reply to post by Lasheic
I'm sorry, but I, along with many educated "stupid" people, do not agree 100% with you.
You see, Pasteur wasn't completely correct and admitted it on his death-bed. It's the body's environment which is MORE important. The facts are
there clear and simple: Healthy people do not get sick as much. I could make-out with a woman who has the flu and not get the flu, or if I do get
the flu it will go away in 24 hours without much harm. That is the proof. Unhealthy people get more sick. Fat people get more sick. Healthy people
get less sick.
I do think surgeons should wash their hands, but because most people's bodies are too weak to handle the germs.
In my opinion (and millions of other people's opinions, usually the healthy ones), think that the germs & sickness are a SYMPTOM of the real cause.
The real cause could be an unhealthy diet or lifestyle, or something like that.
As for antibiotics, yes, they have helped some people temporarily, but in the long run they aren't very beneficial, and often harmful. The body
creates its own antibiotics, natural antibiotics. Artificial antibiotics make the body dependent on the drugs, and not the natural body's resistance
to disease.
If I DO get sick, I will let my body's natural immune system heal me. Once I get better, my immune system becomes even stronger. If I take
antibiotics, I will get better but my immune system will be weak, and I will get sick again. Only if I'm going to DIE will I take antibiotics.
Drinking unclean water kills many poor children in the world, so I'm not saying that "germs" can't make people sick directly. The water they
drink, however, is so full of parasites that it overwhelms the body of a young child who is already malnourished with a weak immune system. Once
cleaner water is available, however, they aren't sick anymore. I'm not saying germs don't exist or don't ever cause disease, but in America
today, they are not the main cause of disease and sickness; an unhealthy diet & lifestyle is the root cause.