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David Wilcock: Full Disclosure and Introduction to ET by years end?

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 05:34 PM
@cindymars: How did the poll end up? I think that overall the numbers you posted at first are a good sign, no?

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 05:53 PM
Wilcox, as mentioned in many other posts on this topic, has done too much acid. Yeah It would be great to see something of that magnitude brought to the masses, But not because this guy says so. It's like predicting there will be a very large earthquake next year in California. It's bound to happen anyway, regardless of who says it. Just keep it generalized with no dates and you can't be wrong..Wilcox= gluesniffer

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Cybernet
@cindymars: How did the poll end up? I think that overall the numbers you posted at first are a good sign, no?

I don't know. Maybe I still have the email I can check it again and see if the numbers changed. If so I will edit this and post them here.

The numbers were the same, I think.
Total votes:2,982

a) Be first in line to welcome them. 55.5%
b) Observe from a distance. 33.9%
c) Get as far away as possible! 10.5%

[edit on 5-11-2009 by cindymars]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Hm, so basically out of those almost 3000 people, 55.5% welcome the idea and are open to it, 33.9% are 50/50 on this and can change depending on the situation and how the visitors are like, 10.5% would be probably the ones making a fuzz about it and chaos. Hm, so overall 89,4% of people are more less ready, which is a huge majority. I think that is a good result. And im shure this poll aint a coincidence, it shurely serves a higher agenda then just tv show entertainment. Hm, maybe a disclosure will happen soon afterall. Let's wait and see.

Forgot to say "thanks"

[edit on 5/11/09 by Cybernet]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:52 PM
I have voted too Is Earth Ready to Meet an Alien Civilization? on
My vote is a great big YES we are ready . hopeful we get some life forms in our picture in near future

[edit on 5-11-2009 by MarkLuitzen]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by MarkLuitzen

Hm, alot of voters over there...over 4k!
37% Yes
39% Maybe
24% No
=> 76% would be fine with the, so again a good result..!

I wonder if they made this poll on CNN what the results would be? But im glad that more and more people are accepting the idea. Finally.

[edit on 5/11/09 by Cybernet]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:26 PM
A funny observation of mine today. First I read this article:

"Vatican looks to heavens for signs of alien life (AP)

AP - E.T. phone Rome. Four hundred years after it locked up Galileo for challenging the view that the Earth was the center of the universe, the Vatican has called in experts to study the possibility of extraterrestrial alien life and its implication for the Catholic Church."

Then I went to one of my favorite spiritual sites for some channeling fun, and I read this channeling (believe me, I understand some of these are ridiculous, but bear with me on this one, it's fun):


Tomorrow, President Obama will be leaving for a trip to China. There will be talk about the World Bank.

The old timeline is coming to an end.

In order for the old timeline to dissolve, all institutions, including banks and the stock market, must dissolve.

Once torn down, a new system may be introduced.
You have seen many messages about 11:11 being a portal, a place to get your individual house in order.

Globally, it is a portal to call it quits to deals written on bad paper.

Real Estate sales, Stock Market Futures, Taxes, Currency with no base, Utilities, False imprisonment, are a few examples where bad paper has been used for illegal scams.
When the Chinese call in the loans, they have given around the world, it will shift everything.

It will resemble a house of cards falling quickly.
There may appear to be chaos for a short time. One of the reasons for the wait in decloakings, is so every single minute detail can happen as fairly as is possible.
Timing is everything. There is no reason to have one group or another in a hardship. It is better to wait and allow all issues to be handled in a fluid manner.

Arrests, Decloakings, Announcements, NESARA, Mass Landings, in that order.
The trip to China has been planned for at least a month. The Dalai Lama visited a Chinese border town a few days ago. China holds an important part of the puzzle piece. There are many needs in China for everything. The Communist regime has made life difficult for her citizens for far too long. The relief these Souls seek is here now.
Not only is this meeting about dissolving the old financial system, it is also a signal to a large group of Earth Citizens.

The President of the United States will be attending life changing meetings. He will be organizing the Plan for including the new leaders who will take over when the Chinese Heads of State are arrested and new ones will be put in place.

This is all about Disclosure, Disclosure, Disclosure.

The last bit of the Master Plan is coming into play.

