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Woman asks Homeland Security and Fireman about Vaccines and you won't believe what they told her!

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:10 PM
WOW.Straight from a witness The Military is definitely training for a massive quarantine and you just wait, that is not the least of it that makes this woman's feedback explosive... watch what else they say!

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Pocky]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by Pocky]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Pocky

No offense Pocky. But your last couple posts about vaccination and quarantine lack what is important: Evidence.

I know you're trying to do good and warn people but we have second hand accounts that could easily just be made up. Here on ATS we should work rationally to warn people when we have credible information.

If we do not have credible information then we just rile people up.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:20 PM
good post!

Nobody in Canada really knows about the forced Vacc's in the States.

I asked me MD about if he would be taking the shot for H1N1. I asked him last week. He said NO he wouldn't , and therefore they would suspend him for the flu season. He is just tight-lipped about the subject.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Miraj

Stop being so bloody anal, jeez.

Let us decide what to take as tangible evidence. Why are so many trying to be pseudo cop-mods. The mods themselves are bad enough, let alone members also trying to chirp away from their perch

Now back in your box Miraj.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:28 PM
I do believe there needs to be evidence, however, ultimately has to be of personal choice to take said vacinations and not. We can not just live our lives in fear, as that is what any tyrant or dictator would do. We need to go and ask questions, and be prepared for the answers, to demand those answers and take peaceful steps to make our governments responsible for the people for whom they are governing with in the rights of our respective constistutions. Anything else would lead to a more diseasterous results.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:36 PM
Can someone please explain to this semi-sane adult female HOW it's ESCALATED to this level of insanity so quickly?

I mean seriously: we are living in the United States of America and even the notion of "enforced vaccines/mass quarantines" do not remotely register in my brain!

Literally I can go about my biz on a day to day basis doing "whatever" within the boudnaries set by civil society and the laws of the land (and trust me,I do "bend both" from time to time,LOL!)

I read,I listen,I am informed...this is not "being governed",it's being manipulated,scared,and bullied into even possibly believing that such a thing could and might be allowed to happen.

I think if/when this all TRULY begins to play out,it will not be a case of sheep going into the shute but rather one of a bear being poked with a sharp stick?
People will rebel, will never come to this.

What IS their damn agenda???

[edit on 8-10-2009 by irishchic]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:39 PM
Yea, I have this yummy, I mean woman on friends at youtube, she talks so good...

She have a Maya ufo tablet clip on her channel...

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Pocky

im not taking the shot if i can get away with it, but that was a long video for her to say what that guys opinion was.

the security guy was probably on ats as well, and just gave his opinion of it.

nothing really news-worthy here.

doesnt mean there isnt anything to it, but still. i dont find an airport guard credible enough, and the fact that the firemen didnt know anything about it doesnt mean anything either.

just saying.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

The problem is there are a lot of members who will believe anything out of paranoia.

I'm trying to help diffuse paranoia. You've probably noticed how many times threads pop up about terrible things that will happen and they never do!

And Pocky is falling into this trend.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by irishchic

i think that poking them with a stick IS their agenda.

getting people to rebel and go crazy so they can test out their fema camps and merc units.

if we pass the test then they will set an example of us.

welcome to the REAL police state then....

its bad now, but wait till everyone hits the streets pissed.

i wont be one of them, but i wont be taking any shots either.

i dont even get the normal flu, and im not allergic to poison ivy. not like that would help me against an infectious disease, but ill take my chances.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Pocky

that makes this woman's feedback explosive

She says that she asked some people in homeland security and some firemen about forced vaccinations and military quarantines and they told her they hadn't heard anything about it. She then says she asked another homeland security guy at an airport and he told her to "be careful before making the choice to take the vaccine."

How exactly is this "explosive?"

Don't get me wrong...seems like good advice, but "think carefully before you act" is a far cry from "we're coming to get you."

Straight from a witness The Military is definitely training
for a massive quarantine and you just wait

Pocky...did you WATCH this video before posting about it? That's -=NOT=- what they tell her.

0:23 - 0:38
"The fireman and the one homeland security guy in upstate new york that I went through, they had no idea. When I asked them what they knew or how they felt about it, they had no idea. It was like the first they were hearing it was from me."

