posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 06:10 AM
Disclaimer: As above!
Explanation: The 3 tactics I employ are as follows...
1] I start out using stratagy No#2 and I be quite generous with incentives and the punishments lead directly to me using strategy No#1.
If they capitulate then my MEME has KILLED their MEME and the enemy no longer exists. so my A PRIORI of war is "I'm going to kill you!"
2] If the incentives are not enough to convince the enemy to capitulate then I immediately imploy strategy No#1 but with a slight twist....I'm NOT
just going to kill them and replace them! This should strike terror into their hearts as it means I've stopped being a "nice guy" and will deal
with them in a totally ambiguous , cruel and unusual way! so my 2nd A PRIORI of war is "So you won't because now I'm NOT just going to
kill you!"
3] If there are no more current enemies then I default to using the 3rd strategy of waiting for them to manifest as nature abhores a vaccume and will
always provide a new target to be OVER RULED by me at some point in the future! My War is never ending as existence is most likely infinite and that
will always mean I have something to kill.
Personal Disclosure: Draw a line in the sand and defend it to the death vs all comers! Who is in charge? You or them? War is all about POWER OVER! If
your not in charge then you have ALREADY LOST!
Edited to add a prime example of these tactics and strategies being employed.....RE: GOLDFINGER! As Bond lies strapped to a table and the laser cutter
is turned on he questions Goldfinger with "Do you expect me to talk?" and Goldfinger scoffs at Bond with "NO! I expect you to die!"!
[edit on 11-10-2009 by OmegaLogos]