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Morrisons Refuses to sell wine to mother in case daughter drank it

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by Kappo

It happenned with spar way before, this was introduced, which in my eyes was illegal under Scottish Law, but they still got away with it.

It is not illegal. and is well within the shops rights to refuse selling ANYTHING to ANYONE.

this is the same in all countries i know of. just like a bar can refuse to sell alcohol to anyone under 21, or to someone who is already drunk.

I think its a good thing.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by ROBL240

Thanks for that info -

The laws change so often that that majority of the population do not actually know what their rights are any more...and there is so much conflicting information out there that it is not that easy to find out!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by suziwong

This is indeed common and silly, however, what startles me more at the moment is the current policy of TESCO. They state that no one person can purchase more than 6 items of food at any one time, now as "innocent" as this may sound on the surface, you still have to ask yourself, WHY? Why would they enforce this rule ? Perhaps the head shed at TESCO are privvy to information about future food shortages and panick buying ? Who can say, anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning.

PS: Any ATS member who would like evidence of what i am saying, simply pop down to your local tesco and try buying 7 bottles of cola and see what they say.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Lets be clear on rather complicated laws in the UK

Age limits
5 and up -- May consume alcohol at home with adult supervision.
Under 14’s -- Can go into a pub with a children’s certificate, but must be with an adult and stay in the garden or family room.
Under 16’s -- Can go into a restaurant where alcohol is served and at licensee’s discretion may consume (but not purchase) alcohol bought by a parent or guardian as long as it is with a meal.
16-17 -- May purchase beer, port, cider or perry in an eating area on licensed premises (in Scotland this applies to wine too) as long as it is with a meal.
Any age -- No person may buy or attempt to buy intoxicating liquor for consumption in a bar by a person under the age of 18. Maximum fine £1,000.

To recap, you can consume alcohol at home from 5 years of age.. Under 16's may go into a licences restaurant and drink alcohol purchased for them by their parent or guardian (at the licensee's discretion) and from 16 may purchase port, cider, beer or perry in a licences restaurant. (again at the licensee's discretion)

Which really makes this story and the others seem like a joke (except it is not funny)

So in the real world the lady in the story could have legally gone to a licensed restaurant with her child after shopping and brought them alcohol to consume, and yet is not allowed to purchase alcohol in a Supermarket with her child present.

What a bizarre world we live in.


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 12:56 PM
The solution for teaching the uber-markets a lesson is simple

using the 'flashmob' idea, get a whole collection of people to shop at a particular store at the same time and once each shopper has filled their trolley and made their way to the checkout, either empty the whole cart onto the till or just leave piled up and sitting in a trolley. Everybody walks away without paying but leaving a huge mess of piled up conveyors, stacked full trolleys, and confused staff desparately trying to re-shelve frozen and perishable goods


posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

Many thanks for this info!!

Although, a friend went to a hotel restaurant for his wedding anniversary with his 2 sons (9 & 11) a few weeks ago.
He got a bottle of bubbly and poured both sons half a glass each to make fun toasts....The manageress told him that this was illegal and took the childrens glasses away - ruining their party with her nastiness and accusatory implications that they were unfit parents

We need to get to grips with knowledge of the law - now more than ever

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Taikonaut

Haha - flashmob - cool idea

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

I had the same treatment nearly two years ago at a local Tesco branch.I had purchased a lot of food and other stuff just before christmas and the bill must have been about 150 quid.The few lagers and a couple of bottles of wine were last to be barcoded when she asked for ID
I got my wallet out with a new driving license with the photo on and she said not me,but my daughter!I tried to explain that I was her father and she wasnt buying the wine!But she wouldnt budge and told me I would have to put back the wine and beer on the shelfs myself as I couldnt buy them with a minor

I of course made a joke saying she looked nothing like arther scargeand had never been down a pit in her lifel to lighten the mood,but she wouldnt have any of it!

so I told her that I didnt have to take back the few bottles,and told her she could also put back onto to shelf everything I was going to buy and wished her a merry christmas as I told her I would use another super market from now on

In future I make sure my daugter (who is 17)doesnt stand by me when we both do the food shops.Its not worth the hassle

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by noangels

This must have been infuriating - I hope they were sick when you left all the groceries there for them to put away

To me, the implication that you are going to ply a minor with copious amounts alcohol is a slander.

But the lunacy here (learned in this thread) is that the shop assisitant has become legally accountable for the potential actions of any adult they serve.

The world has gone mad

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by MR BOB

It was illegal, as the Law was not put throught legislation, when Spar introduced the age limit, spar was forced to apologise tothose whom were invovled with the case. But stil I hav to agree with other the supermarkets are doing this so the Govenrment will not come down hard onthem over thier cheap booze sales. So we the public have to suffer, kinda ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Yeahh she wasnt happy but my daughter laura was very confused when asked to show her ID!In fact the till girl was was grilling her hard about showing ID,and ingnoring me as I tried to lighten the mood

its realy silly,to think I had a trolley full of food and a poxy two bottles of red and 6 bottles of stella!

