posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 03:57 PM
Recently ive been having feelings of fear for no reasons, well not so much fear but a sort of sudden realization that things are going to get bad,
from hearing about depopulation to 2012, everything seems to be coming to a head and its really starting to sink in with me.
i feel sometimes that i should be more prepared, i talk about such things with my parents and they just say " well if were going to die then were
going to die " and i find it repulsive to hear such a thing, i wonder what hope has the human race if ther are so many blind people walking
Mostly i fear that not enough people are ready for what could possibly be coming in coming months, what is coming i do not know so dont bother asking
what i think is going to happen, i just feel something is going to happen, this isnt a prediction, this is an observation.
I wonder does anyone here at ATS feel the same and if anything, what have you done to combat these feelings, maybe i have been drawn into the
conspiracie thing to much, maybe i havnt looked deep enough into it, either way i worry, i worry for me, i worry for you, i worry for our planet, i
worry for our race.
Depopulation is what is worrying me most, from the likes of alex jones to many on project camelot, this subject has came up over and over again, i
find myself lying in bed at night putting myself in certain situations and trying to figure out what i would do. No matter how many times i go over
something, i cant find an answer. maybe i have to be in that situation to get an answer.
I ask this my friends. What if anything can we do to change the sad state were in?