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What if the gods from the past returned today?

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:01 AM
Hey there 'AS' my old friend how goes it with you. Been 7months since I was last on-line so lot's of catching-up to do.

Personally, I don't think the Gods ever totally left ... you know from past chats where I stand on this matter but it's interesting to see the replies you've got so far.

I agree with what 'Common Sence says...' and I reckon we should be dusting off the naughty steps around the planet right now !

'Pellovoisin', wow ... my first thought was 'bit of an over reaction', but then I read what it said above your avatar ... 'madwoman - older than dirt', so I'm guessing that maybe they p#@**~> you off the first time around ... even so it can't be healthy to hold a grudge that long surely ?

>>> There seems to be a repetitive message embedded in myth / legend / bible etc, that speaks of a second time.
For example;

* Bible, mentions the '2nd coming of the messiah'.

* Egyptians, speak of the 1st time ... 'when God's walked the Earth as men'. This does imply that they expect there to be a 2nd time .

* Arthurian, legend claims that 'Arthur is not dead but merely sleeping, and he will awaken and bring his men back together when they need him'

All of which adds credence to the theory of a return of the Gods. Having said that I don't think we will be in any doubt they are the real thing when they make their presence known. Exciting times !!!


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:01 AM
Love this thread. It's such a great topic and at the heart of my interests in the Spiritual.

Karen Armstrong, in her book 'A History of God' writes:

"Men and women started to worship gods as soon as they became recognizably human; they created religions at the same time as they created works of art."

Sigmund Freud, whom I really don't like much, had this to say in his book 'Moses and Monotheism':

"Religious intolerance was inevitably born with the belief in one God".

Jonathan Kirsch, in his book 'God Against the Gods' wrote:

On September 11, 2001, we were reminded once again of the real meaning of the 3000-year-old conflict between monotheism and polytheism. The men who hijacked and crashed four civilian airliners were inspired to sacrifice their own lives, and to take the lives of several thousand "infidels" because they had embraced the simple but terrifying logic that lies at the heart of monotheism: if there is only one god, if there is only one right way to worship that god, then there is only one fitting punishment for failing to do so - death.

Personally, I believe in the Creator. If one needs to call the Creator a God, then that is fine with me and I won't argue, BUT, I feel it's a step towards 'humanizing' the Creator. When I think of the Creator, I have no idea what it is, whether man, woman, beast or even a corporeal entity. I simply don't know and prefer to leave it at that.

That the Creator also made Lesser Beings to help us in our daily lives on earth is also something that I believe in. It gives us 'contact' to the creator through personal Divine Entities. Nothing wrong with it and there are multitudes of them still active wthin the minds of humankind.

I even wrote a poem begging for their return to our consciousness:


Return to us from ancient time, oh
Son of Saturn;
Aritron the alchemist, who
squeezed coal into diamond eyes
to set into the grey sockets
of his stone children.


Regard our plight, oh
Son of Jupiter;
Bethor the medium, who
bartered among the spirits
to bestow longivity and power
to the worthy.


Strengthen our arms, oh
Son of Mars;
Phaleg the warrior, who
hardened the resolve of soldiers
through the battle madness
and on to honour.


Weigh down our treasury, oh
Solar Son;
Och the wise, who
brought gold to the world
establishing value in the scales
and to our eyes.


Drop the veil so we may see, oh
Child of Beauty;
Hagith the lover, who
enchanted men and women
with spirit servants guiding
our fingers entwining.


Teach us so we may learn, oh
Son of Mercury;
Ophiel the messenger, who,
as holder of the philosophers stone,
created grand artistic wonders
through our crafty fingers.


Never leave us, oh
Son of Luna;
Phul the gatekeeper, who
whispers to the Goddesses.
Giver of silver and water spirits
to heal our aching minds.

As to whether this thread belongs in a place other than the Crypto forum, I have this other poem of mine to offer:

With humble hobblings,
a congo line began
Ratcheting up to wild youthful circlings,
I am a bird of prey upon the world
descending in maturity to
a snake dance confined
within a 13 foot circle
upon cleansed ground
with wisdoms groaning load
plodding, plotting
to kill the Minotaur
and save the maiden
at the end of unravelled string.


Edit to correct apostrophic calamaties

[edit on 30/10/09 by masqua]

[edit on 30/10/09 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:42 PM
Our Government Already has............Why would they put it in the Emergency Guide Book (in case of Extra Tresestrial landings)

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Pellevoisin
What if the gods from the past returned today?

I would kill them. This is humanity's time, not theirs.

