posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:01 PM
I've been following this user's
channel for a few months now. The user is posting new videos
every day it seems. They are collaborating with others that are seeing the same objects in other places, and they have people coming out to see them
for themselves now. They have just invested in better cameras also.
Some of these videos have been posted here before I believe, but for those who haven't seen them, I'd like to make you all aware of them. Before you
slam me and say that they are merely regular civilian/military aircraft, actually watch the videos and you will see that they do not exhibit flight
characteristics of normal aircraft. Nor does the lighting on the objects match FAA aircraft lighting requirements. You can see that they rise out of
the woods as an "orb" (waiting on the flaming for calling them that, notice the quotations), then turn on lighting that resemble the lighting of
normal aircraft, all the while there will be other objects waiting for the next to ascend and make it's transformation.
If you can get past the long dull parts and the less than spectacular commentating, you'll find that there is something interesting going on here.
Follow the link below...
seeingUFOsPA YouTube Channel
edit: Grammar.
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