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Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied

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posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale
reply to post by jthomas

What evidence??????

You keep mentioning it but you have yet to share it with us.

Are you going to show us the evidence or keep harping on something I have already taken back?

Say evidence about 40 more times without showing us what it is.

I have already provided links for you 40 times. Pretending that they don't point to evidence is entirely your problem. Only you can solve your problem. It is not my responsibility, sorry. That you insist, as ALL Twoofers do, that inconvenient evidence to you is magically not evidence just indicates why you are stuck walking in circles going nowhere.

p.s. yes, you do need serial numbers because that is standard operating procedure in every plane crash. Most of the time, they already know exactly what plane it is but they still have to check the parts to make sure there was no alterations to the plane or something anomalous. They did not do that this one time. It is important because there is no good reason not to do it. Do not tell me it is because they knew what plane it was. They usually know what plane it is.

Thank you for finally admitting that serial numbers are not needed to KNOW which aircraft crashed. We already know that AA77 was hijacked and deliberately crashed into the Pentagon. Tell your Twoofer buddies that.

Secondly, the NTSB collects serial numbers for the express purpose of determining the cause(s) of aircraft accidents. It is essential to know if there were part failures AND, if so, when and where that part was manufactured to determine if there are design flaws and/or problems with a particular manufacturing lot. It is essential to know if there was a combination of part problems and/or pilot error. They are also used to map out the pattern of the crash and wreckage. Often, it is the only way to understand WHY an aircraft crashed and the causes.

But we already know why and how AA77 crashed. Serial numbers are irrelevant for that purpose in this case.

You will note that 1) The NTSB was not in charge of investigation which was a crime and not an accident and the cause was already know. The FBI was in charge. 2) The FBI has its own methodology. 3) It is completely invalid for you to claim that no serial numbers were recorded since you do not have a way of knowing that, and 4) If they were not recorded, you know that it is irrelevant to the SOP to begin with.

As always, it is just another strawman of the 9/11 "Truth" Movement to hide the fact that "Truthers" are unable to refute the evidence that AA77 crashed into the Pentagon.

So, you are back to square one of having to refute the evidence to which I have presented you a source of many links. You categorically refuse to refute that evidence. If you continue to deny that and refuse to refute the evidence, I'll just have to remind you of that fact again. Instead of wasting your time trying to shift the burden of proof, just refute the evidence.

You might actually learn something.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Jezus

Hi Jezus,

Would you mind explaining all this evidence?

Flight 93 was tracked on radar from departure to impact. There were eyewitnesses to this plane crash. DNA for ALL passengers were found and identified. Personal belongings were found at the scene. This is evidence. Aircraft remains were found. This is evidence. CVR was discovered and victims families listened to it. This is evidence. Phone calls were made to loved ones for extended amounts of time. This is evidence.

Flight 77 FDR was found and data was recovered. On the FDR, Including flight data on the doomed flight, data was recovered that showed the previous flight. This is evidence.

DNA was matched from remains found at the Pentagon from all but I believe one passenger. This is evidence.

Personal belongings were found and returned. This is evidence.

Eyewitnesses stating that they saw "AMERICAN AIRLINES" on the plane. This is evidence.

I mean, this list goes on and on. What JT is asking is for you to refute what is there.

You have to prove the FDR was faked / planted
You have to prove that the CVR was faked/ planted
You have to prove that the phone calls were faked
You have to prove that the eyewitnesses lied or were mistaken.
You have to prove that the DNA was faked or planted.
Until you can PROVE something sinister took place, you have nothing. This is why the TM has been stalled since 2006.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by ImAPepper]

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by PHIXER2

Originally posted by jthomas
One does not need a video - any video - to know AA77 hit the Pentagon. Only Truthers have to deny that none of the massive evidence demonstrating AA77 hit the Pentagon exists.

You are so wrong, you know nothing about crime scene investigatons involving aircraft.

You just showed you know nothing about the nature of evidence or how to reason, much less go to the evidence to which I keep pointing you all.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by PHIXER2

Originally posted by SPreston
posted by jthomas[/url]

Isn't it interesting that I have never claimed that the "security camera video shows any aircraft hitting the Pentagon." Just so we're clear about that, I want you to show everyone here any post I have made on any forum in which I have said that the security camera video shows anything hitting the Pentagon.

Problem is that most people like you who still believe the offical story think they do see a 757 in the video becasue thats what they have been told.

And we all know that whether one "sees" a 757 in the video or not is completely irrelevant to the fact that the evidence already showed AA77 hit the Pentagon.

Oh, that's right, you think all the evidence is irrelevant because that's what 9/11 "Truthers" have successfully conned you into believing. It must be fun for you to not have to think but just believe what you are told, eh?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by PHIXER2

Originally posted by ImAPepper

I suggest you look a little harder. NSTB has released all FDR data on all 4 flights. They have also released the CVR trascripts for flight 93.

Please read my post again as many times asit takes for you to understand.

The FBI/NTSB crime scene reports have not been released, so you have no actual facts and evidence of what happened only theories.

