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Colloidal Silver?

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posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:36 AM
I wanted to start a topic here on the use of Colloidal Silver for immune boosting and fighting flu and other illnesses..Myself, husband and 7 year old son have been using it now for 8 months or better and so far we are noticing quite a difference..while others around us are getting ill with colds flu etc, we seem to get a bit of a cough or just not feeling very well, but it lasts hours instead of days or weeks.. we take care of our immune systems normally, but the silver water does seem to have quite an also helps cuts and injuries heal at a faster rate..
Is anyone else here at ATS using colloidal silver water? if so i would love to hear your opinions and experiences with it, and does anyone know any possible negative effects that may not be posted normally? (i have heard of people turning blue for instance at taking too much of it)!
thank you for your time

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:54 AM
i use colloidal silver too, though not every day.I would hazard a guess that if taken too often it may wreak havok on the intestinal bacteria that we all have and is kept in a delicate balance.
So i basically use it when i feel a cold coming on or when someone near to me has a virus/cold/flu. good stuff gets results for sure.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:58 AM
It saved my life, along with MMS (I brush my teeth with it). I found this cool video that explains what silver does to the cells. Totally the opposite of aluminum ect.

I make my own

(click to open player in new window)

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 05:58 AM
I heard from the herbalist where I can buy colloidal silver ..
That it is not good to take it all the time as it interferes with the natural flora of the stomach
just in the same way that antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut

colloidal silver ..kills good as well as bad bacteria

It is a good choice to use ...though only when the >need < arises

Personally I would not take it as a preventative

though I keep it handy just in case

.>>>> hans kammler...>>>> I agree... ; )

the herbalist told me that I would need to eat lots of live natural yogurt to counter act the side effects

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by HulaAnglers

That video isnt very good im afraid. There are a number of errors to his procedure that undermine the quality of the silver produced. If you want a MUCH better guide, try this not-for-profit, and excellent, one:

Its amazingly easy to make high quality silver in your house, and amazingly CHEAP as well.

And in response to the OP, yes I have been taking my own silver for about 10 years now. I have seen some miraculous effects from it, namely a friend had a nasty gum infection with huge swelling, I gave him a spoon of silver to swirl in his mouth, within TEN MINUTES he had NO SWELLING WHATSOEVER. That was the most amazing seen I witnessed from using it.

Regarding argyria, the scare tactic used to ban silver, I started giving silver to a friend, telling him to take some spoons per day. Around a year later, I discovered he was drinking a quarter of a liter PER DAY (yes hes sort of brutish
). He never turned blue. Or had any other side effects, for that matter.

These days, I always carry a silver spray on my bag to frequently spray my hands/face/mouth, just to be on the safe side when I go someplace with lots of people around.

Oh and btw I tend to consider that claim that CS kills the beneficial bacteria a load of BS. I have used it extensively, sometimes abusing a little when I had some infection, I also have friends who REALLY went overboard with it, and no problems whatsoever. For contrast, I have had some problems with loose stools using magnesium chloride (another supplement with impressive powers).

[edit on 11-10-2009 by Rikhart]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:34 AM
We make our own as well..a few bottles at a time to have on hand.. we do take it every day but in a very small dose..we can take a lot more of it if we feel the need to (others around us being sick for example) but the daily dose is small, like a top up so to say (smaller doses than the pre bottled ones at a shop).. holding under our tongue for 5 -10 seconds to avoid direct hits to the stomach.. from what i have heard there are loads of different methods of making it..thank you very much for the videos and info, it seems it can be used for just about anything!

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:41 AM
deionized or distilled water is whats meant to be used, the 3 of us taking it here we take 50 mls per day (50 mls all together i mean) to keep a level of it in the system to fight off any nasties..but we double it if a cold has started or if something is going around..
The spray idea is excellent and one i will certainly be doing! The tooth problem mentioned with the swelling is amazing evidence of its power i would think

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 07:42 AM
I use an electric train power supply and gator clips to create mine on the stove. My uncle, a state senator, also swears by the stuff.

Seriously, you guys should be making the stuff yourself, anything from the store is a ripoff.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 08:29 AM
More companies making money out of fear, although it may do you good it seems there only aim is to make profit. You can get all the Minerals and Vitamins you need from a healthy diet, my immune system is just fine and do you know why.

Because I lets my immune system do the job it was suppose to do without the aid of any drugs or herbal medicines.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by NotAgain]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:12 AM
It is good for fighting bacterial infections, or maybe even some parasites in form of worms or fungus. But how it can fight a virus or boost immune system - i do not understand. In general i think that if someone says that their product is good for lots of totally different problems ,then it is probably a lie.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:03 AM
You should check out this documentary titled "WATER"

its really great;
theres a section on how water will take the form of silver and stuff when stored in it

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by NotAgain

Absolutely.. the immune system has to be in perfect working order through eating right and getting the right balance of nutritional fuel..from what i understand though the human body is meant to have a certain amount of silver in it, and once upon a time it used to before being depleated through bad foods and it being taken from the ground and water supplies throughout the decades.. correct me someone if i am wrong, please, but from what i understand our bodies need this naturally..
Also, yes some companies are making great money off of it, but the post above this saying how they make it on the stove, and how myself and family make it doesnt do anything for any company, so it isnt all about that really.. not to mention its been proven many, many times over to be very effective.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 03:04 PM
colloidal silver sux, it will make you blue, Huldas zapper, based on Riffes technology works harmless

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:19 PM
There is no evidence colloidal silver, ingested or injected will cure or even reduce the symptoms of anything. It can in fact be highly dangerous! To the OP, i beg you to read this article from the Mayo Clinic.

