David thinks Obama is working on our side that right there should be one of the biggest red flags for everyone.
The evidence he provided on his website for obama being "with the good guys" has either not happened or it misinterpreted by him
1.For example he talks about how fox news promoting a revolution and overthrow of the government is a tell tale sign of the power elite falling.
-Of course they are, the number one thing tptb is known for is dividing us amongst each other and inciting violence because in reaction to that they
can instate greater control. Why do you think the "liberal" media is on the obama team and the "conservative" media is trying to infiltrate the
truth movement. Its a wrestling match on a national level people. This has nothing to do with either side losing power and has everything to do with
confusion, division, and inciting hate in each other. And they are accomplishing this very well, just go surf around some mainstream political sites,
the left is very hateful of the right because the left things the right is ready to storm the white house and overthrow our "democratically" elected
leader. They have the left to riled up and angry that most of them would be very much for throwing these unstable people in camps. All the mainstream
people who were against bush's illegal activity for the past 8 years now completely for it because their wrestler is in office.
2.He also talks about how obama is shutting down Guantanamo and other secret gulags
-obama to date has still not closed Guantanamo and has expanded the bush policy of holding citizens and non citizens without charges or
3.He talks about the fed coming down and obama being a part of that as well
-obama spoke openly about giving the fed more power.
4.Then he tops it all off with the fact that karl rove is attacking the the VP as more proof the NWO and illuminati factions are at war.
-Again more propaganda for the masses to keep the public entrenched in the left right stage show.
5.David also talked about in the c2c interview that asian countries like china are more spiritual and since they are gaining power they dont want to
kill people like the angloNWO and illuminati do.
-Ummm, david, have you done any research into the governments of east? Especially china who over the past 70 years has killed and suppressed more of
its own people than stalin and hitler combined.
Ive got news for everyone, if you think the NWO. illuminati, vatican, zionism, asian elite, arab elite, are all different factions fighting for their
own stake in things you are blinding yourself to the very apparent truth of the staged fall of the world elite and possible alien or human savior to
bring forth the new age backed by trans humanism and science based eugenics.
These groups do not play games and they are not stupid in any sense, they understood long ago fighting amongst themselves would lead to none of them
achieving their goals. which is why they play the division game with us, because they know we are the only ones who can overthrow them. Not the ETs
who are here to keep us safe as DW says (even though that breaks the cardinal rule of the earth being a free will zone) one of many contradictions DW
makes. Another contradiction DW makes is by saying he has been dreaming all these things and that is gives it more reason for him to believe it is
true. Then he turns around and tells others their dreams dont represent external events in reality but internal struggles that the subconscious is
bring attention to. So he gets to apply his dreams to reality but not us?
Also DW puts forth the idea that a global currency is a necessary change while also saying free energy is right around the corner.
No one is going to save us but ourselves stop looking to the stars, stop looking to gurus and search for the truth which resides within us all