reply to post by Magantice
Don't you think your concept of soul could just simply be a belief? A comfort for you in troubled times? I understand what people talk about when
they say look at the space between things, or your thoughts. I liken it to processing from a different area of the brain. Nothing more. I used to have
beliefs in a soul, life after death, but my rational mind went insane trying to prove or disprove this. In the end, I decided it was best not to think
of such things. To say, "I don't know" seemed much more appropriate than any belief.
Don't you think your "knowledge" could just be a rationalization in this aspect dealing with a soul? Do you think it possible that we have
developed this idea of soul to cope with our self-awareness? To cope with the fact that we (at least our body) will one day perish?
I have decided that my rational mind is more important than fantasy. I am no longer a child. It's way past time for me to put away what I consider to
be childish things.
Also, on what we perceive as illusion. I do agree that what we perceive in things are interpreted differently by each individual. Our brains are wired
in unique ways. That's such a cool thought. But I do not agree, that what we are originally sensing is just an illusion. Someone tried to convince me
of this. The spiritual guru I mentioned. I couldn't help but laugh. Poor guy. He was off in so many ways.
Suppose there is a chair in a room. 3 people in the same room. We all look at the room, and our brains interpret it in slightly (or radically, i
dunno) different ways. We still agree (assumingly that we're sane) that what we are focusing on is in fact a chair, and it's color is ____. Even if
we do internally experience this chair differently, we all arrive at a consensus on what reality is collectively. We all label them, describe them in
a similar way. Is that not reality?
Then reality is not an illusion. It is not something simply in our heads. We each experience the same light, albeit from a different angle, and come
up with common terms because the overall light signature is constant within our descriptions of what this object is we are experiencing. Perception,
then, is not reality. Sane perceptual interpretation, then, is also not illusion.
Reality is what we collectively make of it. Now what any individual makes of it. I do agree that the imagination is quite the tool to motivate the
individual, and arrive at new ideas. This motivation and "new" ideas can only come about from objects that already exist, however. It can only come
about from memory of objects that happen in reality. Reality being what we all collectively coin as our interpretation of sensational perception.
Excuse me if my wording is off. I'm not to smart, word-wise. Lefty spatial learner, here.
I am open to further discussion. Thanks.
[edit on 31-10-2009 by unityemissions]
Also, my description of reality is human based. I understand that what we can sensually perceive (correct terminology??) is but a fraction of what is
actually going on. Many animals see, hear, wavebands that we (most ppl??) don't experience. For the sake of this discussion, I consider
reality to be what human beings collectively agree on in what they sensually perceive.
I choose to be as an individual experiencing a tiny sliver of what is. All else is fantasy, or outside of my ability to process from sensory
information. Fun, but not reality.
[edit on 31-10-2009 by unityemissions]
[edit on 31-10-2009 by unityemissions]