posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:06 PM
This whole looking for work thing is getting rather old, it's like no one is hiring, anywhere, ever.
I had a job, a "real" job, as a network engineer, I made good money, but then I decided I wanted to go back to university and get a degree in
anthropology... yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time, following your dream and such, that was dumb.
I'm still in school and I just want a crappy job to pay the bills until I get my career rollin' but it ain't happening. My resume is all in order,
I put a lot of effort into a cover letter, I feel like I'm doing everything right and yet the phone is quiet.
I've been trying to get a job since March or April, can you believe that? I've handed out over 100 resumes and I think I've been to about 10
interviews, all of which I thought went very well and never heard back.
I don't understand who's getting these jobs over me! Maybe someone has some unorthodoxed method of attracting the attention of an employer they
could share? I'm desperate here.
Let this be a lesson to you; to hell with your dreams, follow the money! :bnghd: