Whether you believe they're just creations from sci-fi or not there is a large belief in the existence of Alien Reptilian Races and that they have
visited Terra. They have all mostly been labeled the "bad guys" of the universe do to their believed dominant ego's, desire to perhaps control
galaxies across space, and violence towards other races and species whether they be Draconian, Bootes, or Rigel, one or more maybe known as the
Could their Ego and speciesism be caused by the lacking of one of the know chakra's specifically the Sacral Chakra?
Now if you find this thread strange and have never heard of any of these things previously mentioned please feel free to stop here and find a new
thread to read. If you are familiar with the Reptilian Races but don't know about the Chakra's you can find information about them here:
Wiki and specifically information on the Sacral Chakra here:
And I guess if you are familiar with the Chakra's but not of the alien reptilian species, you can find information here:
curezone This doesn't go into the cryptozoology of the different species or how they are alien
but gives you a basic Earthly background.
Now to get on topic. This whole idea was something I just recently pieced together based on accounts from not only abductions by the Reptile Aliens
but also the Greys.
Now what would Greys have anything to do with this, well supposedly most common Greys are not an alien race that acts in accordance with its own
agenda, instead most common Greys are supposedly under the control of the Reptilian races. The Greys are essentially there servants with a hive-mind
mentality similar to that of the Borg if anyone is familiar with that Star Trek reference.
Typical abductions performed by Greys deal with the Greys having interest in the physiology of the human body, more specifically the reproductive
organs. Tests generally involve stimulation of the subjects genitals until orgasm, possible impregnation, and other cross species breading. Ya I know,
this is sounding really weird. The experiments appear to also be focused around the Sacral Chakra since they appear to be more interested in how
organs in the area work rather than just harvesting them.
Now why? Why, why, why? What does this have anything to do with the Reptilians? Well from a Terran stand point we understand that there are only a
lucky few species that engage in sexual intercourse for pleasure and that the reptile species that inhabit Terra are not one of those fortunate
species. Is it possible that the evolution of these other worldly species has kept them from moving beyond the instinct that procreation is only for
the survival of the species? That there is no exchange of emotion, especially that of love, with these species when it comes to procreation and
therefore never get the true sense of release when in the company of their companion and therefore have no sense of the Sacral Chakra?
See where I am going with this?
In my studies of the Buddhist Philosophy I quickly came to the conclusion that the opposite of LOVE is not hate but in fact suffering. All things
negative stem from the suffering of another being including hate.
Could what I have just discussed be the source of the Reptilian Ego? A suffering caused by the lack of possessing a Sacral Chakra, therefore there is
the conquest of the Greys by order of these Reptilian beings to study human kind because we have the capability of possessing all the Chakras?
This is just something I have been pondering and thought made sense, that is if these humanoid species exist...
[edit on 8-10-2009 by GenLo]