posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:39 AM
In real life, The Matrix are False Reality where up to 99% of the people around the World are live inside it, it come with three Components: White
World, Black World, and Out-of-the-box World. White World Consist Much of the Earth Surface where 99% of Humans live where Real life Sci-fi and
Fantasy Stuffs are Very Sparse in this world. the Black world in other hand are Technologically, Scientifically, and Supernaturally Superior to White
World, It consists Many Paranormal Places and its less that 1% of the People are live there plus tons of Real life Sci-fi and Fantasy Creatures live
there, plus it used to be boundary that separate both White World and out of the box World. out of the box world consists Everything Below the Earth
and above the Heaven. The Matrix Itself are built by Group of Plutocrats by Hijacks Golds, Economies, Global Institutions, Media, Academia, Source of
Energies, and most Multinational Companies for decades, and the entire world succumbs to the matrix only for 20 years because the people that bring
down the Berlin wall are Completely unaware of the Plutocrats and their lies and after the Berlin wall has down 99% of the World Population are
succumbs to the world full of these lies that called Real life The Matrix where all the Religion except Capitalism are just lie. once we bring down
the Matrix just like Bring Down the Berlin wall and Finally! We all get Silver bullet for solves all the Worlds Problem.