posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 06:58 PM
perhaps, through the many hands the bible has been through, our interpretation is incorrect about the anti-christ.
perhaps the anti-christ isnt ONE man, perhaps it is a larger group of people, the anti-christs per say.
he says that the mark of beast 666 is on every item that is sold. well, PERHAPS (since they like to hide everything in plain sight so we think we are
crazy, and they tell us what crazy is but prescribing us chemicals for things that are everyday parts of life in this environment, thus convincing us
of that their definition of crazy is correct, so we would be blinded by what the real crazy is, which we eventually become due to all the chemicals
consumed) the real anti-christ is this false modern life that everyone thinks they want, so they come here to america, where we all know everything is
corrupt as # (forgive me God) yet we go about our day, as if none of it happened, get knee deep in this # and pretend we dont even see it.
there is no death people, there is no fear, there is no crazy, there is none of all this negativity UNLESS we put it there, unless we say, YES THERE
IS, if we say "IT EXSISTS" then ofcourse it does, we are the sons of God, we are all creators, we create all day just by THINKING, and the energy of
those thoughts disperse in all directions, effecting those who interfere with the signals, the sword of the tongue can shoot 50 cal sniper bullets and
drop bombs.
but we have been stripped of our direction, stripped of our love, our dignity, our meaning of LIFE. and ill tell you why, because this WORLD strips
you from God. THIS WORLD hides everything from you, and it will take everything from you, and it will consume you, it will DESTROY each and every one
of you, because thats what karma is. karma has no environmental bounds, it can travel any distance, and it leaves out NOBODY. you reap what you sow,
you get exactly what you put in it. no matter how subtle, no matter how POWERFUL, you will be matched, and they will carry additional weights.
if you want to be in a stable, constant state of happiness, without all the fears, the petty concerns that haunt your soul, that snowball and become
nightmares. this world will not help you rid of them, they built this to destroy you, they built this machine to eat you alive, no matter what you
scream. do you think they would ever, EVER compromise their foundations for ANY reasons at all??
God is real my friends, NOT religion, NOT science (science is a watered down truth with more lies and conspiracies attached to it then real answers,
they have ran out of answers, they were wrong about the big bang, but they put so much work into, they didnt want to scrap it!!) but God.
since the beginning of time, man has looked toward the sky at night, into space, and called it the heavens. God has even called it the heavens. so, we
all know what the heavens are.
when we die and "go to heaven" we go into SPACE, because our spirits are freed from these bodies. we are at a higher state of CONSCIOUSNESS then.
DO WE TAKE THE SHAPES OF OTHER BEINGS WHEN WE DIE? i dont know, perhaps we all become a star or a sun and create our own planets, being able to astral
project onto a planet in a certain form, creating things like earth and man and beast.
perhaps we become comet like angels, and go from solar system to solar system, blessing all that lives. AHHH how beautiful and great a life that would
be. interstellar travel as a being of light at or FASTER then the speed of light (because God can do ALL things)
then perhaps after that, we ascend to creating our own universe as grand central stars, from which all galaxies orbit around.
that would explain the theories of the multi-verse right there.