I used to read about the stars and the space and planets when I was at school, sometimes but not as much now I used to star gaze or look out for
shooting stars.
Now last night I decided to look out of the window and I saw the Moon with 3 stars above it and going in the same pointy direction with a big circle
of bright stars or planet surrouded Orion like some big gate or round clock like shape in the sky with the moon at 9.
It just looked odd, I have seen the night sky many times but not like this, this seemed odd.
I guess half asleep my imagination was a bit trippy but the sky formation looked like a sign, it was like some huge stargate in the sky, and my guess
is maybe the ancient cultures like the Egyptians thought so the same. Some say that Orion's belt holds a gateway, but where to I don't know, well
plenty of websites out there that will give a story.