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DHS strips Arizona sheriff of authority to patrol for illegal immigrants

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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Ok, someone help me out here please. I am looking for the law that states he does not have the right to arrest illegals. Everything I see says The feds deport, but the locals arrest. Under no circumstance what so ever is a person who works for the federal government, be it homeland security, DOD, or military, allowed to make the arrest.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:17 PM
and why do people seem to think illegals have rights. they are lucky since 911 the country didn't go on lockdown and classify any illegal immigration as enemy combatants.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by jam321

Well for starters, I will admit, I am as white as they come. Think undershirt and you have the approximate tone of my skin.

Well, as a resident of Maricopa County for over 90% of my life, I have been pulled over because the deputy had "probable cause to believe (I) had committed crimes"

I was speeding, I was pulled over, pulled out of the car at gunpoint, had my info run through the system, was questioned about what I was doing, who I was, where was I born, etc.

I've also been questioned as a suspicious character because I was asleep in my car in a parking lot by my work at 3or4am on my lunch break. I showed my DL, answered the questions, and went back to sleep.

Both situations have happened on multiple occasions and I was released. Had I been illegal, I would have been taken in.

Illegal immigrants are by definition criminals. They have clearly shown a blatant disregard for the laws of this country, first by being here illegally, second, by committing an offense that caused them to be detained. As they are not citizens, they do not have a valid DL, and if they give the officer a fake DL, they are committing another crime by knowingly providing false documents.

Whether they are stopped for murder or failure to signal a lane change is irrelevant. If they're illegal, they are criminals. Send them back to their homeland.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

What he was doing was illegal to begin with, he is responsible for many cruelties and deaths, he is a bad man and if you really cared about this country, you'd care that what he did was illegal to begin with. But you will ignore that.

Specifically what law is he violating by arresting illegal aliens?

Statute number?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Phlegmi
Its simple, he is acting outside of his jurisdiction. Its not his job to check for immigration status of someone that hasn't committed a crime, if he was to setup road checks to check who is an undocumented alien I bet everyone would love that right?

If they can set up road blocks to check if you're drunk, why not???

2nd line.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Phlegmi
Its simple, he is acting outside of his jurisdiction. Its not his job to check for immigration status of someone that hasn't committed a crime, if he was to setup road checks to check who is an undocumented alien I bet everyone would love that right?

It is his job to enforce the law. The key word is ILLEGAL immigrants. Just by them being in this country without the proper documentation they are committing a crime.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

Originally posted by Erasurehead

The Federal government is overstepping their authority again by ordering the state of Arizona to stop enforcing the law. They are citing some racial profiling nonsense as the reason to stop it.

Illegal immigrants are breaking the law so they should be arrested and deported. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing his job and the people of the state support him.

At least it looks like he is not going to listen to Janet Napolitano and he open border policies.

I might've known you'd take the side of the most corrupt cop in America.

What he was doing was illegal to begin with, he is responsible for many cruelties and deaths, he is a bad man and if you really cared about this country, you'd care that what he did was illegal to begin with. But you will ignore that.

Please educate me about what "cruelties and deaths" the sheriff is responsible for.

Tell me what is illegal about enforcing immigration laws..

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead
It is his job to enforce the law. The key word is ILLEGAL immigrants. Just by them being in this country without the proper documentation they are committing a crime.

There is nothing wrong with enforcing the law by sending illegal immigrants back to their country.

But my question is did you even read the article or the one I posted?

Please focus on HOW he is trying to curb illegal immigrants on the streets please, put your focus there.


posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:40 PM
You know this is ridiculous, if race factors in to a situation then race factors in to a situation.

This no racial profiling nonsense is nonsense. Racial profiling works all the way around regardless of your race.

Ever been pulled over as a white person because the police think that the only white person in the neighborhood you are being pulled over in would be there looking for drugs or prostitution. I have and well they weren’t entirely wrong about why I was there!

