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Israel, US to simulate response to war

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posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

Haha and I have some beach front property in Colorado I'll sell you. What a load of bs.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

Thanks for the info Op. Great post S&F as usual.

Amagnon, you and eye on war both mad some excellent points, and woodwardjnr took the words out of my mouth with

"there is no way Iran are going to back down here, neither should they IMO. so war is inevitable. terrifying really, when you think of the potential consequences."

Stars for you all.

The entire world would be affected and Israel would be about that blood thirsty to put the entire world into a tail spin without batting an eye. Sanctions anyone?

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Syria doesn't have much of a military. They would never get involved if the US and Israel attacked Iran. Syria doesn't have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,unless you are referring to your insurgent brothers?

If you are in Florida, you better not be at a flight school...

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Sundancer

We do need to sanction Israel, and confiscate it's illegal nuclear weapons and outlaw AIPAC and other Israeli lobbying orginizations to Congress, if a foreign government has something to say to our government it should be through the State Department and embassies not clogging up the halls of Congress and denying access to American citizens in the process.

There is no state in the Union named Israel.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Syria doesn't have much of a military. They would never get involved if the US and Israel attacked Iran. Syria doesn't have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan,unless you are referring to your insurgent brothers?

If you are in Florida, you better not be at a flight school...

I live in Surfside Miami Beach my friend and was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylania my father was a frogman in the U.S. Navy in World War II, his was a Rear Admiral in the British Navy.

I would actually post my Birth Certificate and Driver's License if it weren't for Terms and Conditions of ATS just to make you look like the disengenuous person you more than appear to be.

I will say this, the truth is the truth no matter where a person is born.

The truth is that the thread is about Israel and U.S. Forces conducting joint military training it's not about me.

The truth is that Iran is not Gaza, or highly fractionalized Lebanon or oil poor Damascus.

The truth is Israel has never faced Iran in a modern day war.

The truth is Israel would be toast if it weren't for U.S. Support.

The truth is it's Israelis like you that give Americans like me every reason to withdraw that support.

Once again the topic is Israel and U.S. military joint training and how they must realize a lot of innocent Jews are going to be killed or they wouldn't be training together to try to counter that.

The truth is a lot of innocent Jews in Israel will die from Iranian missiles and people all over the world are going to go bankrupt and loose what little they haven't lost already in a horrible economy when oil sky rockets through the roof when the Iranians shut down the narrow straights of Hormuz.

The truth is you wish I was from Syria!

The truth is if every American thought like me, Israel would have to go eveything alone on their own dime and with their own weapons.

The truth is Israel would loose badly in such a situation even against just Syria!

[edit on 13/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Is that the cover story you were taught at the madrassa? A well-funded terrorist would have no trouble obtaining counterfeit identification.
Weren't you guys already taught a lesson when Israel blew up your nuclear facility?

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

PRO-Israel PAC

here are some legal numbers to show the Israeli influence over the US Congress. Imagine how much is channeled through corporations, and off shore means.

I've read the thread Proto, and I have to say Your write to the point, and concisely; many stars


S&F to the OP

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Is that the cover story you were taught at the madrassa? A well-funded terrorist would have no trouble obtaining counterfeit identification.
Weren't you guys already taught a lesson when Israel blew up your nuclear facility?

So in other words you don't deny the fact that there were no actual WMD's inside Iraq at the time of the invasion.

You don't deny the fact that the U.S. Government is 10 trillion dollars in debt from fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You don't deny the fact that the U.S. even with coalition partners have not reached their objectives in Iraq or Afghanistan in 8 long costly years of war.

You don't deny the fact that neither the U.S. Airforce or Patriot Missiles were able to stop every scud that was fired by Iraq in the First Gulf War at Israel and some of them did hit Israel.

You don't deny the fact that if we could not accomplish our objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan and are still bogged down there we have no hope of accomplishing any serious military objectives in Iran.

You don't deny the fact that the price of oil will sky rocketed and lead to a world wide economic collapse if Iran blocks the narrow Straights of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persion Gulf wich Iran jutts in to and could mine using rubber rafts and dingies if need be?

Thanks for getting all that on the record.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

PRO-Israel PAC

here are some legal numbers to show the Israeli influence over the US Congress. Imagine how much is channeled through corporations, and off shore means.

I've read the thread Proto, and I have to say Your write to the point, and concisely; many stars


S&F to the OP

Thanks Sancho it's amazing but the truth is that the biggest proponents of the U.S. taking military action against Iran are simply not even Americans.

It's mostly Canadians and Brits with Zionist or Israeli loyalties.

They talk tough about it and the need to do it even though they aren't urging their own countries to do the fighting or pay for it, or volunteering themselves to do the fighting.

It really makes you wonder, especially then when the actual Americans who have footed the costly bills and the loss of international respect in fighting two failed wars against Muslim nations are told they aren't Americans and terrorist sympathizers for realizing how Stupid it would be to add a third front to an over all failing war effort.

It truly is amazing how little respect our own so called allies have for us when they want us to do all their heavy lifting and foot the bill and if we balk there is something wrong with us for not being their lackeys and henchmen.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

As I stated, they were taken to your country before the liberation.
It seems you have limited access to actual facts concerning the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan, or of troop strength. Israel had no problem bombing your nuclear facility, i'm sure the US and Israel won't either. I thought Al-Jezerra was a little more accurate.
I have no patience for lecturing Muslim terrorists.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by stevegmu

So now you are saying that Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were brought here to the United States.