The Time For Peace Is Now.

Beth and Mark

So I thought, wouldn't it be funny if the Pope had the inside scoop on ET's arrival, and sent this out to the AP today, only to have mass decloakings in two days? He'd look like everyones hero!

I thought it was a nifty idea and had to share

Only time will tell.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 07:22 PM
Something is up. But I am very cautious. I am hoping that what will happen, once the announcement is made and a nwo order type/Vrill type exposure emerges, that that is all that required for the other groups to sail in. I'm waiting for the Federation and the Andromedan delegations. Completely different terms. Though I've read a few of the sites I normally don't and the Nesara one that my friend is into, talks about Ashtar, which I avoid all things about, except for the concept of the arrests. That is so odd, for I had this come to me several times that there were going to be arrests, and not Vrill type ones either. Nor what my friend talked about in the UK where some lower level officials (fall guys) looked like they were being staged for arrest. Nope. Not what I'm talking about. The heads of the world banks, we know who they are and many leaders, and corporate heads as well. Thats what I am really sending out my energy towards envisioning.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Yes, I've read that the Galactic Federation, which is comprised of so many different ET's, will be prevalent in this, if it does happen. They also say that since we are creating this reality as we go, there is a small, 1%-ish chance the plans will push into the future. All depends on the dark forces and our gullibility in falling into their fear tactics.

I say, do not fear ... anything. Just watch the happenings and don't get pulled into anything fear related. It can't exist if we don't give it the energy it craves.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:20 PM
They're Heeeeeeeerrrreeeeee !!

What is important that no individual have fear of our arrival because with those fears it will result in destruction around them. We have chosen to come to people like yourself to assist in transmitting information onto others and to prepare the human race for an integration of focusing the Light. Some may think that we are coming in masses to land upon the areas and in some areas we will do so. But these areas will be ones that are already accustomed to seeing our ships like Sedona, Mt. Shasta, in the plains states, in areas that are open, in the United Kingdom, areas of France, areas of Peru and the Himalayas. People already used to seeing our ships. In areas that are not accustomed to seeing us particularly in the cities, there will be more of an influx of light upon the Planet that will be felt by many individuals. This may result in electricity, and power areas being affected by our presence. This will be a sighting across the globe and not in one particular area or another. It will be important to have people such as yourself that can hold the light frequency. Our entry into the atmosphere has been occurring for many years and will have been showing ourselves to the chosen ones. It is now time for humanity to realize that we have been here all along and we ask those who choose to assist, to speak to the ones who will engage in conversations in a negative fashion. We also know very well about the secrets in your government and how there has been great coverup involvement. There are many individuals that are working with these energies and these involvements are going to be more fully open than previously has been shown. Our message on this day is to not create fear or negative thoughts but to assist in transmitting the love from all Universes onto Gaia and her inhabitants. It is now time that we have a cooperative effort in order to not only save your planet but many others that have been involved.


SAO PAULO (AFP) – Brazil on Wednesday sought to uncover the cause of a massive and mysterious blackout overnight, amid concerns of energy supply stability for the 2016 Olympics host nation.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by blujay]

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:34 PM
Energies are supposed to be sent in Novemeber, and an experiencer who is a friend of mine was given today as the first tentative timing. Quite strong energies ones that if you are sensitive may cause some discomfort and pain, and you should rest a lot. This is for coding the dna, and awareness. More starseeds are going to wake up. In August this lasted for days. Wonder if there is any correlation.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Unity_99
Yes, the energies of November are strong. Today is 11/11/11 and 33, so a great day to focus on positive manifesting! I've personally had a very surprising 24 hours already... who knew! If I could give any advice, I'd tell people to day dream and fantasize about the life you want to create. I'd say don't give your negative thoughts time to enter, just watch them go by like clouds...

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by Unity_99
Yes, the energies of November are strong. Today is 11/11/11 and 33, so a great day to focus on positive manifesting! I've personally had a very surprising 24 hours already... who knew! If I could give any advice, I'd tell people to day dream and fantasize about the life you want to create. I'd say don't give your negative thoughts time to enter, just watch them go by like clouds...

Today is 11/11/09 ... or rather yesterday for me ... but I agree ... it is a great day to focus on positive things ... as is, I believe, everyday!

But still no disclosure
... we are getting close WilCock!

No new updates on his website about that ...

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:23 AM
Since everyone else and their dog is making predictions these days I will to...

Remember, remember the 4th of December!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:29 AM
I hope no one actually believes in this horse crap.
To actually listen to what this guy says is one thing, but then to believe it lol, thats another.

When 2010 comes along please remember to take this guy off your 'this guy's legit' list.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by andre18]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:04 AM
DW did not predict this disclosure... Pete Peterson did, DW is just doing what he does best and that is ripping off other peoples info so he can regurgitate it in a trendy way so he can try to own it so he has something to sell on his web-site.

BTW I haven't really heard much out of DW since he inferred on C2C he was going to have this big spot on the 2012 special on SyFy and got edited down to about 4 seconds of air time. (Although that 2012 special was just trying to promote this silly 2012 movie and most of the material DW has plagiarized portrays 2012 in a good light. I'll give him that) At least SyFy sent him to the salon and did his make-up so he doesn't look so strung out.

But what kills me is no matter how much you prove DW is a fraud, people still go crazy defending him... And what really made sick was when magenta pixie made this worship video to DW.. She was the only channel I even half way followed, but after that I can officially say all channeled info BS.

Anyway to some sum everything up DW is a shill, Channelled Info is all BS. I would love for disclosure to happen, but I would gladly wait a couple more years just so DW can't take credit for Pete Peterson's info.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by blujay
reply to post by Unity_99
Yes, the energies of November are strong. Today is 11/11/11 and 33, so a great day to focus on positive manifesting! I've personally had a very surprising 24 hours already... who knew!

Did you notice that the page of this thread when you posted this was page # 33.

Cool synchronicity, I had headache yesterday bigtime.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Soon after ET disclosure I'm sure it will be made known that Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny are also real and that Obama is a Time Traveler that was sent back to alter the time line and save the World from annihilation.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 02:42 PM
I literally haven't posted here since like 2004, when I was 17.

But this is crazy. I'm in school, a creative writing major--and yesterday (the 11th), I had this ridiculous surge in production after being fatigued and just incredibly lethargic all day.

I stopped digging into ET stuff and conspiracies for about five years, but something seems to be guiding me back to it all.

This is all so strange, I hope disclosure does in fact come.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by dallasgboy

DW did not predict this disclosure... Pete Peterson did, DW is just doing what he does best and that is ripping off other peoples info so he can regurgitate it in a trendy way so he can try to own it so he has something to sell on his web-site.

BTW I haven't really heard much out of DW since he inferred on C2C he was going to have this big spot on the 2012 special on SyFy and got edited down to about 4 seconds of air time. (Although that 2012 special was just trying to promote this silly 2012 movie and most of the material DW has plagiarized portrays 2012 in a good light. I'll give him that) At least SyFy sent him to the salon and did his make-up so he doesn't look so strung out.

But what kills me is no matter how much you prove DW is a fraud, people still go crazy defending him... And what really made sick was when magenta pixie made this worship video to DW.. She was the only channel I even half way followed, but after that I can officially say all channeled info BS.

Anyway to some sum everything up DW is a shill, Channelled Info is all BS. I would love for disclosure to happen, but I would gladly wait a couple more years just so DW can't take credit for Pete Peterson's info.

I love it when a person bashes someone else who. 1. Is not here to defend themselves. 2. When the person who is doing the bashing doesn`t even know the other person

First off, he did not ripe off Peterson. Peterson has shared this info with many others, and he knows that the ones he shared it with is going to pass it on, that is what he wants. DW never claimed to "own" any of this info. SYFY did offer him a bigger spot on the show. They did this with almost everyone they contacted to have on the show. All they were interested in was the doom and gloom details of the 2012 predictions and nothing more. And because DW didn`t give them any DandG material, they cut his spot down to hardly anything.

As for you saying that he is a fraud, and has been proven as such, show us the proof. Show everything that is documented as proof. Until that time, what your spouting is nothing more then your own opinion. And as far as you throwing the word shill around, be careful, it could very well be used in your case.

Oh, by the way, DW doesn`t channel his information.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by FiatLux]

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