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Awaken Your Consciousness -Open Your Minds!

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posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:59 AM
ok ET man i have been reading some of your posts and though i am doubtful of what you say i am however fascinated

you speak of life after death eternity and gods or beings of intelligence and wisdom and the like
but i am curious on what you have to say on heaven and hell would you tell me they are real? or that they are real but not what people have described them as as?
what about all the gods human beings have been rolling on the floor and babbling about for thousands of years, you know loki, thor, allah, dagon, zues, hades, quetzecoatl, marduk and, the like?
and what would you tell me of of evolution vs intelligent design? i imagine you would be a creationist or both evolutionist and creationist.

would you tell me in order to experience this wonderful afterlife that i have to believe in something? or just be a good morale person? or that i dont have to do anything at all?

and in this afterlife you describe, where does love, logic, amusement, joy, war, peace and, loyalties fit in?

in this afterlife you describe, is there eternal damnation and torment, are their malevelent beings?

also i was wondering and i wonder what you would tell me..
i saw a video called beyond our earth infinity zoom on youtube, it zoomed out of our earth, beyond our solar system, beyond our galaxy and, eventually out of the universe, and it showed many other universes alongside our own floating in vast space then it zoomed all the way back to earth, down to a plant, to a cell to an atom, inside an atom and eventually the same view of universes before.
could this be true? what do you think/claim to know?

sorry to ask so many questions but im not about to go through hundreds of pages of posts in case you already answered all these

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:09 AM
I dig it.

It is also just as hard for some people to "dig it".

It sometimes depends on where you want to throw your dirt. When it hits others, problems are to arise.

Mounds collect, and I am sure we are climbing many mounds left before us.

and we critique all those trying to break us free from all ends.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 03:52 AM
If we are looking at stars that are so far away that we have to measure their distance with "time". Then who is in the past from which viewpoint?

From earth, the light hitting earth from distant galaxies is the light from millions of years ago, because we are just "now" seeing it.

But if we were in another galaxy "at the same time" - I know this can sound strange, lets just theoretically imagine we are alive 50 million years ago in a distant galaxy. From the distant galaxy's view - is the light from our "sun" also in the past?

If from both view points are looking into the past, who is in the present? Us or them? Or is it irrelevant?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Hello ET Man!!!

Upon opening my mind I find that I sometimes want to close my mind to everyone!!! When I open my mind so far that I feel the pain of others! I feel the pleasure of others! I find many of my body parts in so much pain! There are times where I cringe from the times when someone, somewhere hits their funny bone, or cracks their knees on the ground!!! Car wrecks, bike wrecks, trips and falls! When you are open up, you are truely so open that it can make a person mad!!!

I ask.. How do you filter out all of this???
Thats why I end up just shutting myself down..

As personally I do not think we are collectively ready to fully open our minds and understand all this.. We are getting close... But its that whole filtering part that we need to understand!!!

Does this sound odd? I had to stop posting alot on ATS/BTS.. As I could litterally feel it when someone was reading my posts, or threads!!!
I would get this HIGH pitch ring in my ears when someone was reading my threads.. And it happened often!!!
There where also times when someone disagree'ed with me I could feel it inside of me!!! And at some points I was losing sleep!!
I could really feel it inside of me!! And that was just on my threads!
When I am close to someone.. I could feel how they felt to others that was responding to them!
Any time a family member would speak of me.. Or any of my friends I could feel it... Or get that high pitch ring inside of my head...

So I just close it all down.. Sometimes with Drugs.. Or I would just disconnect myself from being online..

Again it might sound strange to others.. But when I connect online, and get online I feel like I am jumping into a river..And I am connected into something bigger!!!

Being away from the computer has been a great break.. And I have not exp these feelings since I unplugged myself from the internet!!!

Yet here I am again.. Back online, and slowly reconnecting myself..

I know there will be many readers who read what I am writting and think I am totally off my rocker.. Or just have no clue what I am typing..

However being connected so deeply at one time.. You ET man know what I am saying... So I am asking you that question..
The filter...

Many of us are ready... But we do not know how to filter out all of this extra emotions and data comming in at us!
And there are those who are simply not ready to even get into all this..
Not only do they not know of the filter process.. They willsimply think something is wrong with them..
This exp is something that over all.. I do not feel people are ready..

We already hold so many secerts, and have so many dark alley dealings in this world... Are we as a people really ready to open up, and have no secerts? Is this world ready to be that open witheachother?