Former gods can take a hike to the burial pit.

you could try all you want, I assure you a bunch of humans cannot beat a god. it just simply isnt going to happen. they are more than capable of ending humanity. ended. done. buh bye. So dont think for one moment that they can be killed that easily.

The Gods are already here. They live among us and have simply learned in all their years to tolerate humanity and keep their true identity hidden. They understand what happens when large groups of panicked scared irrational humans get together. People would simply not know how to accept them and what they are. its just to fantastical for many people to see as real. sad really...

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:21 PM
I think it would have to come to a show of power. The thing is, if a god from any pantheon showed up, you'd have to presume others would. Things would get nasty.

TMZ might be worth watching once in awhile though

A few fictional recommendations that tie to the subject;

"American Gods" by Neil Gaiman. Not only a great book on gods in modern times, but the best book I've pretty much ever read.

"Thor vol. 1" by Marvel. Thor decides to plunk Asgard down in the middle of Oklahoma.

"Ultimates vol. 1" by Marvel. Although I didn't particularly like it, in the context of the story, Thor develops a cult following, but is viewed by many to be mentally unstable, perhaps even an escaped mental patient.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by oneiros

"Thor vol. 1" by Marvel. Thor decides to plunk Asgard down in the middle of Oklahoma.

"Ultimates vol. 1" by Marvel. Although I didn't particularly like it, in the context of the story, Thor develops a cult following, but is viewed by many to be mentally unstable, perhaps even an escaped mental patient.

While i wouldnt exactly bring comic books into this, i do agree that those particulars can indeed offer one example of how humans may behave in the situations i described,

My main worry is that no matter what, some humans will always sabotage whats beneficial to them,
Having a genuine 'god' show up could benefit humanity on so many levels, however there would always be that group of humans who would fight it, deny it etc. and thus ruining it for everyone,

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:44 PM
"What if the gods from before returned and were here today"

Seriously, if they were "gods" then they would still be here. If they were "gods", they wouldn't just disappear. There has, is and always will be only one God and he is still here today and if you look into the history of it, there is more archaeological evidence than all the proof of any other so called "gods" put together.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:56 PM
I would do what I usually do when I encounter a god, greet them as a brother and talk to them about life, love and politics.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by Waiting_2_be_turned

I'm curious, would you consider Homer's Iliad and the subsequent discovery of Troy to be proof that Zeus is a real god?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 09:11 PM
I myself believe that there are Gods that live among us. They might not even know it themselves.

My prediction is that the Gods reincarnated themselves into our time to view the way people think and act. They might have blocked their God memories to stop from thinking one sided and to view the situations from both sides. That way they don't make one sided judgments when the time comes.

I turly believe that there are Gods in this world. If you look hard enough you'll spot one.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 09:36 PM
This was exactly the subject of a popular book called American Gods by Neil Gaiman. The old gods are weakened by loss of belief, and are reduced to the seamy underside of life. They emigrate to America hoping to revive their former glory, and in doing so they encounter some new gods as well.

I personally didn't like the book (a bit too raunchy for my taste) but if you like raunchy horror novels, this one may be for you!

... a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn't sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he's been delivering since his Sandman days.

... Armed only with some coin tricks and a sense of purpose, (main character) Shadow travels through, around, and underneath the visible surface of things, digging up all the powerful myths Americans brought with them in their journeys to this land as well as the ones that were already here. Shadow's road story is the heart of the novel, and it's here that Gaiman offers up the details that make this such a cinematic book--the distinctly American foods and diversions, the bizarre roadside attractions, the decrepit gods reduced to shell games and prostitution. "This is a bad land for Gods," says Shadow.


Gods die, the very old ones who lose all of their followers. Why does Gaiman include their stories? Well, it certainly lends to the dark atmospherics of his book. I think he also wanted to show how these gods and their worshippers came to this land: some as traders; some in chains; some as warriors and hunters. Here, he says, here is how we ended up elbow-to-elbow with Odin and Ibis-headed gods, gods of the internet, and gods of the land. No wonder Armageddon is inevitable.


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:01 PM
I loved "American Gods". One of the greatest books I've ever read (but I always had a soft spot for Gaiman).
I think what would happened depends on what gods would came back. I assume Nordic gods would think that Greek gods are lazy and boring, and Greek gods would consider Aztec gods cruel and barbaric. And Egyptian gods? How would other gods react to animal-headed people? They would probably start arguing with each other to the point of war. Which would probably be won by Noridc gods all things consdiered.
(I assume they'd appear phusically)
Ok, they may be gods, but they wouldn't survive a day in big city. Probably they'd try to attack cars and do other weird things. People would probably stay away from them, because they would think they are just some crazy homeless people and laugh at them (gods may be cruel, but people achieved whole new levels of cruelness).

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