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Objects recorded in space on latest NASA trip to the ISS

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:47 AM
Hi this is my first thread ever in here. I saw Jaime Maussan's TV show on Sunday and he said he had a guy recording and watching everything the astrounats were seeing with their cameras on the last trip to the International space station.

There was a mexican astronaut in there and according to Maussan he's the one who was controlling the camera and recorded the things you will see in this video. Maussan says in the video he would like it if he explained the things in the video but knows he must have a lot of pressure from NASA so he believes he won't say anything.

Most of the objects in the video look interesting BUT I think Maussan and his reporter dropped the ball at 1:50 saying all those things you see flying are a "fleet" of objects, I don't know a lot about space but I seen those things before in videos and they are definitely not ships or orbs.

Let's see what the expert say about the things in the video.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:05 AM

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:08 AM
The video in the first post is from mission STS-128 II-276, and this next video also has objects recorded from the ISS in space from mission STS 127 III-273, it's also worth watching:

[edit on 8-10-2009 by spartan1337]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by spartan1337]

[edit on 8-10-2009 by spartan1337]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Aaaa, Jaime Maussan... right.

well i saw this before in other Nasa missions, even explained by the astronauts themselves, in some of missions archived here: (i can't say in which one right now, but i've adnotated somewhere the sequences.)

anyway, those objects are just ice particles going from the thrusters, and nothing more.

[edit on 8/10/09 by depthoffield]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by depthoffield
Aaaa, Jaime Maussan... right.

well i saw this before in other Nasa missions, even explained by the astronauts themselves, in some of missions archived here: (i can't say in which one right now, but i've adnotated somewhere the sequences.)

anyway, those objects are just ice particles going from the thrusters, and nothing more.

even the big ones that are far from the ISS?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:31 AM
welll, i didn't look to the second movie, because you didn't embedded well (broken link), and i have a very bad internet bandwith here... plus i'm at work.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:35 AM
I am only just coming to understand that a lot of people regard Jaime Maussan to be a big "red flag" in this subject... It seems he doesn't get much credit.
Why is that?

I would like to know because a while ago I purchased a couple of DVD presentations of his from the UFO Congress store online and found them to be interesting (even though his presentations were a little dis-organized, couldn't seem to figure out his laptop haha).

I feel kind of bummed out that a lot of people don't take him very seriously, Did I waste my money?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Echelon117
I am only just coming to understand that a lot of people regard Jaime Maussan to be a big "red flag" in this subject... It seems he doesn't get much credit.
Why is that?

I would like to know because a while ago I purchased a couple of DVD presentations of his from the UFO Congress store online and found them to be interesting (even though his presentations were a little dis-organized, couldn't seem to figure out his laptop haha).

I feel kind of bummed out that a lot of people don't take him very seriously, Did I waste my money?

Nah, he's for real but sometimes he's too naive for his own good, he lost a lot of credibility from ppl around the world for backing up Jonathan Reed, who was exposed as a hoax, sometimes he messes up but I think he has good intentions trying to discover as much as possible to show the people (and making some good money from it too).

I've been to 2 of his conferences and they have around 40% is good and 60% is stupid (too much crop circles and a couple of vids that later turn out to be hoaxes, like the vid shot at night of that "alien" that hops and then jumps like 30 meters or something like that.

The only good thing he's done lately is record that NASA material cause I haven't seen any of it in any other place.

His latest "research" is this supposed baby alien that was found here in Mexico, he claims he has been doing scientific exams on that thing but he hasn't revealed the results yet, he says a lot of ppl from around the world have went to him to ask him about that thing.

Fixed 2nd video.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by spartan1337]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by spartan1337

Well I got the impression that his heart is in the right place, he genuinely seems passionate about this subject and the truth, so thats good. I actually quite like him, he seems very humble.

So you say you're from Mexico? I am from Australia, and since seeing Jaime's supported videos of the UFO fleets and bizarre "Worms" I have wanted to go to Mexico and try and catch a glimpse...
Have you ever seen them yourself?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Echelon117
reply to post by spartan1337

Well I got the impression that his heart is in the right place, he genuinely seems passionate about this subject and the truth, so thats good. I actually quite like him, he seems very humble.

So you say you're from Mexico? I am from Australia, and since seeing Jaime's supported videos of the UFO fleets and bizarre "Worms" I have wanted to go to Mexico and try and catch a glimpse...
Have you ever seen them yourself?

Well I have only seen a UFO once (it was a huge red light in the sky that was static, it wasn't even that far in the sky) and my dad saw 2 of them flying really close, my mom and a lot of ppl from her work saw a huge one near the mountains that had a rectangular shape but no one took pics.

I seen Maussan's videos of hundreds of orbs in the sky but haven't seen that myself, it usually happens in states in the middle of the country, I'm up north.

