posted on May, 23 2004 @ 04:35 PM
first off, Bandit, great idea..I was thinkin exactly the same thing...
We SHOULD do this regularly.
Because though I really didnt get "out" in the normal fashion, I had very intense experiences
#1. "Chinese couple both wearing jean jackets, girl has long hair, walks directly infront of me."
--World Watcher
You think Im crazy, but I saw them too or someone like them.
It began with a remote viewing type situation, where I saw people flashing in my mind. A chinese couple stood out in my mind too. Weird?
we ll wait for the photos maybe something will turn up. I had a friend takin pics.
2. As soon as I layed down the tingles and pins and needles started, but they were all over not just my feet and hands, and extremely intense. I
hate to say it but it started to freak me out but it gets...weirder.
I got up and cleared.
As I drifted, the tingles got more intense and it felt like hands scooping right into my body and pulling on me, but all different hands like
different people. Not a bad feeling, no malevolence or anything like that. It was more like someone trying to get me to go with them but when they
grabbed and pulled, they got a hold of me but it just kept stretching, like some of me went and some stayed. This is the point when I had to get up
and turn on a light because I never has such a physical experience associated with my attempts.
I hated the fact that Im telling everyone to be positive and I freaked!
3. So go in AGAIN and As I drift once more I kept feeling the strong presence of a female, not bad, not good, just there with me as I, what I believe
spontaneously projected--from dreamstate.
Everything was unclear I didnt have focus but I felt the 1 presence with me. I couldnt really see anything but I know from the familiarity that I had
projected somewhere.
4. I cant remember the dreams I had last night. I always remember by the afternoon and if I dont, I do an exercise of recall--and then I recall. I
cant get anything but what Ive told you.
5. A tingle in my head!! THIS is a new one I have to say, I can even make it happen today. I could make the center of my palms tingle since I began
meditation practices but my brain....or is it my mind? I cant figure this one out but its directly ontop of my head. It felt like a needle going
stright down throught the top of my head, it hurt a little but I ignored it till I had to scratch and rub it like my palms. It was so annoying!
There were alot of faces I saw but the only ones I could discribe when I woke up was the asian couple.
We need to do this again, like Bandit said...Maybe a month from June 19? I truly believe my experience was more intense because of the
group effort. I didnt do anything different but acknowledged out loud each individual that responded to the post seperately before I turned of the
comp and layed down I would loved to make it a regular thing.
Thank You for your cooperation...I will discuss the photos with you when I get them.