posted on May, 22 2004 @ 10:08 PM
I doubt that anyone who has actually read "Memoirs Illustrating The History of Jacobinism" would describe Abbe Barruel as either "hate filled" or
He is of course anti-Illuminist.
I was astonished, even impressed at the depth of understanding of the human condition that Barruel displays in his work, albeit in a very dry
methodical way.
Having said that I am reading an English translation.
I am always surprised at the way in which Freemasonry shields the Illuminati (who apparently don't exist...once you have managed to get them to drop
the BS about the ancient Greek society and the Spanish group of vaguely similar names.)
I generally try not to mix discussions on Illuminism with Freemasonry because unlike the latter my knowledge of the Illuminati is purely research
As described in the initial posting, the point is that there is very little to no additional historical material available on the Illuminati that is
not contained in the 1000+ pages of this book, just a handful of minor claims of inconsistency of records, some may be correct, but none are overly
conclusive or wide reaching.
To ignore this book would be to limit yourself to less than 100 pages of accounts from scattered sources.
The reason I have started posting in this forum is to find more info on the Illuminati but strangely every time I get involved in a thread the matter
turns to Freemasonry.
What have the two of them got in common I (genuinely) wonder?
The least conspiratorial theory is that they were (and still are) deeply embarrassed about the whole affair that despite all sorts of colorful,
romanticized and (literally) fictional writings on the period was undeniably France�s darkest hour.