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Discussion of all vaccines in general,and there affects.

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posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:22 PM
The main purpose of this thread, is to discuss all the vaccinations one will encounter throughout there life starting at birth.I have a baby on the way,and need to know what to beware of.I know some vaccinations to be harmful"Swine Flu" especially(from what I have studied),but are they all harmfull?

What vaccinations does a baby at birth recieve?Are they harmful/mandatory? How harmfull are the vaccinations before you start public school (from what I have studied they have "Mercury" which is very harmfull).

Is the "Flu shot and the"H1N1 shot the same? If not what dangers does the regular flue shot contain?

Last but not least does "Nano technology" exist in the "H1N1 vaccination" or any of the rest .

Like I said above I have a baby that will be here approx. March 7,and would greatly appreciate help from my fellow A.T.S. members on what vaccines I should look out for through out its up bringing,and what I should expect if I refuse any.Thanks to all for the following post ,and please feel free to discuss any vaccinations other than the ones I listed above.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Where affects?

Second line.

posted on Oct, 12 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by M0n0lyth

You lost me on that comment.


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