I wish I could say they are ready...
But even someone like myself who is open.. and has been ready.. Once I open up for longer than 7 months.. it starts to take its toll on me.. And I have a hard time dealing with all that pain.. and all that pleasure in one sitting!!!!

U2 me if you like...Otherwise just take this post for what it is ET man...

One who has been one with all.. and understanding that its alot of data to filter, and alot of emotions to take in for one person..
Maybe if I learned how to block out sertin feelings and emotions it wouldn't be so overwhelming..
Yet I know this is not something a person can explain or tell me how to do.
I have to learn how to do this on my own..
Or maybe we all get to a point that we are ready.. and in that sense we are ready and we won't be sending out all this non filtered emotions!!!

Its like people are broadcasting soooo much that they don't even realize what they are broadcasting!!!!

In that sense, the broadcasting energy at this point is totally out of balance.. Hence it throws me off balance..

So I tend to disconnect...
Make sense to you?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by zysin5

Its like people are broadcasting soooo much that they don't even realize what they are broadcasting!!!!

In that sense, the broadcasting energy at this point is totally out of balance.. Hence it throws me off balance..

So I tend to disconnect...
Make sense to you?

Yes this makes total sense to me Zysin. Thanks for putting into excellent words how I also feel when I open my mind.

I awoke my consciousness and opened my mind and allowed it to flow with almost no limits, only to find exactly what you have, so now I disconnect and close it off from almost all . Its safer that way. I still allow it to grow but for the moment its disconnected from the greater mind field and collective consciousness.

A certain point is reached that must be solitary.

Excellent post. Maybe the OP should add "With Care" on the end of their title.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Instead of re-posting information from another thread I felt that I should add a link into that thread that has to do with this thread and the human Vehicle/Body/Vessel - Soul- Creation- The Teachers/Creators/Designers among many other things.

Best Wishes!

p.s. I will be updating this thread within a few days 'TIME' where there is no 'TIME.'

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:55 PM
I previously posted a small glimpse of the Universe on page 1 in this thread and thought I would update that post with a better version - more illustrations and videos etc.

A fundamental/basic Introduction on the Universe and Infinity 1 of 10.

A View From Earth!

The Earth travels approximately 595 million miles around the sun every year at a speed of roughly
66,600 miles per hour or 18 miles per second.

It takes Light roughly 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun.

When one looks up at the Sun they are viewing events
that occurred 8 minutes into the past.

The Sun converts around 600 million tons of hydrogen into approximately 596 million Tons of helium Every Second. 4 million tons is converted into energy per second, roughly 240 Million Tons per Minute.

Some of the biggest Stars yet discovered by science are 3,000 Kelvin/cool supergiants 2,600 times the size of the Sun.

There are roughly 100+ Billion Stars in the Milky Way galaxy. There are roughly 100+ Billion Brown Dwarfs (Failed Stars) in the Milky Way galaxy.The Milky Way galaxy is around 100,000 light years wide, it would take you approximately 100,000 years to travel the Milky Way galaxy at the speed of light going 186,000 miles per second or 11 MILLION+ miles per minute at 669+ MILLION miles per hour.

Andromeda galaxy approximately 2,500,000 Light years away. The Light that recorded this image left Andromeda roughly 2.5 Million years ago. Andromeda galaxy is approximately 200,000 light years wide, twice the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

The Infinite Universe that never ends, can one-1 bend/wrap their mind around it.

Best Wishes!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by ashanu90

Hi Ashanu90,

you speak of life after death eternity and gods or beings of intelligence and wisdom and the like
but i am curious on what you have to say on heaven and hell would you tell me they are real? or that they are real but not what people have described them as as?

First of all where there is no all or first heaven and hell are merely words to better describe something and can take on new meanings depending on one-1's version/definition of the words. In the same way that Right and Wrong can take on new meanings/definitions depending on one-1's upbringing, culture, belief, background, education, society and so on.

Here is a thread I started on What is Right and what is Wrong?

To answer your-1 question yes heaven and hell type existences do exist.

Love is not Evil and Evil is not Love.

There are two sides to a road, one-1 decides which direction one-1 takes.

The choice is yours to make, you-1 of course will ultimately decide and choose whatever you-1 want to choose.

I've saved this quote from another thread on one of Mclinking's posts that is applicable to the afterlife and the video's I've added below (used only as an example) which gives an idea (metaphorically speaking) of what it can be like for some depending on one-1's situation/circumstance.

