posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 01:24 AM
The link for the article:
An excerpt:
PolitiFact, a political accountability project run by Florida's St Petersburg Times, has formulated an "Obamameter" gauge that registers
seven broken promises, a dozen stalled initiatives and 117 pet projects still "in the works".
The url for Politifact:
My comment:
Now this is what David Letterman would just love to do, yes? But the poor guy is now too busy cleaning up his own life that has been rocked by his
very own office sex scandal, which is a really intriguing irony, since mocking politicians and celebrities who were involved in sex scandals was a
staple of Letterman's late-night pokes at the sex scandal shenanigans, but I digress.
Anyway, Obama has a LONG way to go to honor his promises. And the wide divergence from the promises made by puppet politicians in elections from the
actual results post-election has always been huge, which goes to show that puppet politicians say what people want to hear in order to get elected,
but, then, after getting elected, the puppet politicians MUST follow the dictates of the puppet masters, who pull their strings and who control the
purse strings of political power.
The American political system is a joke, a sham, a dog-and-pony show, a Political Plato's Cave, in which the gullible voters go to pull the levers
(literal and metaphorical, mind you) of the voting machines -- not unlike the pulling of the levers of gambling slot machines that favored the house
over the gamblers -- expecting a favorable (to the voter) outcome, but ALWAYS being on the losing side with the outcomes favoring the puppet masters
who run the deceitful Plato's Political Cave.
It needs a major overhaul, from top to bottom; bottom to top.