prepares “the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources”
1993 Published: International HACCP guidelines developed by the Codex Alimentarius, a joint Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO)and the World Health Organization (WHO). revised in 1997.
1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
1995 World Trade Organization (WTO) formed. Former Cargill Vice-President, Dan Amstutz, drafts the original text of the Uruguay Round Agreement on
"Measures to trace provide assurances ..have been incorporated into international standards... The Agreement on the
Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures...Aims to ensure that governments DO NOT USE QUARANTINE AND FOOD SAFETY REQUIREMENTS as Unjustified
trade barriers... It provides Member countries with a right to implement traceability [NAIS] as an SPS measure."
“Development of risk-based systems has been heavily influenced by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
” OIE report Oct 2008
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) introduction of intellectual property rules on plants, animals and seeds under
WTO’s Agreement “could damage the livelihoods of these 1.4 billion farmers worldwide and undermine food sovereignty and food security ” Joint
Communication from the African Group to the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (2003)
September 1995,Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Agriculture,
"Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize." UN's 4th World Conference on Women:
Beijing, China.
September, 1995, USDA's Food Safety & Inspection Service presented a 600-page document Farm-To-Table - control of every step in the food chain
from production to home preparation.
July 1996 Major re-structuring of USDA food policies:
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system.
Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems rule, on July 25, 1996 Under the HACCP rule, industry is responsible for
assessing potential food safety hazards and systematically preventing and controlling those hazards. FSIS is responsible for verifying that
establishments’ HACCP systems are working
Efforts of Food inspectors to bring problems with HACCP ignored by USDA management
Apr 17, 2008 Testimony:Mr. Stan Painter, Chairman, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals:
"Freedom to Farm" legislation of 1996. Cargill played a significant role in pressurising the US government to move away from its farmer
support programmes and eventually adopt the Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act