What i found amusing was the till girl telling me I had to put it back on the shelf!No I dont!Thats not my job!lol If I wanted to work for minimum wage and had a tesco badge on my chest she might have had a point

All I wanted was to have enough food for christmas and a bit to drink

I have been to other shops with my daughter and had no problems,I think tesco needs to retrain some of their staff as they clearly dont think before opening their mouths

come to think of it,she wasnt polite at all-she didnt apologize for not serving me and the put it back on the shelfs comment was frankly insulting to me.

I vowed never to go back to tesco after that,but there the best in my area and the parking is great-

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:32 PM
This is pure insanity.

FOCUS: teenage daughter & friend is spending time shopping with a Parental Unit.

Yeah! We need to discourage these rare occasions.

Get a grip on reality!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by noangels

Well this seems to be the norm inthe UK nowadays. Even those over 50, yes over 50 will be asked for ID, pathetic if you ask me, this nation is going way beyond frakin nanny state. I would not only stop shopping at that store, but I would sue the backside of them. And made sure the public knew how that certainstore treated its customers.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
This has been happening in the US for years and years. My liquor store (major chain store) even has a sign up saying: "All persons at checkout counter must show ID and be over the age of 21". It usually applies to kids 16 or over since obviously they don't care if you bring a toddler in with you. Further, I watch people all the time just leave their kids outside at the door until they finish shopping.

I don't blame the stores at all. I blame all the ridiculous people that haved sued various establishments because one of their kids got drunk and they found out where the liquor was originally sold.

That's really the root of most of these ridiculous laws and rules and guidelines. If people would take responsibility for their own actions, and not try to make a quick buck off of everybody else, it wouldn't be this silly.

I agree. This has happened to me as well.

And I have abused the system myself to get alcohol underage when I was a wee lad.

It sucks, but there is a basis for it. But I don't think the supermarket or liquor stores should have to be my mommy and tell me what to do.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:37 PM
I live in the US. I feel sorry for the clerk in this story, as they are having to follow the rules. IN the US, the age control items, means that a person has to be of the age to purchase such, but it goes much deeper than that. Too many times, a store has been fined for selling to a minor, or the product as tracked back to the store to the point where it makes a clerk very parinoid to sell such or have to take extrodinary steps to keep their jobs. In the US, alcohole and tobacco sales was one of the things that we had to card everyone who came in asking for such, and then we would have to pay attention, cause if the person left and sent in their friend, I as a clerk would have to refuse sale to their friend as well. I saw it way too much, including to call the cops on such. I have lived in a few communtities where some common sense started to take hold of the city/county/state policies on such, being that if an underage person was caught with such, they not only got into trouble, but who ever sold/gave it to the person, they too would face a fine. Where I live now, if a clerk sold something to a person who then gave it to an underage individual, that clerk, not only looses their job, but gets a fine, court costs and jail time.
The only way this calms down, is to change some of the laws where it makes it easier for those of age to get such or just not bring in an underage person with them when the purchase is made.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:40 PM
Tesco has the policy of recruiting dumb-ass students who have no idea of retail laws let alone any idea of customer service skills, because anyone who knows these skills moves up in the ranks if they were at the store over the months/years of their employment.

The managers wouldnt like the multi-billion dollar stores to be paying staff more for working higher ranks and better jobs so they have a in/out door policy where they recruit candidates they know are only going to be in work for 2 months before leaving for uni.

This is why theres so many stupid people who work at the checkouts, because there not trained to deal with customers, there brainwashed by the managers to believe everything there told (and they need the money for uni) so they never question the "rules."

Its the same reason why Ive had 5 years extensive retail training yet Tesco just 5 minutes away from me doesnt want to know a thing about me (yet recruits pre-students almost monthly.)

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Two Wrongs do not make a Right.

A store selling alcohol to a minor - not requesting ID - - - has nothing to do with selling a legal adult alcohol.

Let me leave my teenage daughter roaming the parking lot - - - so she isn't doing normal shopping in the physical proximity of her mother.

I don't care how anyone looks at this - - - Its crazy and ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by suziwong

Remember, shop assistants have to be over 18 to legally sell alcohol - you could give them a hard time if they start on you - ask them to produce their ID - It might give you a sense of satisfaction but you are playing into the ID culture that tptb are trying to create.

I like that a lot. I might try it next time i get refused. Despite the fact i'm in my late twenties, six foot four and sporting a fine beard.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 01:52 PM
So basically what Morrisons are saying is:

If you dare to buy alcoholic products from us, you must leave your children unattended outside the store.

After all we are above the law and beyond the boundaries of common sense or human dignity.

F--- you and have a nice day.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
So basically what Morrisons are saying is:

If you dare to buy alcoholic products from us, you must leave your children unattended outside the store.

After all we are above the law and beyond the boundaries of common sense or human dignity.

F--- you and have a nice day.

That's it in a nutshell.


[edit on 11-10-2009 by Annee]

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