Ok, like most of you, I do a lot of reading of what is going on, but I have not taken any direct action to try to influence change in the way that
we'd like to see. Until recently.
I printed up a bunch of fliers -- four per sheet of 81/2 x 11 sheets of paper; the standard size of paper. I printed out a 1,000 of the full-size
sheets. Black and white; cheap paper. It was a chunk of money -- about $80 for two reams (500 sheets per ream). It took about three weeks to pass
all of them out. Some I left with stores to have them put into bags; some I left on the counter; some I left in laundromats; some I left at coffee
shops -- but I tried not to leave more than 10 at each spot, as I felt that it was important to make a connection with people.
Some businesses really liked this, so they passed out a bunch of them and I gave them a bunch more, plus a master sheet of paper that they could
quickly and simply copy, cut, then pass out. I also always carried several master sheets of paper to hand out to people who wanted to do the same
thing. The "master sheets" are the uncut 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper.
Most of the fliers were personally handed to people. I had some great conversations with people and have gotten several dozen e-mails with them and
have remained in touch with them. It is my hope that the majority of them would have taken the one, simple action that I have asked them to do --
simply to search this one term: " End the Fed ". Period. Nothing else. Concentrate at areas where there are a lot of people, like malls, parties,
events, busy streets, etc.
I typed out a short, simple thing on the front of the flier, short enough to be read in less than twenty seconds, because that's the attention span
of just about anybody on the street; twenty seconds.
So I had that short, sweet version on the front of the flier. The back of it had a longer version of why the Fed needed to end and NOW and what steps
that the average person could take to help end it. I also had a "free" e-mail address on the back of it, if anyone wanted to e-mail me and have
direct conversations to help guide them to take direct action themselves.
We've had economic shiat go on long enough and it's about to get worse and I DON'T like this prospect. Any worse than it is now means some serious
shiat going on, like riots and stuff like that. Well, a few riots can be a good thing, as it would make it clear to the rest of us that we are facing
some serious shiat here; but massive, nation-wide riots is NOT a good thing, as this would bring out the massive police-state and the martial law that
the damn elites WANT to do, as they've got it down pat, when it comes to the violence. They are good at it.
So we've got, what, thousands of members on this site? How many of you would actually do what I suggest for you to do? Not very many, I'm afraid,
but, hey, if just, say, 100 of you printed up some fliers, got out there and passed them out -- say, 4,000 fliers each -- that's 400,000 people who
will have been reached with these fliers, each of whom might pay attention to this, because they had been handed a flier by a living, breathing
natural person who cared enough about the issue to go to the bother and expense of printing out the fliers and passing them out on their own dime and
It's the personal connection made that will make the difference. We are saturated with advertising / marketing in all forms, so many of us go
"blind" to the massive saturation of marketing; but, when it comes to personal connections made with people, this makes a difference.
Here's urls to help you to study why we need to end the Fed NOW:
I will follow up this post with a post that will have a copy of the flier that you could pass out in your local area.