posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 09:15 AM
You all miss a very relevant point that is pro sports' biggest, and to me, most glaring contribution to society..
In what other realm of humanity are we allowed complete jubilation without it actually affecting our daily lives? Sports itself plays no part in a
good society, but the camaraderie, union, and joy it brings to its fans is certainly a testament to its staying power in our world.
There is no real point to it, which is why the happiness it causes is so miraculous.
And as an above poster stated.. Yeah they get paid a lot, but so does anyone who perpetuates the market from all angles. There are dolls, clothes,
advertisements, season passes, beer, etc etc etc. The best part about these sports? Unless you want to buy all the crap, you get to experience it for
I would stop thinking about it and enjoy it for what it is: pointless, costless FUN!