@ Cosmic4life: Hmmm...you kind of hit on what I was thinking, as I was typing it? (cue scary music
This will be hard to translate, so , bear with me here...
It starts with the basic premise that money is useless...
It starts with us and our young...
It starts with the premise that we have enough of everything for everybody...everywhere...
We start with our young at birth with a program like "My Child can Read"? or something similar...
This takes advantage of a child's unlimited learning potential, while neurons and synapses are fluid and open...
As they progress, expose them to many stimulating subjects, and find which ones they are predisposed to...IE: Science/Medical/Engineering/ect...
Education is free to all and there are few mandatory subjects (suggestions?)
Let them follow their own interests to the fullest...as they mature they become the Scientists/Doctors/Engineers that they actually are meant to
be...not relegated to what some ~suit~ at a school thinks they should be...this gives them a great advantage as they will actually be happy in their
chosen professions and excel...
Meanwhile...at the present time the World is awash in a excess of almost all consumer needed goods...except food...
An outflow from the Mega-Citys to the open countryside would be desired to de-centralize the Corporate mindset and instill more self
dependence...people would grow food and raise livestock again for their own sustenance and excess would be distributed to any/all who needed/wanted it
On the consumer goods we all need/desire...the engineers engineer...people who are good at/like building things...let them...again...free...(some
people are just predisposed to building things...think a Carpenter...)
Everything is free...we only work to replace worn-out/broken things as needed...no need to have massive warehouses full of things when everyone
basically has what they need/want...we'd only work part time when a shortage was fore seen...
This in turn would lift a great burden from people who could actually live...enjoy what life has to offer...travel...ect...
This is just a rough thought that has been spinning between my ~gears~ of late...
Any thoughts/additions/modifications/flames?
[edit on 10/8/2009 by Hx3_1963]