Originally posted by stereovoyaged
Sellilng the vatican is not realistic BUT as a "caring" christian regime, they should donate all the treasures of gold and jewels that offer no
purpose other than monetary masturbation and to show off to the other religions. The catholic church is never going to change, never going to
comprimise, and never going to do anything besides brainwash the masses to keep building its collection of gold/jewel/souls
I think you got the point right on. It's not like selling the Vatican would actually do any real good, I mean in the world today $500 billion isn't
that much money. The point is the Catholic Church stands in contrast to their own religion.
I believe that Jesus was against the establishment, like the Church, and was all for Understanding (or if you will, Gnosis). I have a congregation at
my house every Easter. Everyone that is there is offered more food than they can eat, I don't hoard my money but actually give some away (hidden in
Easter eggs) and everyone is considered equal (no rules about hats in my house).
Oh...and a few other things...
No excommunications.
No burning people alive at any time.
No inquisitions.
No raping nor molesting of children.
No belittling nor destroying of others' religions or their symbols/writings.
No preaching of fear and ignorance (we actually promote Love and Understanding or Gnosticism).
Now, can the Vatican say the same?
InfaRedMan I think your right and this is a step towards educating the world, we should not be afraid to look at things for what they are so
then we will know. It is from being disgusted by this knowledge that change takes place.
It is my belief that Jesus was teaching Understanding, he was against the establishment and the clergy or the so called "anointed ones". We are all
equal in the eyes of God.
The Church went against Jesus' original teachings or what is called being against-Christ (anti-Christ), from that we now have several thousand
different religions and a myriad of churches. This is not something that I made up nor do I take it lightly.
My point is that the original teaching from Jesus, and the man himself, are still the path to Understanding of Truth. Throw out all of the corruption
but keep the Understanding, i.e. never mind the church but remember religion.