"Right and wrong. Here's a sample of what wrong wreaks. This is based on discarnate accounts of an illusory world called 'Winterland' (as opposed to 'Summerland'), from a book 'Living On' by Paul Beard. In this world, the setting a man or woman finds him/herself in reflects the reality of their internal state :

'To enter these areas fills rescuers with a deep sense of distress ; these helpers, sensitive men and women, can themselves become affected and drawn into some of the negative emotions they seek to lift from others, and if they remain too long in this area, can be temporarily overcome by them. For the price to be paid in order to reach these minds is to lower their own consciousness and concepts to a level acceptable to and capable of being understood by those they hope to rescue.

'The Shadowland is a very real place indeed ; a gloomy murk covers it to which one has to become accustomed ; squalid dwellings inhabited by unhappy tormented beings who jeer and mock and pursue their warped existences, poor souls living in hatred and rebellion, sometimes in apathy and with a fierce denial that there is any other state of existence.'

As someone said 'Later never exists'.
So, whoever you are, get yourself straight now.

note : there is nothing personal in this post, apart from to say what evil reaps.

mclinking "

Always follow your-1 heart!

One-1 should live their life however they want to but never forget that there are consequences to action and what a person puts out and does to others will come back to them in one-1 form/way or another whether in this lifetime or the next.

what about all the gods human beings have been rolling on the floor and babbling about for thousands of years, you know loki, thor, allah, dagon, zues, hades, quetzecoatl, marduk and, the like?

What more can I say, there are a lot of Entities/ET's that have been messing around on Earth for thousands of years. Some with better intentions than others but Entities/ET's all the same.

and what would you tell me of of evolution vs intelligent design? i imagine you would be a creationist or both evolutionist and creationist.

Evolution is a ticking/running in real time program but for the most part everything was intelligently setup/designed.

One-1 can only imagine what it took to put this Universe together as man currently perceives it to be. Technology comes to mind and I will be getting more into that in this thread along with the other one-1.

Extraterrestrials – Aliens - The Creators/Designers - Technology 1111

would you tell me in order to experience this wonderful afterlife that i have to believe in something?

No religion/belief is required, the only one-1 thing you-1 need to know is that there is a Good and an Evil and there is an infinite one-1 law of consequence to action.

Religions Of The World, The Bigger Picture!

Simply put live your-1 life to the best of your-1 ability in the best way you-1 know how, trying not to harm or hurt others and you-1 are just fine.

LOVE is the ticket to higher states of existence.

It's the HEART and INTENT of a person that truly counts.

or just be a good morale person? or that i dont have to do anything at all?

It is not a requirement to serve others, the only requirement is to not harm others and try to live the best life you-1 can to the best of your-1 ability. If you-1 are working on progressing and working on learning from your-1 mistakes then you-1 are doing just fine and are right where you-1 need to be for the 'TIME' being where there is no time.

and in this afterlife you describe, where does love, logic, amusement, joy, war, peace and, loyalties fit in?

There are many destinations one-1 can go from Earth's temporal/life/existence and that is a big understatement where there is no big. Some can be utopia type of planets/existences, some beyond all comprehension and some just like Earth with all of that above in the mix. Many planets/existences are similar to Earth and then there other such lower existences that nobody wants to know about so we won't go there (hopefully) literally. Everyone-1 is on their own Infinite one-1 path/journey.

in this afterlife you describe, is there eternal damnation and torment, are their malevelent beings?

There's a lot of torment and suffering going on right here on Earth but yes there are much worse places than Earth.

also i was wondering and i wonder what you would tell me..
i saw a video called beyond our earth infinity zoom on youtube, it zoomed out of our earth, beyond our solar system, beyond our galaxy and, eventually out of the universe, and it showed many other universes alongside our own floating in vast space then it zoomed all the way back to earth, down to a plant, to a cell to an atom, inside an atom and eventually the same view of universes before.
could this be true? what do you think/claim to know?

I added that video in the above post and yes just about everything is possible.

sorry to ask so many questions but im not about to go through hundreds of pages of posts in case you already answered all these

Now worries, completely understood and my apologies on the delay in getting back to your questions.

Thanks for your patience,
Best Wishes!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:25 PM

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:47 PM
Adding this in for now where there is only now and no such thing as in from the infinite/eternal perspective.

Best Wishes!

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