posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by Freeborn
I'd like to know why so many people are so quick to make assumptions that the Mayans really did practice human sacrifice.
It is only our modern Western interpretation of ancient Mayan texts and temples which says that they sacrificed anyone.
This same sort of rubbish interpretation is responsible for people thinking the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt was a tomb when it clearly never was.
How arrogant have we all become to think that we can stand in the face of a Mayan elder and tell THEM THEIR OWN history! No sorry guys, you're OWN
history passed down through the generations and guarded as sacred is wrong. We know because we applied our faulty interpretation and it says you
sacrificed people - you savages
In regards to the Spanish, would you really expect a peaceful and spiritual peoples to respond with the same level of weaponry and aggression afforded
by the Spanish? Come on - let's at least be fair with our reasoning here.
Watch this vids and let me know what you think - and let's approach it all with an open mind - we could learn a thing or two...