I urge you again to read that, not just for the health of yourself and your husband but your son as well. Having a long term exposure to silver can, as the article states lead to a condition called argyria, a greyish discolouration of your skin, eyes, gums, internal organs and nails. It is not a dangerous condition but it is irreversible! Your son is the most at risk as he has longer for the silver to build up in his system so you owe it to your family to read that article.

You are being ripped off, conned, wasting money. You may feel better but sadly that is just a placebo effect. Furthermore using colloidable silver can lead to damaged kidneys and other very serious health effects.

[edit on 11-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:25 PM
Be sure to check out the real life Smurf, Paul Karason, if you are interested in using colloidal silver.

[edit on 10/11/09 by Ferris.Bueller.II]

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

Wow, just wow, i never realised someone had gone that far with silver. Great post, star from me.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

There is no evidence colloidal silver, ingested or injected will cure or even reduce the symptoms of anything.

Studies can be biased, especially from the medical community. If you can heal yourself, you don't need them.

I have used colloidal silver for years but only when there is a need. It 'almost' always works and when it doesn't it is because I have been negligent some days.

But in one instance I had a fungal infection in my nails...two rounds of oral Lamisil, at $200 for 30 days, and no effect. I went to a dermatoligist with no effect. After 3 years I used Colloidal silver daily for three week and nothing else. After 3 weeks the fungal infection went away and has never returned.

Before there were antibiotics, there was silver.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn
Studies can be biased, especially from the medical community. If you can heal yourself, you don't need them.

Studies can be biased but the Mayo Clinic is renowned for being fair and equal. Furthermore many countries with socialised medicine have run studies with the same results, these universities have no stake in being biased. Please don't attempt to reflect very serious research with such flimsy arguments. In doing so you are actually being a part of what could end up being a very serious medical situation.

Originally posted by liveandlearn
I have used colloidal silver for years but only when there is a need. It 'almost' always works and when it doesn't it is because I have been negligent some days.

Welcome to the placebo effect. Studies have shown the same thing happens when people are given sugar pills. Cancer patients even have less pain on placebo trials.

Originally posted by liveandlearn
But in one instance I had a fungal infection in my nails...two rounds of oral Lamisil, at $200 for 30 days, and no effect. I went to a dermatoligist with no effect. After 3 years I used Colloidal silver daily for three week and nothing else. After 3 weeks the fungal infection went away and has never returned.

Before there were antibiotics, there was silver.

Anecdotal evidence based on one person. However maybe it did do something, afterall silver gets deposited in the nails quite readily. That is me speculating however the science of the damage that silver can and does cause is very clear.

Keep supporting this persons use of colloidal silver, help enforce their position despite the medical dangers and you can take partial responsibility when the whole family turns a lovely shade of greyish blue and maybe end up with kidney failure.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

You bet I will keep supporting colloidal silver.

I am medically trained and do not want to imply that collodial silver is the be all and end all of treatment for infections.

You don't agree with anecdotal evidence.

Symmetrel was originally used for Parkinson's. It was anecdotal evidence that led to the discovery of Symmetrel also being an inhibitor of influeneza A if given within the first 24-48 hours. This led to Tamiflu and Relenza.

When my child was young and a bed wetter anecdotal evidence showed that this antidepressent could help bed wetting. Well my child took it the anecdotal evidence was correct. But my additional anecdotal evidence told me that while it stopped her bed wetting it also made her extremely depressed after about 6 weeks. The second time they wanted to put her on this I told the Dr. about it and I was 'poo pooed'. Six weeks later I called and said it had made her depressed. The nurse, surprised, said she had just spoken with another mother who told her the same thing. It was several years later before there was a warning on these drugs regarding children.

And by the way, the mayo clinic article was not a study or research. As for as I can tell it was just someone indoctrinated into modern day medicine's opinion.

posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by liveandlearn

You bet I will keep supporting colloidal silver.

I am medically trained and do not want to imply that collodial silver is the be all and end all of treatment for infections.

So you're medically trained and happy to ignore very clear, well tested evidence to show that consuming colloidal silver, over time can lead to going a greyish blue colour, kidney failure and various other problems. That seems extremely strange.

Originally posted by liveandlearn
You don't agree with anecdotal evidence.

Symmetrel was originally used for Parkinson's. It was anecdotal evidence that led to the discovery of Symmetrel also being an inhibitor of influeneza A if given within the first 24-48 hours. This led to Tamiflu and Relenza.

Yes the difference there is that the anecdotal evidence was followed up with research that supported a clear benefit. Colloidal silver however has not met the same test, it's very damaging adverse effects however are well documented.

Originally posted by liveandlearn
And by the way, the mayo clinic article was not a study or research. As for as I can tell it was just someone indoctrinated into modern day medicine's opinion.

The Mayo Clinic puts together research from numerous sources and addresses it in a neutral fashion. They are one of the best neutral sources you will find.

I ask you a clear question here however.

Does the research and clear case histories of patients show a direct and dangerous link between colloidal silver intake and serious medical complications including argyria and kidney failure?

It's an unfair question as someone already linked two videos of a guy that turned a smurf like colour but i'm interested as to how you will answer it.

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