The ones where he talks about worms, flying humanoids and even a flying "horse" I think are only balloons filled with helium with those shapes.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by spartan1337
There was a mexican astronaut in there and according to Maussan he's the one who was controlling the camera ...

Wouldn't it be a simple first step to see if there are any Mexican astronauts anywhere?

All official records say the last astronaut from Mexico made a shuttle flight in 1985.

Maybe he meant an American of Mexican heritage.

[edit on 8-10-2009 by JimOberg]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:00 AM
First video clearly seems like some debris coming out of the shuttle. However, the second video is amazing, lots of odd objects there!

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by spartan1337
There was a mexican astronaut in there and according to Maussan he's the one who was controlling the camera ...

Wouldn't it be a simple first step to see if there are any Mexican astronauts anywhere?

All official records say the last astronaut from Mexico made a shuttle flight in 1985.

What does Mausson claim? One on a recent mission?

Who does he think his target audience is -- idiots?

Is he right?



posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by spartan1337

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by spartan1337
There was a mexican astronaut in there and according to Maussan he's the one who was controlling the camera ...

Wouldn't it be a simple first step to see if there are any Mexican astronauts anywhere?

All official records say the last astronaut from Mexico made a shuttle flight in 1985.

What does Mausson claim? One on a recent mission?

Who does he think his target audience is -- idiots?

Is he right?



Yeah, I figured when he said 'Mexican' he meant 'American of Mexican heritage'. So I retracted my slam.

Now, if any of US called Hernandez a 'Mexican', we'd be in deep PC trouble.

But I guess Mexicans can call anybody they want 'Mexicans', they get a pass.

I was thinking too literally. That can make me look like an idiot from time to time, too.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Echelon117
I am only just coming to understand that a lot of people regard Jaime Maussan to be a big "red flag" in this subject... It seems he doesn't get much credit.
Why is that?

I would like to know because a while ago I purchased a couple of DVD presentations of his from the UFO Congress store online and found them to be interesting (even though his presentations were a little dis-organized, couldn't seem to figure out his laptop haha).

Hmmm, lemme try to explain.
Many will be surprised by this statement, but the guy has been a GREAT researcher, in the past: then, i don't know what happened to him, but he started to endorse the WRONG stuff, and his reliability is extremely close to ZERO: i hope he will find out something really interesting so he will have some chance to be taken seriously once again.

Maussan's claims and facts:

  • CLAIM: Maussan claims the photo below was the best photo ever taken of a giant UFO in space.

    FACT: The photo appearing in the October 6, 1997 issue of "Contacto Ovni Magazine" is actually that of a galaxy forming, not a UFO.

  • CLAIM: Maussan claims 'Dr.Reed' UFO case is real and scientific evidence supports it. Maussan claims his alleged intelligence contacts within the military warned him that the case is real and very dangerous. Maussan takes 'Dr.Reed' on a national speaking tour of Mexico and creates a media campaign to promote the case. These speaking engagements sell out at many locations.

    FACT: 'Dr.Reed' and his entire case have been exposed as a fraud. Maussan is challenged to produce his alleged scientific evidence and fails. Maussan and associates claim to have thoroughly investigated 'Dr.Reed' and to have established his claims, evidence, and witnesses. Claims of an alleged alien device being of extraterrestrial origin are never proven in spite of Maussan claiming the bunk device utilized advanced nano-technology. Not a grain of proof is ever forthcoming from Maussan to back any of his claims.

  • CLAIM: Maussan was saying that UFO video shot from a helicopter in New York City was real and had been analyzed.

    FACT: Video was a hoax produced by the Sci-Fi Channel.

  • CLAIM: Publicly stated it had been confirmed that the comet Hale-Bopp was bringing giant motherships to evacuate the planet.

    FACT: No mother ships, planet still here along with population. Hale-Bopp UFO hoax exposed as a fraud by Jeff Rense.

  • CLAIM: Maussan said he had radar tapes confimrming presence of UFOs in Mexico's airspace.

    FACT: To date, no such evidence has been brought forward.

  • CLAIM: Maussan claims that he investigated a case where an airliner collided with a UFO in Mexico. Also claimed that "tons" of evidence and documents supported the case.

    FACT: No evidence was ever produced.

  • CLAIM: Promoted alleged alien photo as being real and impossible to replicate.

    FACT: Photo was easily replicated. Maussan, in spite of being told it was fake prior to the story running at, insisted the photo was genuine even after being told it was a fake.

  • CLAIM: Maussan said there were gigantic UFO motherships orbiting the planet disguised as stars.

    FACT: When asked for proof, Maussan exclaimed that was why the stars in the night sky moved - because they were UFOs!

See also

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Well, putting Maussan aside the vids are legit because they're from NASA, so the objects in there are the focus of this thread.

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