posted on Oct, 11 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by ken10
I really wondered if posting this pic on ATS was even the right thing to do. While critical thought is always a good thing and I suppose that some
amount of "it's a fake" is inevitable, but it still does not satisfy my curiosity as to what in the world it was that overflew us.
We were at a pavilion, sort of a covered place with picnic tables under the roof, hence the bar across one corner of the pic.
I assure you that I am sincere in my inquiry here - admittedly these questions you ask are quite valid but i get a little sensitive when my integrity
is questioned even if I am here somewhat anonymously.
I really only want to know what the darn thing was, surely this is not some top secret thing, and surely it is not a moth. LOL
[edit on 10/11/2009 by bios]