If you listen to the video, she says that SHE IS TELLING THEM about it. Not they are telling her.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by LordBucket]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:55 PM
I think random YouTube videos have finally overtaken Wikipedia as the pentultimate source of scholarly and reliable information on the internet.

Seriously, who is this woman? What are her credentials? Where does she keep running into these DHS agents? I've traveled a lot lately and I've never noticed scores of DHS agents at the airport.

But look out, there are signs listing H1N1 symptoms! When you land in Kuwait City men in white plastic suits come on the plane before they let you off and take everyone's temperature, so signs might not be too scary after all.

P.S. - I've been active duty Army for the past seven years. During those seven years I have done precisely zero training in quarantine or martial law operations. I'm stationed in the vicinity of several major metro areas, hold a combat arms position, and I even have a DHS "concentration camp" down the street from my house (even though I've never been able to find it- they must have hid it pretty well). I think I would be a pretty good candidate to recieve such important training. I guess we'll just be screwed when they tell us to start rounding up all the civilians.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by WhiteOneActual]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by WhiteOneActual

Seriously, who is this woman? What are her credentials?

Did you people even watch the video? She's claiming somebody told her to "be careful." Why is this advice that requires credentials before you'd consider it?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:06 PM
I'm not saying that she's lying, but....
her body language is consistent with someone who's not telling the truth. Looking down and to the left, big smiles, et cetera.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by uaocteaou

I'm not saying that she's lying, but....
her body language is consistent with someone who's not telling the truth.


What....are you seriously suggesting she's LYING when she says that the homeland security people and firemen she talked to claimed they KNEW NOTHING about the forced vaccinations and military quarantines she's talking about?

[edit on 8-10-2009 by LordBucket]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket

Did you people even watch the video? She's claiming somebody told her to "be careful." Why is this advice that requires credentials before you'd consider it?

I did watch the video. I don't suppose you need "credentials" or some reason for people to believe you before you post random advice to the internet.

I'll pay her as much attention as I give the crazy guy who stands on the corner and tells me the world is going to end tomorrow. But hey, even he'll be right one of these days.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket

What....are you seriously suggesting she's LYING when she says that the homeland security people and firemen she talked to claimed they KNEW NOTHING about the forced vaccinations and military quarantines she's talking about?

[edit on 8-10-2009 by LordBucket]

Perhaps the DHS agents and firemen she talked to didn't know anything about the forced vaccinations and military quarantines because there are no forced vaccinations or military quarantines.

Health care workers are required to get the H1N1 vaccine as terms of their employment? They are required to get a myriad of vaccines as terms of their employment. There is a reason.

I'd hardly call that some sort of national "forced immunization" campaign.

And as I stated before, I'm only privy to my little piece of the Army, but we're not prepared to conduct any sort of quarantine, even small scale.

So I'm not saying shes lying, I'm just saying there is little evidence that she knows what shes talking about.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by WhiteOneActual

Perhaps the DHS agents and firemen she talked to didn't know anything about the forced vaccinations
and military quarantines because there are no forced vaccinations or military quarantines.

...that just now crossed your mind, huh?

So I'm not saying shes lying, I'm just saying there is little
evidence that she knows what shes talking about.

And I'm just saying that the original poster in this thread is making a claim about the video that is blatantly false. Pocky appears to be claiming that the woman in this video is claiming that homeland security and firemen confirmed that the military is training for forced vaccinations and quarantines.


Whether or not the people she spoke to are correct, or know what they're talking about is irrelevant. Whether or not she even spoke to anyone is irrelevant. She does NOT say what the original poster in this thread claims she said.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by LordBucket

Well, here is the proof guys, but it comes somewhere in the middle or later fo the video, you can scroll up the News footage of Military Training for a Swine Flu Pandemic, they did it at some Highschool.

What I find most amusing is that in the Drill they do, the public is panicking and causing a riot because the WANT the flu vaccine and there is not enough, and the military is fighting off those who want it.

Isn't that interesting? They are doing a training drill where people are fighting for the vaccine instead of of against it?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 06:03 PM
right... it's a woman on YouTube talking about her 'experience' - must be 100% true.

I'm sure ALL the Homeland Security people are in-the-know about the whole agenda too.

right or wrong, unproven, factless video like this is a waste of time.

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