[edit on 17-10-2009 by PHIXER2]

While Lillydale claims she knows no serial numbers were recorded. You might want to ask her how she knows that.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
well this thread transformed from a voter was denied to now the evidences that needs to be looked at... again!

it always will come back down to the unanswered questions, and the coincidences following 9/11.

Ill bring it back on topic. the will of the voters were denied. a petition was signed, and it was refused to be placed on ballot so VOTERS can have a say.

no they were stone walled once again.

regardless if the legal team fudged up, a basic question should of been allowed at the poll...

Should their be a new 9/11 investigation that is run independently, and with subpoena power to get some DAMN questions answered!

whats so hard to understand that?

Apparently, you fell for NYCCAN's latest propaganda release again:

They're SO happy you will be willing to open your wallet again so they can go "national."

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028

Originally posted by Joey Canoli

That's a correct assessmant.

If no one voted on it, they were NOT denied to voice their opinion about it. IF... they had voted on it, and was overturned in court, then you can say that the voters were denied.

actually they were because it wasn't allowed on the ballot... meaning the voters didn't have a chance to say"yes" or "no"

It didn't meet any legal criteria anyway and was born of ignorance and denial. It never would have made the ballot.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:00 PM

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420

No voters were denied. The petitioners were.

The petitioners were registered voters.

Why don't you lose the attitude and come back when you're ready to be serious about this? Then perhaps you wont open posts with blatant misinformation.

What's NOT serious about this:

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by PHIXER2
There is also a problem with the Pentagon witness statements due to the fact that one witness stated "they did not know what hit the Pentagon they were told later it was a 757"

So the queston is how many other witnesses were TOLD LATER IT WAS A 757?

Not that one again. You're so gullible.

It never dawned on you what the definition of "eyewitness" is, I guess.

Too funny.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale

Originally posted by jthomas

I have no claims. I have no burden of proof. It is, it always has been, and it will always remain on your shoulders to refute the massive evidence you pretend does not exist.

You all are still stalling after 8 years. claimed that AA77 crashed into the Pentagon.

That's what the evidence shows. it is not my "claim" and you know that.

You claimed there were passenger bodies still strapped into seats.

Not once did I ever claim that. Show me. It is one statement on a list of eyewitness statements. Whether it is accurate or not is irrelevant to the fact that the evidence shows AA77 crashed into the Pentagon.

You claimed that the OS is true!!!!!!!!

No, I never made any such claim. You know full well that I don't beleive in your canard of an "OS." Why lie? I demonstrated why your so-called "OS" is a 9/11 "Truth" Movement canard and why.

You most certainly did make claims and you do need to back them up.

You're desperation shows again, Lillydale, and you just added to your list of things you have to retract.

Silly girl.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

There is a difference between stating evidence exists and actually providing it...

I have no intention of trying to prove some alternate theory of what happened because I admit that I don't know what happened.

Where is the video evidence?

There is absolutely no logical reason for the absence of concrete video and photo evidence,

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Where is the video evidence?

So, unless it's on Youtube... it can not happen?

What video are you looking for?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by jthomas

Jthomas I am still waiting for you to answer my question.

Why do you believe in the OS and nothing else?

Jthomas still refuses to answers my question. Jthomas you spout off to everyone in here how they “avoid answering your questions”. I have asked you repeatedly to please answer just one question and you flat out refuse to answer it.

If the OS is all-true then you must have the smoking gun evidences and I would like to see it.

Why do you believe in the OS and nothing else?

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Not that one again. You're so gullible.

No you are gullible to still beleive the officai story with no actual evidence and official reports.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by PHIXER2

Originally posted by jthomas

Not that one again. You're so gullible.

No you are gullible to still beleive the officai story with no actual evidence and official reports.

Hello Roger,

You have been gone for a couple months. You have now picked up exactly where you left off.

There ARE official reports.

First of all PENTTBOM (Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing Investigation) is the codename for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's probe into the 911 terrorist attacks. You can do a simple Google search to find all the official reports from them.

Can you do us ALL a favor and read them? You will find all the evidence that the FBI uncovered during their investigation. After you are done reading the countless pages they have released, we will then direct you to the NTSB investigation and information they provided.

Thank you sir!

Dr. P

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by ImAPepper
Hello Roger,

You have been gone for a couple months. You have now picked up exactly where you left off.

There ARE official reports.

I have read all reports that have ben released and thy do not have all the facts and evidence of what happened that day.

You do know that 9/11 is a criminal investigation?

So unless you have the FBI/NTSB crime reports you have no real facts, evidence and reports.

The crime scene reports ar the only official reports that will tell what really happened.

posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 06:52 PM


posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 07:06 PM
Polite Mod Request

Hi People,

Discussion can be passionate - but it should never become poisonous.

Please lets debate the topic rather than those engaged within it.

Ie: Save the sidejabs, the snarky comments, the personal direct references etc.

Post - not poster.


posted on Oct, 17 2009 @ 07:10 PM


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