Here is the problem with not racial profiling people. I really don’t think someone’s blue haired little old Jewish Grandmother needs stripped searched at the Airport because she might be a terrorist, not because there is any chance in the world that she is a terrorists but it might offend someone if we didn’t profit off of inconveniencing EVERYONE instead of just inconveniencing the people who most fit the profile.

The FBI spends big dollars on profiling criminal behaviors and types by studying criminals and criminal behavior in order to better determine who would be a prime suspect in certain types of crime. They do this to save lives, time and money.

Corporations spend big dollars on profiling consumer behaviors and types by studying their purchasing habits and bargaining tactics and methods. They do this to sell more products.

Why is it when the most gifted minds in the Federal Government and the Corporate World believe there is a real benefit to profiling people because there is a real benefit to profiling people do we all want to run around instead pretending like “Well the little old Jewish Lady could be a suicide bomber” and the “20 something year old long haired white guy might be in this neighborhood to help the blind” so lets just pull everyone over instead all the time and put them all under the same microscope.

Without effective profiling you have either a police state were everyone is constantly harassed or you have a nation whose borders are so porous and enforcement of them is so sporadic and ineffective it leaks like a sieve.

Don’t kid yourself people the United States is crumbling from within because the reality is we aren’t the only people living here and running it. People with different values, cultures and traditions are eroding the wage earning potential by their willingness to work for less. They are willing to accept Government intrusions and overstepping of authority because our police state is a more prosperous police state than the one they came from. Heck even the President might be an undocumented worker…

I wonder if he took the job for less than Bush did?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:43 PM
And what is wrong with it even if he is racially profiling?

Do you deny that the majority of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border are hispanic/latino? To me it'd be an ideal way to find illegal hispanic/latino immigrants if you were looking for them - look for them.

It'd be ok to investigate everyone if there was a massive influx of europeans (for example) that I wasn't aware of, but until then it'd probably wise to look for the specific people you need to.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by AR154
And what is wrong with it even if he is racially profiling?

Do you deny that the majority of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border are hispanic/latino? To me it'd be an ideal way to find illegal hispanic/latino immigrants if you were looking for them - look for them.

Seems to be a reasonable enough solution. Unless you are a legal Hispanic/Latino resident. The problem with profiling is that any group could be profiled. Black, Hispanic, Asian, White, Sports car driver, pick-up trucks, unsavory bumper stickers....where does the madness end? It ends by disallowing profiling. Otherwise, you may be next!

[edit on 7-10-2009 by Aggie Man]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by digger2381

Well, as a resident of Maricopa County for over 90% of my life, I have been pulled over because the deputy had "probable cause to believe (I) had committed crimes"

I was speeding, I was pulled over, pulled out of the car at gunpoint, had my info run through the system, was questioned about what I was doing, who I was, where was I born, etc.

Speeding is not a crime unless it is excessive. So, where exactly does your probable cause for committing a crime come in? Most traffic violations are not crimes.

If you think getting pulled over at gunpoint and processed like a felon for simple going over the speed limit is acceptable police behavior in the United States of America, then you really don't know what your rights are and I feel bad for you living in a county run by NAZI PIG JOE.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:18 PM
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Funny anyone read the 14th amendment lately, they may be illegal but they still have rights. That's why Guantanamo had to be off the United States soil. These people should not be profiled because then you get into the bad habit of thinking any Hispanic person is an illegal.

Have you ever tried living in a place where everyone thinks you are some sort of criminal, and yet still live here because you believe it has more hope than your home??

I haven't and I couldn't imagine.....

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by BaronVonGodzilla

Originally posted by Erasurehead

The Federal government is overstepping their authority again by ordering the state of Arizona to stop enforcing the law. They are citing some racial profiling nonsense as the reason to stop it.

Illegal immigrants are breaking the law so they should be arrested and deported. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing his job and the people of the state support him.

At least it looks like he is not going to listen to Janet Napolitano and he open border policies.

