posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver
Discalaimer: As above!
Explanation: Thanks for partaking in this thread.
Yes I do use mutter...quite alot and yes I do mutter to myself..again alot!
But that doesn't mean that its not dodgy as! And If I hadn't tested it then I wouldn't have become wise to its dodgyness...Its a Beta and I accept
that but that its intrinsically linked into BTS without any option for members to NOT to have to deal with its BeTanesS!
Yes I merged BTS and huh!
Personal Disclosure: I often try out new things on both sides of the site i.e. ATS and BTS and I'm using this opportunity to give some official
member feedback on this specific issue and I also hope that other members of like mind do the same.
P.S. For me currently IE and ATS go like a hand in a glove so no probs there at all. I myself [if I was using MY computer which is sorta toasty ATM
] would be totally using FireFox but I'm using a down spec D/L slave comp Optyk Phybah has lent me to use...I have to use IE then Firefox and finally
I have Opera if I'm super desperate and in that order. I have absolutely no idea why those are this computers RULES I just abide and pray for it to