Can you prove anything you are saying?

No of course not.

So in reality you concede every point.

1. America has not reached it's objectives in Iraq or Afghanistan after 8 years. (How could we hope to do better in Iran, a country not already crippled by sanctions or without oil revenue or wealth like Afghanistan)

2. That Israel was succesfully targeted by Iraqi Scud Missiles in the First Gulf War (Iran has much more sophisticated missile systems than Iraq did)

3. That Afghanistan and Iraq have cost U.S. Taxpayers Trillions of Dollars and Thousands of American Lives but yielded no objective (How could Iran offset that cost and not but add to it with the same results?)

4. That if Iran shuts down the narrow straights of Hormuz which is very easy for it to do oil prices around the world will sky rocket raising the price of everything from fuel, to food to plastics.

5. That Israel is in fact guilty of what it is accusing Iran of but refuses to voluntarily take part in the inspection process Iran has voluntarily agreed to take part in.

6. That Israel lacks the conventional military might to put boots on the ground in Iran or stop Iran from bombing and killing innocent Jews who don't want War with a peaceful Iran.

It would seem to me friend the only people you would be good at lecturing or those who aren't very good at acknowledging simple facts.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:38 AM


posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:42 AM

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Bunch

The truth is friend he can't address the truth.

He can't overcome the fact that Iran has attacked no one in it's history as an Islamic Republic.

He con't overcome the fact that Iran does have the military capability to target Israel with fairly sophisticated modern guided missiles.

He can't overcome the fact that Missile Defense Systems and aggressively trying to target enemy missile sites has not stopped Israel's other less well equipped and poorer enemies from being able to land hits with their much more primitive missiles.

He can't overcome the fact that we here in the United States are already streched thin on the ground in two costly wars and have zero chance of fairing any better in a third conflict taking place at the same time.

He can't overcome the fact that our two bogged down wars have not reached their objectives and cost us trillions of dollars in debt that generations from now we will still be paying off.

He can't overcome the fact that Iran can block the narrow Straights of Hormuz with mines it could lay if need be from 20.00 Wal-Mart Rafts.

He can't overcome the fact that if the straights are blocked the price of gasoline will sky rocket.

He can't overcome the fact that it will probably cause the precarious world economy to complete collapse.

All he can do is get angry at people who have the intelligence and good sense to point it out.

All he can do is pretend that he has some inside intelligence like the "WMD's were taken out of Iraq last minute" to make it seem like it wasn't the deliberate mistaken blunder of aggression it was that we are still paying for today.

He can't discredit any of those things because they are all known facts, the truth and common sense.

[edit on 13/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Proto, I would just like to expand on the oil blockade that is likely to occur should Iran be attacked. There are other "oil choke points" besides the Straight of Hormuz that Iran is ready to shut down given a preemptive strike(preemptive Love strike of peace, and prosperity).

Here is a link outlining oil "choke points". danger zones.

Now, Iran is in absolute prime position to shut down both the Straits of Hormuz, and also the Suez Canal. With both of those shut down 40% conservatively of the World's oil supply is gone over night.

Peaceful means need to be used to settle what is going on currently; no more war. We as a nation of once free-American's cannot handle another financial burden at the expense of the New World Order.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

The one thing you don't take into account is that the Arab world and Iran don't necessarily always get along. In fact, they might want Israel and Iran to battle it out so that both countries would be left weaker than when they started.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The Iraqi people including its new armed forces are hardly in love with America or Americans and neither are the New Afghan Army troops.

[edit on 12/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

The Iraqi people, by and large, are hardly in love with the Iranians. Lots of bad blood between the two countries.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by stevegmu
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Who said I am Israeli? Are you a Muslim terrorist or terrorist supporter?

You do know we have the capability to take out their missile sites with coordinated air-strikes and cruise missiles?

If you aren't completely against Israel Proto likes to call people Israelis. I've noticed this a couple of times.
Just saying.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Jenna
I could be way off the mark, but when I first heard about the simulation my first thought was that Israel was attempting to show Iran that they don't want Israel to attack them. Kind of a "See, this is what we'll do to you" type of thing. Does that make sense to anyone else?

Yes. This is what I think, too. Either way, I hope to God no one attacks anyone. There are enough problems and suffering to deal with already.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Just curious about the 500-1000 lbs rockets the Iran "will" be launching at well anyone... Iran's "best" system which is still in testing phase is the Shahab-3 which is a redesigned 30 year old Russian system that just plan doesn’t work very well. According to the MSM one ok (meaning it actually flew) test this year and a bunch of failed tests in the past. And since its still in testing that usually means that it’s not being fielded by military commanders. So the only things that they have that actually works are SRBM's Shahab-1 and 2 with a range of 330 and 700 km respectively.

Again why should anyone be afraid of Iran? They have a 3rd rate military, with 30 year old technology. While I’m not advocating we should attack Iran, recently I’ve seen a lot of posts with how wonderful their military is and how Israel/US/Britain/insert name of any country, wouldn’t stand a chance against them.

Now if I’m missing some info and if I am I’m sure someone will show me the error of my ways please show me. But as I see it, Iran doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell against any country that is fed up with the redirect coming out of that country.


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