I might've known you'd take the side of the most corrupt cop in America.

What he was doing was illegal to begin with, he is responsible for many cruelties and deaths, he is a bad man and if you really cared about this country, you'd care that what he did was illegal to begin with. But you will ignore that.


We're dealing with actual news items here, not just hear-say ...

I think without offering any proof of the allegations you just made, yours is the post that needs to be ignored as possibly even being slanderous ...

And "racial profiling"? Just an out of control political correctness term, IMO.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by saber13
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Funny anyone read the 14th amendment lately, they may be illegal but they still have rights. That's why Guantanamo had to be off the United States soil. These people should not be profiled because then you get into the bad habit of thinking any Hispanic person is an illegal.

Have you ever tried living in a place where everyone thinks you are some sort of criminal, and yet still live here because you believe it has more hope than your home??

I haven't and I couldn't imagine.....

The 14th amendment applies to citizens of the United States of America not illegal immigrants. They are not citizens they are breaking the law.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Sheriff Joe Arpaio belongs in an intensive management unit in a Federal Penitentiary for his crimes against humanity. I say lock the leftover fat stupid ugly NAZI Pig up and use him for medical research. I know when he dies we will all hear hallelujah vibrating in the wind and people will come from all over the world just to urinate on his grave.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

"nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property"

No it applies to any person just like it says, any and all

It does not say nor shall any state deprive any American citizen of life, liberty, or property, but ANY PERSON.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:37 PM
I was stopped on the way home from work one night five times. My car fit the description of the car used in a pizza shop robbery. Each time the officer approached my car with his gun drawn. The manager of the pizza shop had been shot. I showed my identification and was sent on my way. I have no problem with this. I do have a problem with the person that the Police were after being Black and the Police where this took place not relaying this information to other Police because it violated their policy on racial profiling.

I also have no problem with the deportation of illegal aliens. They have already broken at least one law by being in the US, I have no confidence in their not breaking any other laws. Those of you who don't like it, call your Senators and Congresscritters and get the law changed. Until you do, don't bitch about the cops doing their jobs. Put the blame where it belongs on your elected representatives.

As far as profiling is concerned, if it works, use it. My favorite was the City Counselwoman who complained that 80% of the people arrested in her district were Black. She said that the Police had to be using racial profiling, until it was pointed out to her that 80% of the people in her district ARE Black.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
The FBI spends big dollars on profiling criminal behaviors and types by studying criminals and criminal behavior in order to better determine who would be a prime suspect in certain types of crime. They do this to save lives, time and money.

Corporations spend big dollars on profiling consumer behaviors and types by studying their purchasing habits and bargaining tactics and methods. They do this to sell more products.

Actions speak louder than skin color
you are mistakenly comparing behaviorism with ethnic origins
which is a HUGE error, a fallacious syllogism

We need to look at people as invidiuals
EVERYONE on this planet is an individual
What you are advocating only increases hatred towards law enforcers, which in turn results in more crime.

There is no positive aspect, no matter which angle you look at it, of what you are advocating here.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Why is it when the most gifted minds in the Federal Government

I don't know where you've been bro but.... there ARE NO gifted minds in the federal govt.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Without effective profiling you have either a police state were everyone is constantly harassed

This is very flawed logic here and completely untrue
People, especially around the bible belt, can easily succumb to prejudice.

But if EVERYONE was constantly harrased, it would just NOT work.
Everyone would revolt, as opposed to now where some people will say "ya throw them mexicans back into their jungle" or something of the sort.

There wouldn't even be enough law enforcers to constantly harrass or impede the blowback from the constant harrasement.

So you are completely wrong here.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

There must of been allot of Pizza store robberies in that county because we already have two ATS posters who've been subject to felony stops without having committed a crime and both of them are grateful for it.

Maybe there's something in the water that makes everyone in that area more docile. Either that or Sheriff Joe's cronies are posting at ATS.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by verylowfrequency]

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